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Task Based Assignment for Catholic University of America Advanced Composition and Conversation I (CHN 203) Fall, 2013

Gender Equality

Learning Scenario
Learning Scenario and objectives: The broad task in this Lesson is to deliver an eight-minute presentation about gender equality in Chinese and American society. Students are required to design their own PowerPoints and record their presentations in class. The objective of this is to support students to make their own repertoires to perform in the near future. Therefore, students understand when, what, and how to introduce the concept of equality and compare differences between cultures appropriately. Proficiency Level: Intermediate Mid Age: This task is suitable for adolescents, and adults. However, this unit is designed for college students. Length of Unit: Five days Interdisciplinary Connections: The broad task and sub-activities are to develop students abilities to interact with Chinese people in daily life. Students are trained to build social as well as language skills. Also, students are aware of the cultural differences between countries. Final Student Performance: The scenario of sub-activities supports students to build the abilities to communicate with Chinese people. The final performance is to interact with Chinese people with appropriate manners and repertoires. Therefore, students need to learn by practice and have true experience in delivering a specific speech in social situations. Content Knowledge, Language Skills: The broad task and sub-activities assist students with establishment of cultural and language knowledge, communicative skills, and social abilities. Learning Activities: The sub-activities develop students abilities to the final broad task.

Word Game: Teacher shows one picture of each vocabulary about hobbies and ask students to write down the vocabulary on the paper in five second. The more correct vocabularies students write, the more points students get. This activity assists students with vocabulary in this lesson. Drills: The teacher demonstrates the question with pictures: (What is gender equlity?) First, the teacher asks Student A to answer. Then the teacher asks Student B: (What do you think?) This helps the teacher to check students listening comprehension and answer questions with correct pronunciation and grammatical structures. Also, the teacher will use the grammatical structures in this lesson to deliver the instructions. Discussion: The teacher shows the pictures about the concepts of specific issues related to vocabulary in this lesson and ask the students to talk about the opinions about these statements or questions. Small Competition: The teacher gives one vocabulary at a time and students need to write a sentence on the whiteboard in limited time and complete which student makes the longest paragraph with correct handwriting and grammatical structures.

Extension Activities: These activities are used after the class. Blackboard: Students need to upload their PowerPoints on the Discussion Board and each student is also required to leave a short comment or review on each PowerPoint. Cultural Activity: Watch a video about the quality of Chinese and write a short review in Chinese. ( Field Trip: Students join the Chinese Table and each student talk about their opinion about the video and then have a discussion about how to change the unfair situation. (

Evaluation: The rubric of the broad task and sub-activities are attached separately. Also, there is a fiveminute quiz each class to check whether students prepare for the class or not. Materials: Textbook: Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part 2 Workbook: Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part 2 Facebook Groups: o (Chinese Club in CUA) PowerPoint: The PowerPoint is used in class and attached. Worksheet: weekly schedule. The Washington Chinese Language Meetup Group:

Teacher Resources: These are the resources that support the teacher to prepare for the class. Teacher Book: Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part 2 Online Resources:

o o o o o (Integrated Chinese Official Site) (CCTV-Learning Chinese) (Chinese Studio) (Chinese Characters) (Flash cards)

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