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Step 1 Create a new flash document, press Ctrl+J key (Document Properties), and set Frame rate to 40fps

(Frames per econd)! Step 2 "ake the Pencil "ool (#) and under Pencil "ool $ptions, set %nk! &fter that open "he Properties Panel (Ctrl+F'), under troke (ei)ht set *p+ and under troke tyle choose olid! ,ook at the picture -elow.

Step 3 $pen the Color /i+er Panel ( hift+F0), for troke Color choose white and set alpha to *12! ee the picture -elow!

Step 4 &fter that, draw a lot lines (different si3e), like it is shown on the picture -elow!

Step 5 "hen click on some lines and set its troke Color to white!

Step 6 Click on frame 4, and delete the lines that you 5ust ha6e created! &fter that create a new lines, different si3es and locations! ee the picture -elow!

7epeat this steps a-out 40 times! %f you like, you can insert some old picture in flash, and set its as -ack)round! 8e9re done.

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