MEDIA RELEASE Angus Taylor Slams Arrogance of Archer Daniels in Bid For Graincorp

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29 November 2013


Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has slammed the arrogance of U agr!bus!ness g!ant Archer "an!els M!dland #A"M$ !n !ts d!scuss!ons %!th farm!ng grou&s over the sale of 'ra!ncor&( Mr Taylor sa!d A"M had only !tself to blame for today)s announcement by the Treasurer to bloc* !ts ta*eover b!d( +The!r un%!ll!ngness to agree to ongo!ng enforceable regulat!on of a un!,ue mar*et &os!t!on has been arrogant( Th!s !s a bus!ness %!th h!gher mar*et share than -oles and .ool%orths comb!ned/ and they never acce&ted the !m&l!cat!ons of such a &r!v!leged &os!t!on( The latest offer of add!t!onal money from A"M only 20 hours ago %as s!m&ly a sugar coat!ng/1 Mr Taylor sa!d( +From soon after the b!d %as announced/ 2 have been closely !nvolved !n d!scuss!ons %!th gra!n gro%ers from my electorate/ !nclud!ng the head of the N . Farmers Assoc!at!on 'ra!ns -omm!ttee "an -oo&er/ the Fore!gn 2nvestment 3ev!e% 4oard and A"M( 2t became clear that A"M %as not !nterested !n the future that %e all see for the !ndustry( +2f the ta*eover had been a&&roved %!th the!r &ro&osed cond!t!ons/ A"M %ould have been able to e5&lo!t an e5traord!nary mar*et &os!t!on/ and that %ould have been a d!saster for Austral!an gro%ers( +The fa!led b!d by A"M has had one clear set of benef!ts( The threat of a ta*eover has galvan!sed the Austral!an gra!n gro%!ng !ndustry !nto act!on( 'ro%ers are clear no% on the future d!rect!on/ but there)s much %or* to be done( +The success of the gra!ns !ndustry rel!es on farmers %or*!ng closely %!th 'ra!ncor&( There !s an enormous o&&ortun!ty as As!an mar*ets cont!nue to gro%/ but A"M %as not the r!ght &artner to real!se the o&&ortun!ty/1 he sa!d( For media enquiries !ease "a!! Sara# Bu"$ne!! on %&'' (%%& ) *((+ ,,, %%-.

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