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Digital Code Lock with LCD and Keypad using AT89C2051 ( lect!onics "!

%n this "!o#ect& 'Digital Code Lock using AT89C2051( LCD is used )o! display and a key*oa!d is used to input the keys+ The p!o#ect sou!ce code is w!itten in C+ ,oth the C )iles and he- )iles a!e gi.en )o! download+ A Brief Description: This p!o#ect is w!itten in C language+ %ts a si/ple p!o#ect with e))icient hacking p!e.ention )!o/ ,!ute 0o!ce etc+ The *asic use! lock is o) 5 Digits and 1aste! Lock is o) 10 digits so its not easy )o! an int!ude! to *!eak the lock unless you keep the code si/ple+ The input is taken )!o/ a 234 Keypad (please see the sche/atic )o! /o!e in)o!/ation$ and Display the use! input on a 2315 LCD+ A pin is assigned as output )o! acti.ating and deacti.ating the lock+ 0o! de/onst!ation i ha.e connected an L D to that pin+ User Side Working: The use! has two options eithe! he6she can use its own 5 digit code o! use the de)ault 5 digit code+ %) use! has to do setup his own code& then he has to ente! 7124258 and p!ess '9:+ A)te! this++ cont!olle! will ask )o! 10 Digit /aste! passwo!d which is p!ep!og!a//ed in the cont!olle!+ nte!ing /aste! lock& use! can ente! the new 5 digit code )o! the lock and p!ess '9: to sa.e it+ Using the Keypad: Keypad has 12 keys (234$ sta!ting )!o/ 1&2&4&2&5&5&;&8&9&<&0&9 (please see the sche/atic )o! layout$+ =u/e!ic keys a!e used )o! ente!ing nu/*e!s+ '<: is used as the Cancel key and '9: is used as the nte! key+ Download File Information: LCD+C > 2?,it LCD D!i.e!s LCD+@ > LCD )unction p!ototypes and othe! decle!ations Lock+C > code )o! lock )unctioning LACK+@ > lock )unction decle!ations

K B"AD+C > Keypad d!i.e!s K B"AD+@ > 0unction decle!ations D LAB+C > Delay 0unctions D LAB+@ > 0unction "!ototypes only 1A%=+C > 1ain )unctionC Digital Code Lock Dche/atic > "D0 )ile o) o!cad sche/atic Autho!E A#ay ,ha!ga. Download Ci!cuit Diag!a/ and Dou!ce Code in C

Project: lect!ical& lect!onics F Co//unication "!o#ects Tags: ece /ini p!o#ects, elect!onic /ini p!o#ects

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