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A-TPD 03-0043

This cover page is a record of all revisions of the standard/specification identified above by number and title. All previous cover pages are hereby superseded and are to be destroyed.

B1 A1 !1
Rev. No.

13.08.04 1/.00.04 3/.04.04


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PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e / o" /3


1.0 1.1

INTROD0CTION S'o e a6 This document defines the method by 7hich piping systems are selected and defined as 8-ritical8 by the $ngineering -ontractor9s :,B!6 iping

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 3 o" /3

'tress $ngineer. -ritical lines are those to be stress analysed/revie7ed by the iping 'tress $ngineer. The term ;piping; referred to in this document is applicable to all of the platform topsides pipe 7or< up to and including the riser $'%#;s :$mergency 'hutdo7n #alves6 e=tending up to the hanger flange. The e=tent of analysis for the topside piping :43> si?e6 riser under TT scope shall be mutually discussed and agreed. b6

-alculation methods and application of code based procedures for piping stress analysis are defined in this document. This document also defines the permissible values of no??le loads imposed by piping on connected mechanical e@uipmentA such as e=changerA pressure vessels and rotating e@uipment as 7ell as e@uipment s<id pac<age tie5in points. This specification is applicable for the topsides pipe 7or< for the Arthit -entral &acilities 7hich comprises i ii iii iv Arthit -entral rocess latform :A 6 Bridge connecting A and AB Bridge connecting A and AC 1 &lare Bridge 7ith &lare To7er connecting A


to the &lare Tripod


0+)t! All piping calculationsA dimensions and 7eights shall be in 'ysteme (nternationale : '( 6 units.


De")+)t)o+ The follo7ing definitions shall apply to this specificationD -ompany TT$ 5 5 5 etroleum Authority of Thailand $=ploration and roductionA ublic -ompany 2imited. ,ellogg Bro7n E !oot Asia acific te 2td $ngineering -ontractor9s iping 'tress $ngineer

$ngineering -ontractor ,B! 'tress $ngineer /.0 /.1 3.1.1 3.1.3 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1./

REFERENCE DOC0MENTS1 CODES AND STANDARDS Pro,e't S e')")'at)o+! A515 A515 A515 A515 A515 5 (5' 50004 F 'pecification for 'pring 'upport 5 (5' 50000 F (nsulation 'pecification 5 (5'%50004 F ipe 'upport 'tandard 5 (5' 5000/ F ipe 'upport %esign 'pecification 5 (52250001 F -ritical 2ine 2ist

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 4 o" /3

/./ 3.3.1 3.3.3 3.3.3 3.3.4


Re"ere+'e Co- a+% Do'u-e+t! A)'503 F 1nfired ressure #essels A)'50/ F 'teel iping %esignA &abricationA and (nstallation A)'508 F iping +aterials A)'518 F 'ite -ondition and -limate A)'530 F 'hell and Tube .eat $=changer A)'531 F Air -ooled .eat $=changer Co#e! a+# Sta+#ar#! %esign and analysis of the piping shall be in accordance 7ith follo7ing codes. A'+$ B31.3 A'+$ B31.4 A'+$ B31.8 A ( ! 14$ rocess iping

3.3.4 /.3

ipeline Transportation 'ystems for 2i@uid .ydrocarbons and "ther 2i@uids )as Transmission and %istribution iping 'ystems !ecommended ractice for %esign and (nstallation of "ffshore roduction latform iping 'ystems

(n addition to A'+$ B31.3A B31.4A B31.8 E A ( ! 14$ and its sub5referencesA follo7ing codes shall also govern the design and installation of some parts of a piping system and the connected e@uipment. A'+$ B14./ A'+$ B14.40 A ( ! /30 A ( ! /31 A ( ! 484 A ( 410 ipe &langes and &langed &ittings 2arge %iameter 'teel &langes 'i?ingA 'election and (nstallation of in !efineries art (( 5 (nstallation ressure !elieving %evices

)uide for ressure !elieving and %epressurising 'ystems !ecommended ractices for +achinery (nstallation %esign :-hapter 4 F iping6 -entrifugal umps for )as (ndustries etroleumA (nstallation and

etrochemical and *atural

A ( 410 A ( 418

A=ial and -entrifugal -ompressors and $=pander -ompressors for etroleumA -hemical and )as (ndustry 'ervices !eciprocating -ompressors for etroleumA -hemical and )as (ndustry 'ervices.

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 3 o" /3

A ( 4/0 A ( 440 A ( 441 A ( 443 1,""A ('" 144G3 B'01/G B' - 3 *$+A '+33 C!-5100 C!-53G0 3.0 O$2ECTIVES

Celded 'teel Tan<s for "il 'torage 'hell5and5Tube .eat $=changers for )eneral refinery 'ervices Air -ooled .eat $=changers for )eneral !efinery 'ervices late .eat $=changers for )eneral !efinery 'ervices 'pecification and !ecommended practice for the use of )! iping "ffshore 'pecification and !ecommended practice for the use of )!$ iping F iping in the etroleum or *atural )as (ndustries %esign and construction of glass reinforced plastics )! 6 piping systems for individual plants or sites Basic data for the design of buildings -hapter #. 2oading 3. Cind loads 'team Turbines for +echanical %rive 'ervice. 2ocal 'tresses in 'pherical and -ylindrical 'hells due to $=ternal 2oadings 2ocal 'tresses in -ylindrical 'hells due to $=ternal 2oadings on *o??les F 'upplement to C!- 100 art

The obHectives for performing stress analysis of piping systems shall include the follo7ing. a6 b6 To <eep the stresses in the pipes and fittings 7ithin the code allo7able levels. To <eep the no??le loadings on the attached e@uipment 7ithin allo7able limits of applicable specifications or recognised standards :*$+A '+33A A ( 410A A ( 441A etc.6 To minimise vibration of the reciprocating compressor associated piping. To calculate the design loads for si?ing of in5line restraints such as 15boltA 'hoeA -lampA TrunnionA )uideA 'topA etc.A si?ing of support frames and selection of spring hangers. To determine the piping displacements for interference chec< and prevent e=cessive sag in piping spans. To chec< the lea<age at the flange Hoints. To prevent unintentional disengagement of piping from its supports. To help optimi?e the piping design.

c6 d6

e6 f6 g6

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 5 o" /3

4.0 4.1.1

DEFINITION OF CRITICAL STRESS CATEGORIES No+-Cr)t)'a* L)+e! All metallicA ferrous and non5ferrous lines 38 *B and smaller are deemed non5 critical and do not re@uire a formal pipe stress analysis calculation unless specified other7ise. 2ines larger than 3> *B that do not fall under any of the criticality criteria listed belo7 shall also be treated as non5critical lines. 'ome non5critical lines may re@uire special attentionA e.g.A small branches subHect to large displacements and blo7 do7n lines. .o7ever these lines shall be revie7ed / chec<ed for support detail by the stress engineer.


Cr)t)'a* L)+e L)!t 1pon receipt of iping and (nstrument %iagrams : E (%;s6A 2ine 2ist and iping 'pecificationsA the 'tress $ngineer shall identify the critical lines and prepare a -ritical 2ine 2ist. These lines re@uire formal pipe stress analysis calculations


Cr)t)'a* *)+e !e*e't)o+ A line is defined as critical if it falls into any of the follo7ing criticality criteria.


Cr)t)'a*)t% Cr)ter)aA a6 b6 c6 d6

188 *B and larger 48 *B and larger at G/I- and above 38 *B and smaller at 1/0I- and above 38 *B and larger at 538I- and belo7 AlloyA stainless steel and non5ferrous piping 48 *B and larger at 00I- and above rocess lines 4> and above connected to !otating machinery such as pumpsA centrifugal compressorsA gas turbinesA fans and blo7ers All process lines connected to !eciprocating compressors and pumps All lines process connected to 'pecial items of e@uipmentA 7hich have lo7 allo7able loadsA specified by the e@uipment #endor All process lines connected to Air5cooled e=changers :fin fans6


g) h)



All process lines connected to 'hell and Tube .eat $=changersA late .eat $=changersA rinted -ircuit .eat $=changers and Caste heat !ecovery 1nits :C.!16 2ines subHected to unbalanced surge forces


PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003 Rev. $1 Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+ Pa.e 7 o" /3 l) 2ines containing @uic< acting pressure relieving devicesA e.g.A relief valves

and bursting discs and blo7 do7n valves m6 n6


Thic< 7all pipeA i.e.A schedule 140 and above for pipe si?e 4> E above only Thin 7allA large bore pipeA i.e.A schedule 10 and belo7 and 188 and above. 2ines containing e=pansion devices such as bello7sA :only if applicable6 )as or vapour linesA including the flare systemA in 7hich li@uid slugs may form and cause high impact loads at valvesA bendsA tees or vessels. 2ines liable to e=treme terminal and support deflections and rotations caused by dec< movement #acuum and e=ternally pressurised lines A including those liable to transient e=ternal pressure conditions. 2i@uid blo7 do7n pipingA not including drain lines. 2ines 7hich the stress engineer considers re@uire special attention but 7hich are not critical by the above definitions. !iser lines and process lines connected to 2aunchers / !eceivers All lines running on the platforms lin<ing bridges


r6 s6 t6 u6 v6 4.3

Stre!! a+a*%!)! -et&o# -A$'A! ((A #erson54./ computer program shall be used for stress analysis calculations.


P) )+. Stu#)e! The 'tress engineer shall revie7 and comment on all piping studies pertaining to critical lines. reliminary pipe support locations shall be identified by piping layout/support section based on good engineering practice considerationsA such as spanA structure availability and grouping of supports. .o7ever the stress engineer shall revie7 and identifyA based on the analysisA the final location as 7ell as the type of restraintsA such as anchorA directional restraints and springs. 2ocations of fi=ed and sliding ends for hori?ontal vessels and e@uipment shall be defined by 'tress engineer in consultation 7ith other applicable disciplinesA +echanicalA 'tructural etc.A as appropriate.

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 6 o" /3

3.0 3.1

STRESS ANALYSIS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Analysis shall be carried out at the design : ma= and/or min6 temperatures and coincident %esign pressure conditions of the selected lines. Chere this 7ill lead to an over5conservative designA operating conditions :operating temperature and pressure6 of the system shall be used in the analysis. The ambient temperature shall be 34I- ma=imum and 33I- minimum as per section 4.0 of A)'518 and solar radiation metal temperature shall be 80I-. 'upport friction shall be considered for the analysisA and the coefficient of friction shall be ta<en as 0.3A for steel to steel surface contact. &or supports in the vicinity of no??le loads sensitive e@uipment such as pumps and compressorsA a lo7 friction coefficient of 0.1 may be considered if re@uired and the sliding unit : T&$6 to achieve the lo7 friction shall be provided at the support base. &riction factor shall be suitably considered for the combination of sliding surfaces. $@uipment no??le shall be modelled as anchor 7ith initial thermal movements. (f the calculated reaction loads e=ceed the allo7able values for the no??lesA the no??les shall be modelled as fle=ible no??les iping to and from relief devices shall be designed and/or supported/braced to ensure that e=haust reaction loadsA or momentsA do not e=ceed that permitted by the relief valve manufacturerA the e@uipment manufacturer or the piping code. Bracing of the inlet line to the outlet line is not permissible. 'tress analysis of piping systems connected to rotating e@uipment such as pumps shall consider all probable scenarios of operation such as operation and standby etc. &uture piping connectionsA 7herever possibleA shall also be included in the analysis. 2arge umps re@uire particular attention 7ith regard to no??le loads. !e@uirements of large pumps are generally similar to those for compressors. &or compressor pipingA design temperatures shall generally be used to establish pipe thermal e=pansion for no??le load purposes. #alues should be discussed and agreed 7ith the rocess dept. ipe routing should allo7 for restraints to be located in line 7ith the machine a=esA to effectively cancel e=pansion forces on the no??le. AdHustable stops and guides must be provided in both hori?ontal planes to assist 7ith alignment. Ceight supports other than springs shall similarly be adHustable. 'pring supports if re@uired shall be constant force type or long range variable and to be very close to the machineA to allo7 accurate pipe positioning during the alignment process. A piping system entirely supported on springs shall be avoided. The 7eight run on 7hich spring design is based shall be made 7ith the compressor no??le disconnected vertically in order to transfer minimum loads to the no??le. !estraint 7ith guide and stop local to the anti5surge or recycle valve shall be added to avoid vibration due to gas turbulence. ipe support designs shall be revie7ed by $ngineering -ontractor9s structural engineer to ensure that stress re@uirements have been complied 7ith.






PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e B o" /3


$r)#.e ) )+. Three bridges are lin<ed to Arthit -entral rocess latform A . 2ocation of the bridges fi=ed and sliding ends shall be confirmed and bridge piping configurations to be revie7ed to assess the re@uirement of e=pansion loops. Also settlements of platforms and longitudinal E lateral movements shall be considered for bridge piping stress analysis 7hen connected to the e=isting platform piping. The three bridges areD a6 b6 c6 Bridge connecting A and AB Bridge connecting A and AC 1 &lare Bridge 7ith &lare To7er connecting A

to the &lare Tripod


"utput shall be scrutinised for a6 'tress chec< for code compliance in sustainedA e=pansion and occasional cases. b) 2oad chec< for no??le allo7able values for connected e@uipment specified in section G.0 5J*o??le allo7able load criteria> c6 'upport reaction loads for pipe supports design. d6 $=cessive piping displacements for interference chec< and sagging. 3.B

Loa# Ca!e! "perating caseD This shall include effects of pressureA temperatureA pipe dead 7eightA insulation 7eightA 7eight of the contents and other e=ternally imposed displacement such as no??le displacements etc. This load case is re@uired to be performed to establish that the operating condition loads on the e@uipment no??le and pipe supports are 7ithin safe limits. 'ustained caseD This shall include only the effects of pressureA pipe dead 7eightA insulation 7eight and 7eight of contents. This case is re@uired to be done mainly to chec< if the code compliance re@uirements of sustained stresses are satisfied by the piping system. $=pansion caseD This shall include effects of temperature and e=ternally imposed displacements such as no??le displacements etc. This case is for verifying the code compliance re@uirements of e=pansion stresses. "ccasional caseD This shall include effects of 7indA 7ave load :if any6A and pressure relief valve reaction forcesA each should be analysed independently. As per provision of A'+$ B 31.3A no t7o occasional load cases need to be considered simultaneously for compliance re@uirements. This case is re@uired for getting additional loads transferred by occasional forces to structure at pipe supportsA guidesA no??lesA anchor locations and also for verifying code compliance re@uirements of occasional stresses. &or 7ind loading data refer Appendi=53.





'lug load caseD 2i@uid slugs entrained in flo7ing gas e=ert a force on any change of direction or change in pipe si?e. The velocity and specific gravity values have a profound effect upon calculated loads and realistic data must be agreed 7ith the rocess %ept. &orces acting at a change of direction may be evaluated by consideration of momentum change or centrifugal force. A dynamic amplification factor of 3.0 :ma=6 shall be considered

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 10 o" /3

unless specified other7ise 7hich is dependent on velocity and piping component type. This case is re@uired to be done mainly to design the pipe support structure for slug load and to chec< the stress in the piping system due to slug load.

.ydrostatic test caseD This is to verify the stress occurring during testing as 7ell as to establish the ma=imum loads that need to be supported by the designed pipe support/structure. 'urge case analysisD 'urge analysis as applicable and as re@uired 7ill be carried out by the third party agency. The unbalanced forces as provided by the surge specialist 7ill be used in the -A$'A! analysis to calculate the stress and support loads. Blast load caseD Analysis shall be carried out as applicable. The drag forces as provided by the 'afety group 7ill be used in the -A$'A! analysis to asses the stress and support loads. Transportation -aseD 'eparate transportation analyses shall be carried out ta<ing in to account the effect of barge motion :acceleration6 and the dec< ne7 set of deflections. Based on the resultsA recommendations 7ill be provided for piping disconnections from the e@uipment no??les to avoid any overloading.



Appendi=51 sho7s load cases to be built up in -A$'A!. 5.0 5.1 STRESS DOC0MENTATION Stre!! 'a*'u*at)o+ :CAESAR ")*e= Nu-Cer)+. 'tress calculation input files should be numbered as follo7sD $=ampleD ACF1101NAD1 Chere ACF Arthit Central Facilities The first digit of the 4 digit number sho7n in bo= is allocated as follo7s. 1 3 3 4 / Arthit -entral rocess latform :A 6 Bride connecting A and AB Bridge connecting A and AC 1 &lare Bridge 7ith &lare To7er connecting A Arthit living Buarters latform :AB 6

to the &lare Tripod

The last three digits are allocated as follo7sD 000 to 0BB 100 to 1BB /00 to /BB 'eparation iping including incoming/outgoing !iser 2inesA .eaders and roduced Cater iping +ercury !emoval 'ystem iping &eed )as -ompression iping

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 11 o" /3

300 to 3BB 400 to 4BB 300 to 3BB 500 to 5BB 700 to 7BB 600 to 6BB B00 to BBB NA1N$1 etc.A $A1$$1 etc.A TA1T$1 etc.A

-"3 !emoval 'ystem iping *)2 $=traction iping 'ales )as -ompression iping -ondensate 'tabili?ation iping #!1 -ompression iping &ire Cater iping 1tility and other iping *ormal case -alculation se@uence Blast case -alculation se@uence Transportation case -alculation se@uence

R11 D11 D/ etc.A !evision number 5.1 Pre arat)o+ o" Stre!! I!o-etr)'! 'tress isometrics 7ill be e=tracted from follo7s. ACF-STISO-1101 The four digit number sho7n as a last entry in the above numbering shall be same as the four digit number used for the stress calculation file. All restraints acting on the piping shall be clearly indicated using standard legends found in Appendi=54. 'ufficient nodes must be sho7n to allo7 a third party to navigate around the system 7hen reading the dra7ing in conHunction 7ith a -A$'A! (( input listing. 5./ Ma!ter Stre!! I!o-etr)'! A master file of stress isometrics shall be maintained and agreed changes signed and dated. 5.3 I+ ut ")*e Ha+#*)+. (nput files shall be electronically archived on completion of each calculation. "nly the files 7ith a KA and KL trailer need to be <ept and bac<ed up on the M"9 drive. A record of files archived shall be maintained. 5.4 Stre!! A+a*%!)! Re ort The 'tress Analysis !eport 7ill be compiled after all &abrication isometrics for the stress critical lines have been issued. (t is intended to provide evidence of all 7or< completed by stress engineer in selectionA analysis and approval of critical lines. %+' and they shall be numbered as

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 1/ o" /3

The preferred format of stress analysis report is as follo7sD -ontentsA 'ummary and calculationsA system and analysis descriptionA -ritical line list and stress isometric inde=A stress isoA data and calculationsA )eneral and calculations. The preferred format is to e=clude computer output from -A$'A! (( and to supply 7ith disc copies of all input files from 7hich output can be generated if re@uired. 7.0 PIPE S0PPORT DESIGN 'tress engineer shall revie7 in5line support details. The revie7 must ensure that the supports and restraints are fit for purposeA for e=ample 7hether restrained along the correct a=esA support re@uirement for concentrated loads 'tandard support details shall be used 7herever possible to suit the dec< steel 7or<. ipe support 7ith spring hanger shall only be used 7here all other possible design solutions have been e=hausted. 'pring design data sheets shall be completed by the stress engineer and the necessary input such as elevation details shall be provided by the pipe supports group. 6.0 8.0.1 NO88LE ALLO9A$LE LOAD CRITERIA :Ve+#or !u a+# Pa'(a.e!= *)e# EDu) -e+t1 S()#!

The allo7able forces and moments stated in this specification apply directly to steel e@uipment and at the tie5in interfacing no??le flange face 7hereas for ressure vessels and 'hell E Tube .eat $=changersA the loads are applicable at no??le/shell intersection. &or Titanium e@uipmentA the allo7able loads shall be 00N of the load values given in Appendi=53 or as agreed 7ith the vendor. &or -upro5*ic<el e@uipmentA the allo7able loads shall be /0N of the load values given in Appendi=53 or as agreed 7ith the vendor. &or other materials including )! A the #endor shall provide an appropriate set of calculations for revie7 and approval. A statement of complianceA 7ith this 'pecificationA shall be provided by the #endor. The piping loads contained in this specification apply to design conditions only. (f the no??le design loads e=ceed the allo7able limitA 7hen the piping is designed for occasional load casesA such asA 7indA 7aveA '# forces and occasional sluggingA these loads 7ill be submitted for #endor9s approval during the detail design phase. Ce+tr)"u.a* Pu- ! The allo7able forces and moments on pump no??les due to piping reactions shall be tEo t)-e! the values given in table54 of A ( 410A Gth $dition for no??le si?es 14> and belo7. This also applies to M#ertical (n5line9 pumps and M.ori?ontal/#ertical 'uspended9 pumps.

8.0.3 8.0.3 8.0.4 8.0./ 8.0.4


PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 13 o" /3

*o??le loads on .ori?ontal $nd 'uction -entrifugal umps and #ertical (n52ine -entrifugal umps in accordance 7ith A'+$ B03.1 and B03.3 shall also be tEo t)-e! the values given in table54 of A ( 410A Gth $dition. 'hould there be a re@uirement for increased no??le allo7able forces or moments in any one or more directions at the detailed engineering stageA the same shall be mutually discussed and agreed bet7een the #endor and -ompany. &or pump no??le si?es above 14>A -ompany 7ill provide the forces and moments at the pump no??les based on the stress analysis of the system for revie7 and acceptance by the vendor. 6./ Ce+tr)"u.a* Co- re!!or! F TurCo EG a+#er Co- re!!or! The loads on -entrifugal -ompressor and Turbo $=pander -ompressor no??les shall be in accordance 7ith *$+A '+33 'ection 8.4.4 formulaeO ho7ever the constants in formulae shall be increased by a minimum factor of 4 'hould there be a re@uirement for increased no??le allo7able forces or moments in any one or more directions at the detailed engineering stageA the same shall be mutually discussed and agreed bet7een the #endor and -ompany. *et resultants of combined forces and moments shall be resolved at the suction :larger6 no??le in the case of a t7o5no??le machine. The e@uivalent no??le diameter %c shall be based on the nominal no??le outside diameters. 6.3 VR0 S%!te- Re') ro'at)+. Co- re!!or Pa'(a.e #endor shall inform the desired minimum mechanical natural fre@uency to be established for the entire #!1 piping system starting from suction scrubber inlet lines up to the discharge scrubber outlet lines. The piping 7ithin #!1 compressor pac<age shall be supported and guidedA as necessaryA and the interface tie5in points shall be anchored by the vendor such that the interface no??le shall be designed to satisfy the M&orces and +oments9 stated in Appendi=53. &or some reasonsA if it is not possible for vendor to provide anchor at the interface tie5in pointsA then the vendor shall provide stiffness values and thermal movements at the compressor no??les in all degrees of freedom :3 translations and 3 rotations6. $ngineering -ontractor 7ill provide loads :forces and moments6 imposed by piping at the compressor no??les based on the stress analysis of the complete system for revie7 and acceptance by the vendor.

Pre!!ure Ve!!e*!1 Co*u-+!1 F)*ter! a+# P). Lau+'&er! H Re'e)ver! $=ternal loads applied to ressure vessels and columns no??les shall normally be limited to the values given in Appendi=53 of Arthit )eneral 'pecification A)'503 :1nfired ressure #essels6 (n the event that a component force or moment due to piping reactions e=ceeds the respective allo7able but the resultant remains 7ithin the resultant allo7ableA C!-100 / C!-3G0 calculation may be performed by the -ompany to accept the loads. (n case the C!- calculation failsA -ompany 7ill modify the piping and/or restraints to limit the loads 7ithin the values given appendi=53 of A)'503. (f this is



PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 14 o" /3

not achievable by the -ompanyA the loads 7ill be provided to the vendor. #endor shall re5analyse the vessel for ne7 loads to verify and ensure that all stresses are still 7ithin the allo7able limits 7ith suitable modification if any on the vessel.

(f component and resultant e=ceed the allo7able loadsA piping and / or restraints 7ill be modified to comply 7ith values given in Appendi=53 of A)'503. (f this proves to be impracticalA -ompany 7ill provide the loads for revie7 and acceptance by the vendor for suitable modification if any on the vessel. The locations and loading for pipe support clips on the vessel and/or service platform 7ill be furnished separately during the detailed engineering stage 7hich shall be verified by the #endor for the stresses and other aspects of vessel and service platform design. S&e** F TuCe Heat EG'&!1 DouC*e P) e T% e Heat EG'&!1 P*ate T% e Heat EG'&! F Pr)+te# C)r'u)t Heat EG'& $=ternal loads applied to no??les of shell E tube heat e=changersA %ouble pipe type heat e=changersA late type heat e=changers and rinted circuit heat e=changers shall normally be limited to the values given in Appendi=53. $=ternal &orces and +oments given in Appendi=53 are to be applied at no??le / shell intersection simultaneously. 'ections 8.4.3A 8.4.3 E 8.4.4 are applicable here also.




A)r Coo*e# Heat EG'&! Allo7able loads shall be three times the values given in A ( 441 Table 4. 'hould there be a re@uirement for increased no??le allo7able forces and moments in any one or more directions at the detailed engineering stageA the same shall be mutually discussed and agreed bet7een the vendor and -ompany. (f pipe support clips are re@uired on the cooler service platformsA locations and loadings for the clips 7ill be furnished separately during the detailed engineering stage 7hich shall be verified by the #endor for the stresses and other aspects of platform design.


Ta+(! 1nless agreed 7ith -ompanyA the allo7able no??le loads for flat Fsided storage tan<s are as tabulated belo7. TaC*e-A : Metr)' 0+)t! = *o??le 'i?e 1 P> 3> 3> 4> 4> 8> *otesD %irect 2oads :*6 & A=ial 0/0 0/0 1/00 3000 3000 3/00 & 'hear 0/0 0/0 3000 3000 /000 4000 +oment 2oads :*5m6 + Torsion 1/0 1/0 0/0 1400 3000 4/00 + Bending 1/0 1/0 4/0 0/0 3000 3000

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 13 o" /3

16 36

All loads stated above act at the tan< plate / no??le intersection and are to be assumed to act simultaneously. The #endor shall provide sufficient local reinforcement to ensure that the stress due to pressure headA radial load and applied moment does not e=ceed 1./ times the allo7able design stress for the plate. &or no??les e=ceeding 8> *.BA allo7able loads shall be agreed 7ith the -ompany. 9a!te Heat Re'over% 0+)t Based on the analysisA $ngineering -ontractor 7ill provide loads :forces and moments6 imposed by piping at .eating +edium inlet and outlet no??les of Caste .eat !ecovery 1nit :C.!16 for revie7 and acceptance by the #endor.

36 6.6

6.B 8.G.1

Pa'(a.e# 0+)t! ac<age unit #endor shall furnish the list of lines considered for stress analysis for -ompany9s revie7. 'tress analysis for ac<age unit piping carried out by vendor shall be as per this specification as a minimum. Chen the piping is connected to e@uipment other than that specified in this 'pecificationA the loading listed in Appendi=53 shall be used. The #endor shall anchor all pac<age piping at the s<id edge. Chere this proves impracticalA the #endor shall advise the -ompany no later than si= 7ee<s after a7ard of the contract. The piping 7ithin the pac<age shall be supported and guidedA as necessaryA by the #endor such that the interface no??le shall satisfy the M&orces and +oments9 stated in Attachement53. The #endor shall provide isometric dra7ings sho7ing all pipe support restraints. &or terminations anchored at a s<id edgeA the allo7able e=ternal loading :from piping outside the pac<age6 7ill correspond to the M&orces E +oments9 stated in Appendi=53. Tie5in anchorA at the #endor/-ompany interfaceA shall be capable of 7ithstanding t7o times the values as per Appendi=53. 'hould there be a re@uirement for increased allo7able forces or moments in any one or more directions at the detailed engineering stageA the same shall be mutually discussed and agreed bet7een the ac<age 1nit #endor and -ompany. T)e-)+! CetEee+ To !)#e! a+# R)!er! &or riser connected topsides pipingA J.anger &lange9 shall be treated as an anchor for carrying out topsides piping stress analysis. The forces and moments due to topsides piping shall be ta<en into account for hanger flange design.

8.G.3 8.G.3





F*a+.e ,o)+t!

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 15 o" /3

'upports are to be provided close of flange HointsA 7here heavy concentrated loads occur. A revie7 7ill be done by the stress engineer for these types of supports. ressure design of flanges shall generally be in accordance 7ith section 304./ of A'+$ B31.3. "perating pressure shall be considered for the purpose of flange lea< calculation. iping stress analysis programme -A$'A! (( shall be used for chec<ing the flange lea<age.

Ve+#or DraE)+.! a+# Data The stress section shall revie7 and comment on all #endor dra7ingsA such asA e@uipment and vesselsA pertaining to connected stress critical piping. !evie7 shall include interface tie5in connection dra7ings and details for ac<age/s<id unitsA pertaining to stress critical lines.


PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 17 o" /3

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1: 11 12 13 ASME B31.3 Stresses Si*+le S(ste* ,-.4-/1-01 120E) ,-01 1S3S) 4 B31.3 Stresses ,5!1 120E) ,5!2 120E) ,,-'0 1'6.) 4 '(dro)test #oads #2-#3 1288) B31.3 Stresses #2-#4 1288) #1-#3 120E) !o""le & #1)#3 120E) $estrai%t #1-#4 120E) #oads #1)#4 120E) #1)#2 1E;0) 4 B31.3 Stresses !o""le #oads $estrai%t #oads & '(dro)test $estrai%t loads S(ste* <ith added 0S= >orces S(ste* <ith S+ri%g 'a%gers 1 ,-.4-/1-01->1 120E) 1 , 1'@$) 2 ,-01->1 120E) 2 ,-.4-/1-01 1'@$) 3 ,-01 1S3S) 4 B31.3 Stresses 3 ,-.4-/1-01-' 120E) 4 ,5!1 120E) 4 ,-01-' 1S3S) 4 B31.3 Stresses 5 ,5!2 120E) 5 ,5!1 120E) 7 ,,-'0 1'6.) 4 '(dro)test #oads 7 ,5!2 120E) ? #2-#4 1288) B31.3 Stresses ? ,,-'0 1'6.) 4 '(dro)test #oads 9 #2-#5 1288) 8 #4-#5 1288) B31.3 Stresses 1: #1-#4 120E) !o""le & 9 #4-#7 1288) 11 #1)#4 120E) $estrai%t 1: #3-#5 120E) !o""le & 12 #1-#5 120E) #oads 11 #3)#5 120E) $estrai%t 13 #1)#5 120E) 12 #3-#7 120E) #oads 14 #1)#2 1E;0) 4 B31.3 Stresses 13 #3)#7 120E) 14 #3)#4 1E;0) 4 B31.3 Stresses '(dro)test load case shall be rA% se+aratel( <ith S+ri%gs re+laced b( $igid ha%gers.

Stresses & $estrai%t #oads

B31.3 Stresses !o""le & $estrai%t #oads


1 ,-.4-/1-01 120E) 2 ,-01 1S3S) 3 B#AS/ 4 ; 1288) 4 B#AS/ 4 6 1288) 5 B#AS/ 4 B 1288) 7 #1-#3 120E) ? #1)#3 120E) $estrai%t 8 #1-#4 120E) #oads 9 #1)#4 120E) o%l( 1: #1-#5 120E) 11 #1)#5 120E) 12 #2-#3 1288) 13 #2)#3 1288) Stress 8heck 14 #2-#4 1288) Allo<able E 15 #2)#4 1288) 6ield 17 #2-#5 1288) 1? #2)#5 1288)


/his case is si*ilar to !or*al case <ith added forces. /he added forces are SlAg forces at +i+e elbo<s.

/his case is also si*ilar to !or*al case <ith added forces. /he added forces are SArge forces at +i+e elbo<s. 5f the s(ste* has to be desig%ed for the effect of sArge at o%e elbo< at a ti*e the% as *a%( %A*ber of cases as the %A*ber of elbo<s i% the s(ste* haCe to be a%al(sed to deter*i%e the <orst loads.

0i+e ,eight 5%sAlatio% ,t >lAid ,t $igid ,t ,, ) 0i+e ,eight 5%sAlatio% ,t ,ater)filled ,t $igid ,t ,!8 ) 0i+e ,eight 5%sAlatio% ,t $igid ,t 01 ) .esig% or 2+erati%g 0ress. '0 ) '(drostatic /est 0ressAre /1 ) .esig% or 2+erati%g /e*+. .1 .2 ) .eck deflectio%s dAri%g & .3 tra%s+ortatio% .4 ) A%chor /her*al MoCe*e%t >1 ) A++lied >orces or Mo*e%ts ' ) 'a%ger #oad ,5!1 ) ; directio% ,i%d 0ressAre ,5!2 ) B directio% ,i%d 0ressAre B#AS/ ) Blast >orces i% ; 6 B ) ; 6 B .irectio%s 31 32 ) Acceleratio% dAri%g & 33 tra%s+ortatio% 20E S3S 288 E;0 '6. '@$ ) 2+erati%g 1!o code stress check) ) SAstai%ed case ) 2ccasio%al case ) ED+a%sio% case ) '(dro)test case ) 'a%ger #oad case

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 16 o" /3


NoII*e S)Ie :)+= F*a+.e Rat)+. : !)=
1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

For'e!1 N
&2 :2ongi.6
1A33/ 1A33/ 1A830 1A830 3A30/ 3A30/

Mo-e+t1 N-&! :!esultant6

3A000 3A000 3AG0/ 3AG0/ 3A400 3A400

1A33/ 1A33/ 1A830 1A830 3A30/ 3A30/

&A :A=ial6
1A000 1A000 1A48/ 1A48/ 1A800 1A800

+2 :2ongi.6
3/0 3/0 33/ 33/ 30/ 30/

3/0 3/0 33/ 33/ 30/ 30/

+T :Torsional6
3/0 3/0 400 400 /30 /30

+! :!esultant6
4G/ 4G/ 44/ 44/ 0/0 0/0

3> and belo7


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

1A8/0 1A8/0 3A/00 3A/00 4A/3/ 4A/3/

1A8/0 1A8/0 3A/00 3A/00 4A/3/ 4A/3/

1A/10 1A/10 3A04/ 3A8// 3A00/ 3A00/

3A030 3A030 4A08/ /A010 0A40/ 0A40/

/8/ /8/ 0// G0/ 1A140 1A140

/8/ /8/ 0// G0/ 1A140 1A140

83/ 83/ 1A000 1A380 1A44/ 1A44/

1A100 1A100 1A/10 1AG// 3A33/ 3A33/


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

3A43/ 3A43/ 3A4// 4A440 4A030 4A030

3A43/ 3A43/ 3A4// 4A440 4A030 4A030

3A1/0 3A1/0 3AG8/ 3A08/ /A4/0 /A4/0

4A300 4A300 /AG40 0A/0/ 10AG0/ 10AG0/

1A0G0 1A0G0 1A4/0 1A040 3A30/ 3A30/

1A0G0 1A0G0 1A4/0 1A040 3A30/ 3A30/

1A/40 1A/40 3A0/0 3A48/ 3A340 3A340

3A180 3A180 3AG00 3A/1/ 4A410 4A410


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

4A430 /A430 4AG0/ 8A880 13AG0/ 13A1/0

4A430 /A430 4AG0/ 8A880 13AG0/ 13A1/0

3A080 4A400 /A4G/ 0A3/0 10A/G/ 10A040

0A/40 GA300 11A3G0 14A/0/ 31A18/ 31A40/

3A880 3A440 4A14/ /A080 4A0G/ 4A840

3A880 3A440 4A14/ /A080 4A0G/ 4A840

4A00/ 4A840 /A84/ 0A18/ GA40/ GA000

/A04/ 4A880 8A3G/ 10A140 13A/8/ 13A030


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

4AG00 0A43/ 8A000 14A830 1GA400 31A880

4AG00 0A43/ 8A000 14A830 1GA400 31A880

/A4G0 4A040 0A100 13A100 14A00/ 10A84/

11A380 13A13/ 14A30/ 34A300 33A00/ 3/A03/

/A38/ /A010 4A/G/ 10A4// 13A030 14A110

/A38/ /A010 4A/G/ 10A4// 13A030 14A110

0A41/ 8A00/ GA33/ 14A08/ 18A41/ 1GAG/0

10A000 11A430 13A1G0 30AG10 34A04/ 38A31/


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

GA880 13A340 1/A030 31A0G/ 38A00/ 33A3/0

GA880 13A340 1/A030 31A0G/ 38A00/ 33A3/0

8A000 10AG10 13A840 10A0G/ 33AG30 30A1/0

14A13/ 31A830 3/A480 3/A/G/ 4/A84/ /4A300

GA030 11A8G/ 13A040 18A310 33A31/ 3/A31/

GA030 11A8G/ 13A040 18A310 33A31/ 3/A31/

13A0// 14A830 1GA440 3/A0// 31A/// 3/A800

18A040 33A080 30A/30 34A43/ 44A430 /0A43/

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e 1B o" /3


NoII*e S)Ie :)+= F*a+.e Rat)+. : !)=
1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

For'e!1 N
&2 :2ongi.6
13A100 10A880 31A43/ 30A430 40A330 44A08/

Mo-e+t1 N-&! :!esultant6

1GA0// 3GA300 3/A330 /0A030 4/A840 0/A3//

13A100 10A880 31A43/ 30A430 40A330 44A08/

&A :A=ial6
GA880 14A410 10A44/ 3/A010 33AG30 30A430

+2 :2ongi.6
13A3G0 10A040 31A100 38A440 3/A400 3GA100

13A3G0 10A040 31A100 38A440 3/A400 3GA100

+T :Torsional6
10A/30 3/A110 3GA840 40A3/0 /0A140 //A3G/

+! :!esultant6
34A080 3/A/1/ 43A300 /4AG3/ 00AG40 08A340



1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

13A330 1/A48/ 3/AG0/ 34A80/ /1A33/ 04AG40

13A330 1/A48/ 3/AG0/ 34A80/ /1A33/ 04AG40

10A80/ 13A440 31A1/0 30A0/0 41A830 41A18/

31A0G/ 3/A38/ 43A300 40A0G/ 83A44/ 133A300

14A0/0 14A300 3/AG0/ 3/A040 4/A/8/ /8AG3/

14A0/0 14A300 3/AG0/ 3/A040 4/A/8/ /8AG3/

1GA800 33A8G/ 34A43/ 4GA/80 44A44/ 83A34/

38A100 33A30/ /1A810 00A11/ G1A100 110A800


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

1/A30/ 30A300 33A34/ 44AG4/ 43A0G/ G0A81/

1/A30/ 30A300 33A34/ 44AG4/ 43A0G/ G0A81/

13A400 14A4G/ 30A33/ 38A34/ /3A08/ 04A14/

34AG40 33AG8/ /4A4// 04A4G0 104A100 148A3G0

10A31/ 33A41/ 3/A44/ 40A440 40AG40 08A04/

10A31/ 33A41/ 3/A44/ 40A440 40AG40 08A04/

34A340 31A000 /0A13/ 40A40/ 84A180 110A400

34A43/ 44A830 00A8G0 G/A33/ 131A880 1/4A130


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

10A330 3/A/4/ 41A01/ /GA/8/ 80A440 114A140

10A330 3/A/4/ 41A01/ /GA/8/ 80A440 114A140

14A04/ 30A88/ 34A040 48A4/0 4/A8// G3A1G/

38A130 41A01/ 48A130 G0A3G/ 131A010 184A38/

30A300 3GA43/ 44A110 43A000 80A030 103A1//

30A300 3GA43/ 14A110 43A000 80A030 103A1//

38A44/ 41A430 4/A310 88A000 113A180 144A44/

40A/3/ /8A800 G3A330 13/A/40 140A04/ 304A310


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

18A43/ 34A01/ 4/A330 44A30/ 83A30/ 131A40/

18A43/ 34A01/ 4/A330 44A30/ 83A30/ 131A40/

1/A0/0 31A810 30A00/ /3A/0/ 40A10/ GGA13/

30A10/ 43A430 04A00/ 10/A010 134A34/ 1G8A3/0

34A80/ 3/A300 /0A4// 00A830 G/A08/ 13/AG0/

34A80/ 3/A300 /0A4// 00A830 G/A08/ 13/AG0/

3/A10/ /0A030 81A3/0 110A0// 134A44/ 108A0//

4GA04/ 00A04/ 114AG10 1//A44/ 1G0A14/ 3/1A810


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

1GA140 30A080 40A400 40A110 G1A840 131A34/

1GA140 30A080 40A400 40A110 G1A840 131A34/

1/A430 33A110 38A84/ /4A0G/ 04A8G/ 100A1//

31A340 44A31/ 00A030 10GA/8/ 14GAG00 314A310

3GA//0 41A100 4GA0/0 G3A040 11GAG1/ 1/4A43/

3GA//0 41A100 4GA0/0 G3A040 11GAG1/ 1/4A43/

41A0G0 /8A130 G0A4/0 131A40/ 14GA/8/ 318A3G0

/GA10/ 83A300 138A100 184A130 33GA830 308A8//


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

30A430 30A800 48A3// 4GA84/ G3A40/ 133A3G0

30A430 30A800 48A3// 4GA84/ G3A40/ 133A3G0

14A400 33A0// 3GA400 /0A040 04A340 108AG0/

33A340 4/A/10 08A800 114A08/ 1/3A/30 310A810

34A030 48A430 80A330 110A/G0 13GA000 10GAGG/

34A030 48A430 80A330 110A/G0 13GA000 10GAGG/

/0AG// 48A40/ 113A44/ 1/4A400 1G0A440 3/4A//0

03A04/ G4A840 140A440 331A180 30GA/3/ 3/GAGG0

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e /0 o" /3


NoII*e S)Ie :)+= F*a+.e Rat)+. : !)=
1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

For'e!1 N
&2 :2ongi.6
33A300 31AG30 /3A30/ 80A330 108A//0 1/4A30/

Mo-e+t1 N-&! :!esultant6

34A/3/ /3A140 8/A3/0 131A100 100A3// 3/3A08/

33A300 31AG30 /3A30/ 80A330 108A//0 1/4A30/

&A :A=ial6
18A34/ 34A000 43A43/ 4/A/8/ 88A430 134A04/

+2 :2ongi.6
43A440 /GA400 G3AG30 134AGG/ 104AG3/ 33/A3/0

43A440 /GA400 G3AG30 134AGG/ 104AG3/ 33/A3/0

+T :Torsional6
40A04/ 84A38/ 133A830 1G3A040 340A3G0 318A/4/

+! :!esultant6
84AG1/ 11GA1G/ 180A840 303AGG0 34GA84/ 4/0A4G/



1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

3/A30/ 3/A8// /GA/// G1A33/ 131A81/ 10/A340

3/A30/ 3/A8// /GA/// G1A33/ 131A81/ 10/A340

30A440 3GA30/ 48A43/ 04A480 GGA440 143A10/

41A330 /8A/4/ G0A34/ 148AG40 1G8AG1/ 384A3/0

/1A080 03A1G/ 11/A/40 148A0G0 313AG40 300A/40

/1A080 03A1G/ 11/A/40 148A0G0 313AG40 300A/40

03A33/ 103A100 143A430 330A010 301A140 3G3A4G/

103A/40 144A3G0 331A11/ 334A10/ 43/A880 ///A00/


1/0 300 400 G00 1/00 3/00

38A41/ 40AG80 4/A4// G8A340 130A800 1G0A40/

38A41/ 40AG80 4/A4// G8A340 130A800 1G0A40/

33A300 33A440 /3A440 80A310 113A/4/ 141A33/

44A400 44AG30 104A880 140A430 33/A130 333A400

43A3/0 88A43/ 134A430 1G/A08/ 3/GA00/ 330A1G0

43A3/0 88A43/ 134A430 1G/A08/ 3/GA00/ 330A1G0

88A10/ 13/A04/ 1G3A330 304A80/ 344A38/ 404A8//

134A000 104A800 303A3// 3G1A/4/ /18A010 404A380

*o??le 2oads for si?es above 30> shall be mutually agreed bet7een -ompany and #endor.

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e /1 o" /3

APPENDI?- 3 @ 9IND LOADING DATA As per Arthit )eneral 'pecification A)'518 :'ite -onditions and -limate6 the 100 year return Cind speed :3 second )ust6 at 10m above 2AT :2o7est Astronomical Tide6 is /0m/sec. The corresponding 7ind speed at other elevations :Q6 are estimated using the formula #QR#10:Q/1060.13 Cind load is applied as uniform force along the pipe Cind force per unit length & R -f@% */mm Chere % R "utside diameter of the pipeA mm @ R %ynamic pressure of the 7ind R S#T/3 A */mT -f R 'hape factor or $ffective force co5efficient # R Cind 'peedA m/sec S R %ensity of air R /!TA ,g/mU R Atmospheric pressure R 1013G4.14 */mT T R Average air temperature R 3GI- as per Table 4.1 of A)'518 ! R )as constant for air R 380.1380 *5m/,g5I, Air %ensity at 3GI- R 1013G4.14/V380.1380=:3GW3036X R 1.14G3 ,g/ mU 9)+# Pro")*e Ca!e# o+ 100 %ear retur+ )+terva*1 3 !e'o+# Gu!t
E*evat)o+ / 10 1/ 30 3/ 30 3/ 40 4/ /0 9)+# S ee# -H!e' /3./ /0.0 /G.8 41.G 43.4 4/.0 44.3 40.3 48.3 4G.1 9)+# Pre!!ure NH-J 1411.4 18GG./ 30G0.0 3340.1 3344.G 3400.1 3/43.3 3448.0 3030.3 30G1.4

As per B' - 3A -hapter #A art 3A values of shape factor -f for pipe sections are as follo7s.
F*oE Re.)-e 'ubcritical flo7 'upercritical flo7 DV Va*ue %# Y 4 mT/sec 4 Z %# Y 13 mT/sec 13 Z %# Y 33 mT/sec %# [ 33mT/sec C" 1.3 0.4 0.0 0.8

The above 7ind profile and shape factor values shall be used in -A$'A! (( the elevation in metres of the corresponding point in %+' stress isometrics.

ipe 'tress

analysis. The M\9 co5ordinate to be <eyed5in for the starting node in -A$'A! (( input shall be

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e // o" /3


.anger 'upport

!est 'upport

!est 'upport 7ith .old %o7n

.anger 'upport 7ith ipe )uide

!est 'upport 7ith ipe )uide

!est support 7ith .old %o7n E ipe )uide

.anger 'upport 7ith ipe A=ial 'top

!est 'upport 7ith ipe A=ial 'top

!est 'upport 7ith .old %o7n E ipe A=ial 'top

PTTEP Art&)t F)e*# Deve*o -e+t Ce+tra* Fa')*)t)e! P) )+. Stre!! A+a*%!)! S e')")'at)o+

Do'. No. A-1-PP-PI-SP-0003

Rev. $1 Pa.e /3 o" /3


ipe )uide E A=ial 'top

!est support 7ith ipe )uide !est support 7ith .old %o7n E A=ial 'top A ipe )uide E A=ial 'top

'pring 'upport : edestal type6

'pring 'upport 7ith ipe )uide

'pring 'upport Cith A=ial 'top

'pring 'upport Cith ipe )uide EA=ial 'top

'pring hanger supportA :.anger type6

'pring hanger support 7ith ipe )uide

'pring hanger support 7ith A=ial 'top

'pring hanger support 7ith ipe )uide E A=ial 'top

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