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Ingredient Name Butter Kastoori Methi Pdr Garam Masala Pdr Cumin Tomatoes Small Ginger Green Chilies Garlic And Ginger Paste Salt Oil Chili Powder Onions, Finely Chopped Red Kidney Beans 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 Numbers Teaspoons Numbers Clove To Taste Tablespoons Teaspoons Numbers Cup Quantity Unit

1.Soak the red kidney beans overnight. 2.Next day, cook in a pressure cooker till done 3.Heat the oil and fry the onions for 5 minutes. add ground garam masala Add the grounded ginger-garlic paste and chili powder and cook again for 3 minutes. 4.Add the tomato chopped or paste gr chilli to this mixture and cook until well done . 5.Add the mixture to the boiled kidney beans. 6.Add the other spices and salt according to taste. 7.Cook again till 15 minor until the rajma (kidney beans) gets nice flavor

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