Water Effect: Flash Tutorials Special Effects

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Flash tutorials - Special Effects

Water effect
15.11.2006, 23:20 Total views: 37780 In this tutorial, you have a chance to learn how to create water effect in flash 8 without ction !cri"t.

Step 1 #reate a new flash $ocu%ent an$ set fra%e rate to 13 f"s &'ra%es "er !econ$(. Step 2 I%"ort any "icture in flash &#trl)*(, on which you want to a""ly the water effect.

Step 3 +hile your "icture is still selecte$, "ress '8 ,ey &#onvert to !y%-ol( to convert it into a .ovie #li".

Step 4

/ou-le clic, on a new %a$e .ovie #li" &"icture( or choose ri0ht clic, an$ 1$it in 2lace. Step 5 +hile your "icture is still selecte$, "ress '8 ,ey to #onvert it into a 3ra"hic sy%-ol.

fter that, $ou-le clic, on layer1 to rena%e its na%e in %ian2icture. Then, clic, on fra%e 1, choose ri0ht clic, an$ #o"y 'ra%es. Step 6 Insert a new layer an$ na%e it "icture. #lic, on fra%e 1 an$ choose ri0ht clic, an$ 2aste 'ra%es. Step 7 Insert a new layer a0ain, an$ na%e it water1ffect.

Step 8 Ta,e the *ectan0le Tool &*(, !tro,e color %ust -e switche$ off, un$er 'ill color choose any color an$ $raw a 4rectan0le4 over the "icture. Then, ta,e the !election Tool &5(, an$ $o li,e it is shown on the "icture -elow.

'inally, you6ll nee$ to 0et this:

Step 9 #lic, on fra%e 10, 20 an$ 30 of layer water1ffect an$ "ress '6 &7eyfra%e(.

Step 10 3o -ac, on fra%e 10, an$ usin0 the arrows ,ey on the ,ey-oar$, %ove the 4effect4 a little $own. fter that clic, on fra%e 30, an$ %ove the 4effect4 a little u". Step 11 !elect the water1ffect layer, an$ in 2ro"erties 2anel un$er Tween choose !ha"e.

Step 12 !elect water1ffect layer an$ convert it to a %as, -y ri0ht-clic,in0 on the water1ffect layer an$ selectin0 .as,.

Step 13 #lic, on fra%e 30 of layer "icture an$ %ain8"icture an$ "ress '5 on the ,ey-oar$.

Test your .ovie &#trl)1nter(. +e6re $one9

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