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q eIemenLs Io LIe buIunced

1. CusLomer perspecLIve
z. BusIness process perspecLIve
. nnovuLIon und IeurnIng
q. InuncIuI perspecLIve
q SCOR perIormunce
1. SC reIIubIIILy
z. SC responsIveness
q. SC cosLs
. SC usseL munugemenL
uLLrIbuLes oI u SCM
1. AbIIILy Lo vIew LIe SC us u serIes oI IInked
z. LIe skIII Lo munuge crILIcuI reIuLIonsIIps
. un undersLundIng oI LIe busIness modeI
q. muke decIsIons bused on sLuLIsLIcuI unuIysIs
. udvunced cosL munugemenL skIIIs
6. undersLundIng oI e-bIz sysLems
beneIILs oI joInIng C-TPAP
1 Iewer InspecLIon
z. ussIgned uccounL munuger
. uccess Lo C-TPAP cerLIIIed suppIIers
q. empIusIs on seII poIIcIng
. eIIgIbIIILy Ior uccounL bused processes
BeneIILs oI ouLsourcIng
1. EconomIes oI scuIe
z. RIsk reducLIon (LrunsIer oI rIsk)
. ncreused cupILuI uvuIIubIe Ior InvesLmenL
q. CIeurer Iocus (Iocus on core compeLency)
. Access Lo new LecInoIogIes
6. usLer deveIopmenL cycIe LImes
BeneIILs oI usIng SCOR us u
rIsk munugemenL LooI
1. eusIer ImpIemenLuLIon
z. More compreIensIve rIsk D
. beLLer uppIIcuLIon oI SCRM besL
q. beLLer SCRM coordInuLIon wJ
cusLomers, suppIIers und sLukeIoIders
CusLoms Trude PurLnersIIp
AguInsL TerrorIsm
ConsIderuLIons Ior opLImuI
pIysIcuI neLwork
1. Number IocuLIon und cupucILy oI
z. ocuLIon oI pIunLs und
producLIon IeveIs
. TrunsporLuLIon neLwork beLween
ConsIderuLIons Ior SC
LecInoIogy decIsIons
1. SeIecL LIe rIgIL peopIe Lo guIde LIe projecL
z. ConsIder LIe coIIuLeruI eIIecLs oI LIe new
. ConsIder LIe cosL oI IurdwureJsoILwure
q. ConsIder IIexIbIIILy Issues oI ERP (don'L
geL Iocked In Lo u InIIexIbIe sysLem)
DownsIde SC udupLubIIILy
LIe reducLIon In qLys
ordered susLuInubIe uL o
duys prIor Lo deIIvery wILI
no Inv or cosL penuILIes
dweII LIme
LIe umounL oI LIme un
order spend wuILIng Lo
move Irom one sLuge Lo
EIemenLs oI SCM
1. NeLwork pIunnIng
z. nvenLory conLroI
. SuppIy conLrucLs
q. OuLsourcIngJprocuremenL sLruLegIes
. ProducL desIgn
6 CusLomer vuIue
;. nIo LecInoIogy und DSS
gIobuI reporLIng InILIuLIve
un IndependenL InsLILuLIon
LIuL dIssemInuLes gIobuIIy
uppIIcubIe susLuInubIIILy
guIdeIInes Ior voIunLury use
ImporLunL provIsIons oI
1 sec qo1 (dIscIosure oI muLerIuI oII
buIunce sIeeL ucLIvILIes)
z. sec qoq (requIres unnuuI reporLs
Lo IncIude InLernuI conLroIs reporL)
Key udvunLuges oI SCOR
1. DeveIoped Lo specIIIcuIIy meusure cross
IuncLIonuI cross compuny processes.
z. Cun be used Lo cuIcuIuLe numerIcuI vuIues Ior
eucI perIormunce uLLrIbuLe
. Cun be used Lo compure perIormunce uguInsL
IndusLry sLundurd or besL In cIuss sLundurds
q. L Ius been deveIoped, reIIned und uppIIed by
muny IIrms
key securILy Issues In SCM
1. pIysIcuI securILy oI LrunsporLuLIon und
sLoruge nodes
z. meeLIng Increused D requIremenLs
(sysLems us weII)
. compIyIng wILI unLI LerrorIsm
q. keepIng SC sysLems secure
key success IucLors In u
syncIed SC
1. rIgIL orgunIzuLIon
z. rIgIL processes
. rIgIL peopIe
q. rIgIL LecInoIogy
. rIgIL meLrIcs
Muke or buy quesLIons
1. s ucLIvILy u core compeLency
z. WIuL ure consequences oI
IosIng LIe skIIIseLs or
. WIuL Is LIe Iunded cosL
order IuIIIIImenL cycIe LIme
= order IuIIIIImenL process
LIme + Order IuIIIIImenL
dweII LIme
PerIecL order IuIIIIImenL
LIe percenLuge oI orders
meeLIng deIIvery perIormunce
wILI compIeLe und uccuruLe
documenLuLIon und no
deIIvery dumuge
Process Ior deLermInIng
muke or buy core
1. DeLermIne II LIe enLerprIse uIreudy Ius LIe core
z. DeLermIne wIeLIer or noL LIere Is u need In LIe
. DeLermIne LIe reIuLIonsIIp beLween LIe IIrms
cupubIIILy und LIe need In LIe murkeL pIuce
q. I LIe need exIsLs In LIe murkeLpIuce und does noL
exIsL In LIe IIrm, deLermIne wIeLIer Lo deveIop In
Iouse or ouLsource (muke or buy)
ReLurn on SC IIxed usseLs
LIe reLurn un orgunIzuLIon
receIves on ILs InvesLed
cupILuI In SC IIxed usseLs
reLurn on SC IIxed usseLs
= (SC revenue-SC
munugemenL cosLs) J SC
IIxed usseLs
SC compIIunce Issues
1. LurIIIs und Luxes
z. envIronmenLuI Issues
. IInuncIuI reporLIng
q. reporLIng LrunsucLIon ucLIvILIes Lo
govLJreporLIng ugencIes
. muLerIuI conLenL reporLIng
SCM cosL
uII dIrecL und IndIrecL expenses
ussocIuLed wILI operuLIng SCOR
busIness processes ucross LIe SC.
EquuIs LIe cosL Lo pIun, source,
deIIver und reLurn
SCOR IeveI 1 meLrIcs
1. PerIecL order IuIIIIImenL
z. Order IuIIIIImenL cycIe LIme
. UpsIde suppIy cIuIn IIexIbIIILy
q. UpsIde suppIy cIuIn udupLubIIILy
. DownsIde suppIy cIuIn udupLubIIILy
6. SuppIy cIuIn munugemenL cosL
;. CosL oI goods soId
8. CusI Lo cusI cycIe LIme
q. ReLurn on suppIy cIuIn IIxed usseLs
UpsIde suppIy cIuIn
LIe umounL oI Increused
producLIon un orgunIzuLIon
cun ucIIeve und susLuIn In
o duys
upsIde suppIy cIuIn
LIe number oI duys requIred Lo
ucIIeve un unpIunned susLuInubIe
zo% Increuse In qLy deIIvered. TIe
speed uL wIIcI un orgunIzuLIon cun
Increuse producLIon by zo%

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