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How The World Works Information Literacy-Printed and Electronic Encyclopedias Rubric Assessment Name/Class: Kezia/6A

Chooses relevant information based on the questions and reword it based on the need Can find relevant information based on the questions but usually take the words from the source without reword it Uses both printed and electronic encyclopedias but prefer to use one of it Answers the questions but sometimes include irrelevant information There are no connection between the questions and the answers

Relevancy of the information

Encyclopedia usage

Bibliography writing

Uses both printed and electronic encyclopedias equally, understands the different usage of the index in both resources and applies the use of both encyclopedias in finding information needed Writes the bibliography based on the bibliographic convention

Tries to use both encyclopedias but still needs teachers help

Still finds difficulties in using both encyclopedias

Time management

Sets individual time to accomplish the task on time

Writes the bibliography but there are some missing parts on the writing (punctuation, quotation, date) Shows weekly progress toward the task but sometimes use the time not appropriately

Writes the bibliography but do not follow bibliographic convention

Writes the resources but do not know how to arrange them in bibliography writing Needs more time and effort to finish the task

Needs other reminder to make a progress on the task

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