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Lessson Plan

Subject Level Grade / Semester Topic Teachers : Mathematics : Elementary : XII / 2 : Arithmetic Sequence : Danang Setyadi (20 2010 002) Matheus R N (20 2010 019) Chriscahyani P S (20 2010 006) Puput (20 2010 085)

STANDAR KOMPETENSI 4. Menggunakan konsep barisan deret dalam pemecahan masalah KOMPETENSI DASAR 4.1 Menentukan suku ke n baris dan jumlah n suku deret aritmatika dan geometri LEARNING GOALS By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. know the meaning of arithmetic sequence 2. understand how to determine the nth term of arithmetic sequence 3. understand how to determine the middle term of arithnetic sequence 4. understand how to determine the sum of arithmetic series

LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. give example of arithmetic sequence 2. find the nth term of arithmetic sequence 3. find the middle term of arithmetic sequence 4. determine the sum of arithmetic series

TEACHING MATERIALS 1. Picture of thinking cartoon (http://www. 2. Pictures of chairs (

Pre teaching (5 minutes) Danang greets the students Danang asks whos absent today? Danang explains todays topic

Whilst teaching (30 minutes) Danang explains the definition of arithmetic sequence Danang gives an example of arithmetic sequence Danang gives an example of non arithmetic sequence Matheus explains the nth formula of arithmetic sequence Matheus gives example to find the nth term of arithmetic sequence Siwi explains the meaning of middle term of arithmetic sequences Siwi gives example of middle term of arithmetic sequences Puput explains the meaning of arithmetic series Puput gives example to find the sum of arithmetic series Danang ask students to makes eight group Danang explain about learning activities Each group go to a material post

Each group must answer a question if enter learning post, if the group can not answer the question, they must go to the other post to try get the other question. Group do the task from post Eeach group go to the other post to get the other questions about arithmetic sequence The winner is group who can answer the most questions

Post teaching (5 minutes) Matheus sums up the lesson Matheus asks student to study the geometry sequence at home Matheus greets the students

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