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Police Investigation


(earch and (ei)ure

Preliminary Investigation

Who Investigate ? -Police -NBI Rights of person arrested under police custody : (Art. III, Sec. 12 and 1 (1 !" #onstitution $$ -Right not to be subjected to torture or force -Right not to be put in secret detention -Right not to be subject to dergrading treatment %iranda Right -To remain silent -To be told that anything he says will be used against him -Right to counsel of choice( rt! III" sec! #$%

Rule 11& Art. III, Sec. 1 of 1 !" #onstitution Art. III, Sec. 2 '( 12 , Sec &"(&$ Allado vs )io*no2&2 S#RA 1 2 Rule 112, Sec + RA ",&! -Rights of persons detained -&uties of Investigating 'fficers

Rule 12+ Art. III, Sec. 2 of 1 !" #onstitution Stonehill vs . )io*no 2- S#RA &!& .ao vs (eople 1 /une 2--" (eople vs Aspiras 12 0e1 2--2 RA ,2--(Wire 2apping$ 34clusionary Rule (lain 5ie6 )octrine

Rule 112 RA ",&! RA +""Who conduct (reli7inary Investigation ? 8 (rosecutor 90iscal 8:71uds7an 8'IR We11 vs. )e ;eon 2& Aug 1 =o vs. #A 11 0e1 1 Rule 11-, Sec. 1 Art. 12< of Revised (enal #ode 2 <


+omplaint or Information

+ivil spect


rraignment and Plea Rule 11+ Art. III, Sec 1,(2$ (eople vs. )urango< April 2--(eople vs. 3spidol 12 >ov. 2--, (eople vs. Alcaldo 2 %ay 2--2 Rights of the Accused -Rule ##,


Pre Trial

'( 12 RA "1 + RA !2, RA "+1RA +"<! RA " "<

Rule 111 1 Rule on Su77ary (rocedure

Rule 111 Sec. 2 and &< of #ivil #ode Ras. 5s )a?ul 1! Sept. 1 !-

Rule 11, Art. &, sec 1& of 1 !" #onstitution RA +-&+

Rule 11"

Rule 11!

Art. - and 1 of Revised (enal #ode #respo vs %ogul&- /une 1 !" ;adlad vs. 5elasco 1 /une 2--" (eople vs. )uroho7 21 >ov 2--2 ;ocal =overn7ent #ode of1 8Sec ,12 and ,-! RA &&2+ Art. &,, of Revised (enal #ode 1



New Trial or Reconsideration


(rocedures 12&812"

Rule 11 Speedy 2rial Act

Rule 12-

Rule 121

Rule 122

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