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Terms Salary Pay Period Payroll Payroll Taxes Withholding Allowance Tax Base Payroll Register mployee arnings

Record Automatic !hec" #eposit lectronic %unds Transfer & %T'

Definitions The money paid for employee services. The period covered by a salary payment. The total amount earned by all employees for a pay period. Taxes based on the payroll of a business. A deduction from total earnings for each person legally supported by a taxpayer. The maximum amount of earnings on which a tax is calculated. A business form used to record payroll information. A business form used to record details affecting payments made to an employee. #epositing payroll chec"s directly to an employee$s chec"ing or savings account in a specific ban". A computeri(ed cash payments system that transfers funds without the use of chec"s) currency) and other paper documents.

Education has long been thought to play a major role in creating social change, in large part because it helps individuals to better understand (1) the problems facing their society, and (2) how they might take action against their social ills so as to ultimately right those wrongs ! "rawing on #he $arrative of the %ife of &rederick "ouglass, ' will e(amine the relationship between education and slavery in 1)th*century +merica #o that end, ' will ask,and attempt to answer, the following three -uestions. 1 /ow did white control of education reinforce slavery0 2 /ow did &rederick "ouglass, and other enslaved +frican +mericans, view education while they endured slavery0 1 +nd what role did education play in helping +frican +mericans to gain their freedom0 'n this essay, then, ' argue that education played a major role in helping to change e(isting social attitudes toward slavery in the 1)th century

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