RPT Math f4 2010

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JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI PAHANG Yearly Lesson Plan MATHEMATICS FORM 4 20 0 Ter! To"#$s %ee&s M#n#!'!

! La(#)an Objektif (nisbah 5:3:2) M#n#!'! La(# )an S'* +e&( #, (nisbah 5:3:2) 10 1+ Jan 12 ,eb 2010 2. 01A/RATIC E2PRESSIONS AN/ E01ATIONS 2.1 Understand and use the concept of -uadratic e.pression 2.2 ,actori/ing -uadratic e.pressions 2.3 Understand and use the concept of -uadratic e-uations 2.4 Understand and use the concept of roots of -uadratic e-uations 3. SETS 3.1 Understand the concept of set 3.2 Understand and use the concept of 1ubset2 Universal 1et2 )omplement of a 1et 3.3 $erform operations on sets M#4 Ter! *rea& 4. STATISTICS 5III6 4.1 Understand the concept of )lass #nterval 4.2 Understand and use the concept of "ode and mean for grouped data 4.3 4epresent and interpret data in histograms *ith class intervals of the same si/e to solve problems 4.4 4epresent and interpret data in fre-uenc5 pol5gons to solve problems 4 10 30 20 30 10 20 20 4 30 40 30 1 1 10 10 3 10 10 10 20 u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan - (eaching )ourse*are - 'al!. 0rafi! - 3utograph 10 20 20 13 "ac-21 "ac 2010 Ba)an So&on-an Pen--'naan ICT

4 Jan 15 Jan 2010

. STAN/AR/ FORM 1.1 Understand and use the concept of significant figures 1.2 Understand and use the concept of standard form to solve problems

30 30

15 ,eb 12 "ac 2010

u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan

(eaching )ourse*are 'al!ulator

- (eaching )ourse*are - 'al!. 0rafi! - 01$

- (eaching )ourse*are

22 "ac & 3pr 2010

4.5 Understand the concept of )umulative ,re-uenc5 4.6 Understand and use the concept of "easures of 7ispersion to solve problems

10 20




M#n#!'! La(#)an Objektif (nisbah 5:3:2)

M#n#!'! La(# )an S'* +e&( #, (nisbah 5:3:2) 10 20 20 20 20 -

Ba)an So&on-an

Pen--'naan ICT

12 3pr 30 3pr 2010

3 "a5 - 14 "a5 2010

7. THE STRAIGHT LINE 5.1 Understand the concept of 0radient of a straight line 5.2 Understand the concept of 0radient of a straight line in )artesian coordinates 5.3 Understand the concept of #ntercept 5.4 Understand and use the concept of 8-uation of a straight line 5.5 Understand and use the concept of $arallel lines 8. PROBABILITY 5I6 9.1 Understand the concept of 1ample space 9.2 Understand the concept of 8vents 9.3 Understand and use the concept of $robabilit5 of an event to solve problems "#7 :834 8;3"#%3(#<%1

11 10 30 3 20 20 20 2 10 10 30

u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan

- (eaching )ourse*are - 'al!. 0rafi! - 3utograph - 01$

- (eaching )ourse*are - 'al!. 0rafi!

5 Jun 20 Jun 2010 21 Jun 2 Jul5 2010

MI/ YEAR HOLI/AYS 9. MATHEMATICAL REASONING 9.1 Understand the concept of 1tatement 9.2 Understand the concept of =uantifiers >all? and >some? 9.3 $erform operations of sets involving the *ords >not?2 >no?2 >and?2 >or? on statements 9.4 Understand the concept of #mplication 9.5 Understand the concept of 3rguments 9.6 Understand and use the concept of 7eduction and #nduction to solve problems :. CIRCLES 5III6 +.1 Understand and use the concept of (angents to a circle +.2 Understand and use the concept of $roperties of angles bet*een tangent and chord to solve problems +.3 Understand and use the concept of )ommon tangents to solve problems 20 20 20 20 30 30 20 50 30 u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan - (eaching )ourse*are

5 Jul5 23 Jul5 2010


- (eaching )ourse*are - 'al!. 0rafi! - 01$





M#n#!'! La(#)an Objektif (nisbah 5:3:2)

M#n#!'! La(# )an S'* +e&( #, (nisbah 5:3:2) 30 -

Ba)an So&on-an

Pen--'naan ICT

26 Jul5 13 3ug 2010

;. TRIGONOMETRY 5II6 &.1 Understand and use the concept of @alues of sin , cos and tan for 0 360 to solve problems &.2 7ra* and use the graphs of 1ine2 )osine and (angent 0. ANGLES OF ELE<ATION AN/ /EPRESSION 10.1 Understand and use the concept of 3ngle of elevation and angle of depression to solve problems

60 30

3 30 30 -

16 3ug 3 1ept 2010

u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan u!u te!s "odul #ntervensi "odul J$% 200& 'ole!si soalan peperi!saan

- (eaching )ourse*are - 'al!. 0rafi! - 3utograph - 01$ - (eaching )ourse*are

4 1ept 12 1ept 2010 13 1ept 24 1ept 2010

M#4 Ter! *rea& . LINES AN/ PLANES IN 3=/IMENSIONS 11.1 Understand and use the concept of 3ngles bet*een lines and planes to solve problems 12.1 Understand and use the concept of 3ngles bet*een t*o planes to solve problems

1 2

1 30 30 10 20 20 - (eaching )ourse*are - 0oogle 1!etch Up

29 1ept 22 <!t 2010 25 <!t - 1& %ov 2010


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