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e ery Contest.

&ontests to play. "n each Contest, Players roll their dice in two phases as shown below#

Standard Play

Joust is a fast-paced and portable game where players go head-to-head in a Contest of Dice!

To start with, you roll all % dice to match as many dice as possible. $ou may re-roll any dice combination up to three times to match as many similar dice as possible. &t the end of three turns, you must (eep the matching dice and discard the non-matching dice before the Jousting 'ound. The dice you matched will be used to (oust against your opponent!

Score. &t the end of the (ousting roll, you must score the roll by summingup the rolled dice faces. "n the e ent of a tie, you must re-roll your (ousting dice until a winner is determined. The player with the highest Jousting Score at the end of this round wins the Contest!

This game is meant to be played by 2 Players at a time during Standard Play.

Game Pieces
This bo! contains 10 si -sided !"#$ dice that will be di ided up into % "# dice per player.

*on-Standard Play
Players may agree to play in larger groups. &lso, Players may agree to Tournament style play. Same rules apply.

Jousting 'ound
$ou ha e the remaining matching dice with which to roll. During this phase, you will roll the dice you matched in the Preparation 'ound one time. )his single roll is your Jousting

Players roll dice to defeat their opponents on the field of battle, with the highest Jousting Score deciding the winner at the end of

&ontests and 'ounds

Standard Play consists of &ontests made up of 2 'ounds Per &ontest. Players must agree on the number of

Preparation 'ound


$ou ha e % dice with which to roll.

&ll clip art images are &opyright, 'oyalty -ree.

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