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Magic Bed

love this strange picture of a flying bed. t leads to all sorts of possibilities for creative games.
Here are a few:

a. What might you dream in a magical bed? Try inventing a fantasy school, e.g.

dreamed of a school where -
Windows winked,
Doors opened and closed on their own,
Pencils could automatically spell accurately,
Books sprout wings and fly to your hand,

b. Where might you travel? Use an atlas and write about real places. Or invent places. Think
of something quite common and make it do something extraordinary, e.g.

n the flying bed travelled
To the dry Sahara where sand swelters,
To the icy wastes of the North where polar bears roam,
To the Cairngorm Mountains where the last eagles fly..

n the flying bed of dreams visited a land where
Sunbeams twist into glittering icicles,
You can sleep on cloud tops,
Trees move slowly, creaking as they hobble along,
Stones grow legs and hop along..

c. Make a list of everyday objects that you find in a house or classroom, e.g. table, chair,
pencil, saucepan. Now add to each object a fantasy attribute, e.g. the wooden table stooped
down, bending its legs and kneeling. The chairs cheered. A pencil sprouted wings and began
to fly round the room at an alarming speed. On the cooker, a saucepan raised its lid began to
whistle a tune.

Pie Corbett/Nelson Thornes 2011

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