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Step 1 Create a new flash document and click twice on layer 1 to rename its name into a pictures.

Step 2 Click on the first frame of layer pictures, press Ctrl+R on the keyborad (Imoport to Stage and Import any picture.

Step 3 !fter that click on the fifth frame and press "# (blank keyframe .

Step 4 $hile you%re still on the fifth frame, press again Ctrl+R on the keyboard (Import to Stage , and import another picture. Step 5 !fter that, click again on the fifth frame, open the !ction Script &anel ("' , and paste this script( stop( ) Step 6 Insert a new layer and name it action. Step 7 Click on the second, third and fourth frame of layer action and press "* on the keyborad (+eyframe .

Step 8 ,o back on the second frame, open the !ction Script &anel ("' , and paste this script(

currently - get.imer( ) end - currently + /000) Step 9 Click on the third frame, and paste this script( currently- get.imer( ) Step 10 Click on the fourth frame, and paste this script( if (currently 1- end 2 goto!nd&lay (3 ) 4 $e%re done5 .est your mo6ie (Ctrl+7nter , and you%ll see that your second picture will appear 3 seconds after first picture (like slide show . 8ye5

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