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Presented by K. Archana MBA 1ST year..


What Is Time Management

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Time management is budgeting time to increase productivity.

It Include Three Main Steps


management. Attention management.. Personal knowledge management

>> Clarify participant objectives.. >> Recognize signs of chronic disorganization.. >> Learn to clear your desk of clutter and create a filing system.. >> Apply the practical techniques concepts and strategies developed through this program..

Why Is It Necessary

what does time management do for u , for your job, your group and/ or your organisation.


Manage the work (use time constructively). Improve productivity or effectiveness (spend time on results-producing activities).
Combinations of these are called time management

Time wasting culprits

What are the most common time wasters, thieve and culprits?.....

Time wasting culprits in detail

telephone interruptions.. inefficient delegation.. extended lunches or breaks.. cluttered work space.. poorly run meetings.. socializing on the job.. misfiled information.. poor planning..

procratination.. waiting/delays.. paperwork.. junk mail.. drop- in visitors.. not setting/sticking to priorities

Time or self management.

you do not manage time!
You manage, Yourself, others and, work


How to use time effectively

consolidate similar tasks tackle tough jobs first delegate and develop others learn to use idle time get control of the paper flow. avoid the cluttered desk syndrome. reducing meating time. taking time to plan.

Learn to say no. remember that now is the time to put it all together. get started immediately on important task..



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