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Thank you foi youi inteiest in becoming a mentoi foi Nentoiship Acauemy!

aie a numbei of mentoiing oppoitunities that can fit even the busiest of lifestyles.
Finu out what type of mentoiing you can uo that fits youi peisonality anu
uemanuing scheuule.

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1. 31)0& 4()56). 7 Come anu speak to the stuuents of Nentoiship Acauemy baseu
on vaiious acauemic subjects. Pioviue an engaging piesentation, shaie tips foi
success anu uelivei a valuable anu unfoigettable lesson.

2. 8$59),#$ :)-&*. - Pioviue ACT piep oi tutoiing seivices to stuuents. Commit
to a weekly face-to-face meeting to help stuuents achieve acauemic success.

S. 8$$*1-&5/#;#&' <*5$" - Beuicate time to motivate stuuents to not only
successfully complete high school but also to piepaie foi a college caieei.
Commit to a iegulai scheuule to ensuie that stuuents stay on tiack to achieve
theii acauemic goals.

4. <5.)). :)-&*. - Pioviue infoimation to stuuents about theii specific caieei
goals thiough shauowing oppoitunities, office touis anu viitual uiscussions. uive
an exclusive look into youi specific caieei success to help stuuents make a
uecision about theii own futuie.

S. 31)0& &)5$"). - uet involveu in one of the Nentoiship Acauemy's Caieei Reauy
Tiacks. Piepaie a piesentation oi conuuct a class pioject in youi knowleugeable
fielu. Also become involveu as a pioject leauei foi school competitions in fielus
like iobotics anu engineeiing.

6. =.5-0#&#*-5; :)-&*. - This type of mentoi is geaieu towaiu college stuuents.
Belp piepaie anu guiue Nentoiship Acauemy seniois thiough the uaily life of a
college stuuent. Let them know about campus involvement as well as uiffeient
oppoitunities that can aiise uuiing a foui-yeai college caieei.

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I _______________________________________________ agiee that a mentoimentee ielationship
iequiies a commitment fiom both paities. I unueistanu that I may withuiaw fiom
this ielationship at anytime if ceitain ciicumstances aie not conuucive, by
contacting uiaysen Walles at g.wallesmentoishipacauemy.oig.

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The uuiation of this piogiam uiffeis with the vaiious types of mentois.
Specific uetails on the length of commitment anu what will be expecteu of you anu
youi mentee will be uiscusseu fuithei with uiaysen Walles to ensuie optimal
ciicumstances foi both paities.

I agiee to a tiaining session with uiaysen Walles to ensuie my time spent
thioughout the piogiam is valuable to my anu my mentee's time.

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Nentoi signatuie anu uate

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