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Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

Chapter 04 Job Analysis and Rewards Answer Key

Changing Nature of Jobs

True / False Questions

1. In most modern organizations, obs are largely well established and !hange little o"er time. FALSE

#. Job analysis is the pro!ess o$ st%dying obs in order to gather, analyze, synthesize, and report in$ormation abo%t ob re&%irements. TRUE

'. Competen!y based ob analysis see(s to identi$y and des!ribe the spe!i$i! tas(s, K)A*s, and ob !onte+t $or a parti!%lar ob. FALSE

4. ,he traditional way o$ designing a ob is to identi$y and de$ine its elements and tas(s pre!isely and then in!orporate them into a ob des!ription. TRUE

-. ,raditional ob design is mar(ed by $ormal organization !harts, !lear and pre!ise ob des!riptions and spe!i$i!ations, and well-de$ined relationships between obs. TRUE

.. Changes to obs ha"e be!ome so radi!al that the !on!ept o$ / obs/ is no longer a %se$%l !on!ept in most organizations. FALSE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

0. Ad"an!es in te!hnology are one o$ the ma or reasons $or !hanges in obs. TRUE

1. A ob $amily is a gro%ping o$ positions that are similar in their tas(s and tas( dimensions. FALSE

2. ,he smallest %nit into whi!h wor( !an be di"ided witho%t analyzing separate motions, mo"ements, and mental pro!esses is !alled an element. TRUE

10. 3any small-b%siness owners, general managers o$ start-%p strategi! b%siness %nits, and top management members per$orm $le+ible obs that are di$$i!%lt to !lassi$y in traditional ob analysis. TRUE

11. 3eas%res o$ engagement re$le!t spe!i$i! s(ills sets that are readily meas%red thro%gh ob analysis. FALSE

1#. Competen!y analysis is one way to in!orporate engagement into ob analysis. TRUE

Multiple Choice Questions

1'. A ob des!ription is best de$ined as 44444. A. the organization5s $ramewor( $or AA !omplian!e ! the organization5s indi!ator o$ tas(s re&%ired $or ea!h ob C. the organizations prin!iple ob training tool 6. the organization5s per$orman!e appraisal instr%ment


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

14. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing are elements o$ traditional ob design8 A. $ormal organization !harts 9. !lear and pre!ise ob des!riptions C. well-de$ined mobility :promotion and trans$er; paths "! all o$ the abo"e

1-. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is a good de$inition o$ a ob $amily8 A. A gro%ping o$ elements to $orm an identi$iable wor( a!ti"ity that is a logi!al and ne!essary step in the per$orman!e o$ a ob ! A gro%ping o$ obs, %s%ally a!!ording to $%n!tion C. A gro%ping o$ obs a!!ording to generi! ob title or o!!%pation 6. A gro%ping o$ positions that are similar in their tas(s and tas( dimension

1.. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is a good de$inition o$ a ob !ategory8 A. A gro%ping o$ elements to $orm an identi$iable wor( a!ti"ity that is a logi!al and ne!essary step in the per$orman!e o$ a ob 9. A gro%ping o$ obs, %s%ally a!!ording to $%n!tion C! A gro%ping o$ obs a!!ording to generi! ob title or o!!%pation 6. A gro%ping o$ positions that are similar in their tas(s and tas( dimensions

10. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is a good de$inition o$ a ob8 A. A gro%ping o$ elements to $orm an identi$iable wor( a!ti"ity that is a logi!al and ne!essary step in the per$orman!e o$ a ob 9. A gro%ping o$ obs, %s%ally a!!ording to $%n!tion C. A gro%ping o$ obs a!!ording to generi! ob title or o!!%pation "! A gro%ping o$ positions that are similar in their tas(s and tas( dimensions

11. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is a good de$inition o$ a tas(8 A! A gro%ping o$ elements to $orm an identi$iable wor( a!ti"ity that is a logi!al and ne!essary step in the per$orman!e o$ a ob 9. A gro%ping o$ obs, %s%ally a!!ording to $%n!tion C. A gro%ping o$ obs a!!ording to generi! ob title or o!!%pation 6. A gro%ping o$ positions that are similar in their tas(s and tas( dimensions


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

12. 3eas%res o$ engagement re$le!t 444444444. A. tas( !hara!teristi!s that are readily a!!ommodated by ob analysis 9. the degree to whi!h an employee helps !o-wor(ers "ol%ntarily C! the degree to whi!h an employee identi$ies with and has enth%siasm $or his or her wor( 6. the employee5s tenden!y to re e!t alternati"e employment o$$ers when gi"en

Job Re#uire$ents Job Anal%sis

True / False Questions

#0. Job re&%irements ob analysis begins by identi$ying the spe!i$i! tas(s and the ob !onte+t $or a parti!%lar ob. TRUE

#1. Job analysis is a primary inp%t and s%pport a!ti"ity $or most $%n!tional sta$$ing a!ti"ities. TRUE

##. ,eam-based obs lend themsel"es parti!%larly well to ob re&%irements ob analysis. FALSE

#'. ,he ob re&%irements matri+ is !omposed o$ two !omponents< tas(s and K)A*s. TRUE

#4. ,as( statements are ob e!ti"ely written des!riptions o$ the beha"iors or wor( a!ti"ities engaged in by employees in order to per$orm the ob. TRUE

#-. ,as( statements sho%ld re$le!t what the employee does, to whom or what the employee does what he or she does, what is prod%!ed, and what is %sed. TRUE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

#.. ,he K)A* portion o$ a ob re&%irements matri+ is o$ten !on"erted to a ob des!ription. FALSE

#0. ,he term /tas( dimension/ has the same basi! meaning as /d%ties/ or /areas o$ responsibility./ TRUE

#1. )enten!e analysis is %sed to de"elop !ompeten!ies. FALSE

#2. ,as(s sho%ld be !onstr%!ted %sing broadly appli!able "erbs, s%!h as /s%pports,/ /assists,/ and /handles./ FALSE

'0. It is possible to weight tas( dimensions %sing either relati"e time spent, per!entage o$ time spent, or importan!e to o"erall ob per$orman!e. TRUE

'1. Knowledge is a body o$ in$ormation that !an be dire!tly applied to the per$orman!e o$ tas(s. TRUE

'#. )(ills are %nderlying, end%ring traits o$ a person that are %se$%l $or per$orming a range o$ tas(s. FALSE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

''. ,he wor( setting, attire, en"ironmental !onditions, and ob hazards are asso!iated with a ob5s /!onte+t./ TRUE

'4. =a"ing two or more people independently de"elop tas( statements $or a gi"en ob is a way to enhan!e !ontent "alidity and assess reliability. TRUE

'-. It is not really ne!essary, or e"en ad"isable, to ha"e an in!%mbent or s%per"isor ser"e as ob analysts. FALSE

'.. >ittle resear!h has been done to identi$y parti!%lar ob-related s(ills. FALSE

'0. In general, there are $ew, i$ any, so%r!es o$ ob in$ormation e+ternal to the organization where the ob is per$ormed. FALSE

'1. 6ire!t obser"ation is a so%r!e $or ob in$ormation that is well s%ited $or obs with physi!al !omponents, and relati"ely short !y!le times $or ob tas(s. TRUE

'2. ?sing managers in a ob analysis lends both e+pertise and ne%trality to the pro!ess. FALSE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

40. 7hen a ob analysis is li(ely to be legally, te!hni!ally or politi!ally s!r%tinized, it is best to %se an internal person to do the analysis, rather than an e+ternal !ons%ltant. FALSE

41. In general, when rational or narrati"e ob analysis methods are desired, it is ad"isable to rely on e+ternal !ons%ltants rather than internal sta$$. FALSE

4#. A "al%able %se o$ *@AB, is that it ser"es as a starting point in preparing (nowledge statements. TRUE

4'. )%b e!t matter e+perts sho%ld not in!l%de pre"io%s obholders, pri"ate !ons%ltants, and !%stomersC!lients. FALSE

44. ,he *@Aet !ontains wor( !onte+t $a!tors pertaining to interpersonal relationships and to str%!t%ral ob !hara!teristi!s. TRUE

4-. ,he term essential $%n!tions re$ers to the $%ndamental ob d%ties o$ the employment position the indi"id%al with a disability holds or desires. TRUE

4.. ,he Dosition Analysis E%estionnaire meas%res e+trinsi! rewards s%!h as pay, re!ognition, and promotional opport%nities. FALSE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

Multiple Choice Questions

40. ,he best approa!h to ob analysis $or traditional or e"ol"ing obs is 44444. A! ob re&%irements ob analysis 9. !ompeten!y based ob analysis C. team-based ob analysis 6. $%n!tional ob analysis

41. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is A*, shown by an ideal tas( statement8 A. what the employee does 9. to whom or what the employee does what he or she does C. what is prod%!ed "! how ea!h beha"ior is rewarded

42. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is a !omponent o$ a ob re&%irements matri+8 A. Job ten%re 9. Job pay C! Job !onte+t 6. Job appraisal

-0. )enten!e analysis te!hni&%e is an aid to 4444444444. A. writing the ob s%mmary 9. des!ribing the K)A*s C! dra$ting pre!ise tas( statements 6. des!ribing the ob !onte+t

-1. It !an be a!!%rately said o$ the /tas( dimension/ !omponent o$ a ob des!ription that it 44444444444. A. pro"ides a rating o$ tas( importan!e ! is a gro%ping o$ similar tas(s C. indi!ates appropriate K)A*s 6. indi!ates the nat%re o$ K)A*s


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

-#. ,he ob !onte+t !omponent o$ a ob des!ription does not 4444444444. A. en!ompass both tas(s and K)A*s 9. des!ribe physi!al demands C. des!ribe en"ironmental !hara!teristi!s "! address pay s!ales

-'. ,he K)A* portion o$ a ob re&%irements matri+ may be 444444444. A! !on"erted to a ob spe!i$i!ation 9. !on"erted to a ob des!ription C. !on"erted to a ob e"al%ation 6. !on"erted into a ob pay s!ale

-4. A body o$ in$ormation that !an be dire!tly applied to the per$orman!e o$ tas(s is 4444444. A! (nowledge 9. s(ills C. abilities 6. none o$ the abo"e

--. An %nderlying, end%ring trait o$ the person that is %se$%l $or per$orming a range o$ tas(s is 4444444. A. (nowledge 9. s(ills C! abilities 6. none o$ the abo"e

-.. An obser"able !ompeten!e $or wor(ing with or applying in$ormation to per$orm a parti!%lar tas( is 4444444. A. (nowledge ! s(ills C. abilities 6. none o$ the abo"e


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

-0. I$ tas(sCdimensions are not weighted $ormally, then 44444444. A. the ob des!ription has no "al%e 9. AA non-!omplian!e will res%lt C! all tas(sCdimensions are assessed as e&%ally important by de$a%lt 6. pay s!ales !annot be de"eloped

-1. ,he reason $or ha"ing the manager parti!ipate as a ob analyst is to 444444. A. pro"ide a!!eptan!e o$ ob statements to g%ide per$orman!e on the ob ! "eri$y statements are in!l%si"e and a!!%rate C. !ontrol in!%mbent responses on ob analysis &%estionnaires 6. establish pay s!ales

-2. A limitation o$ obser"ation as a means o$ gathering ob in$ormation wo%ld be 44444444444444. A. a!!ess to ob !onte+t 9. short ob !y!le C. a!!ess to K)A*s "! mental pro!esses are di$$i!%lt to meas%re

.0. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is an ad"antage o$ %sing ob tas( &%estionnaires8 A! ?se with large n%mbers o$ people 9. =ighly di"erse ob !ontent and $ormats C. 7or(ing with top management positions 6. 7or(ing with newly !reated obs

.1. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is not a good reason $or %sing an o%tside !ons%ltant $or ob analysis8 A. ,e!hni!al inno"ati"eness is !riti!al 9. >egal s!r%tiny o$ pro e!t o%tp%tCpro!esses is high C! Knowledge o$ organization !%lt%re is !riti!al 6. 6ata !olle!tion in"ol"es spe!ialized statisti!al methods


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

.#. )(ills !ontained in *@Aet in!l%de 4444444444444. A. basi! s(ills 9. !ross-$%n!tional s(ills C. sensory abilities "! all o$ the abo"e

Co$petenc%& ase' Job Anal%sis

True / False Questions

.'. Competen!y-based ob analysis begins by identi$ying the spe!i$i! tas(s and the ob !onte+t $or a parti!%lar ob. FALSE

.4. Competen!ies are more spe!i$i! than K)A*s. FALSE

.-. Competen!y-based ob analysis attempts to identi$y and des!ribe ob re&%irements in the $orm o$ general K)A*s that are re&%ired a!ross a range o$ obs. TRUE

... Competen!ies !ontrib%te to ob per$orman!e, b%t not to organizational s%!!ess. FALSE

.0. Competen!y based ob analysis is a way to $a!ilitate in!reased sta$$ing $le+ibility. TRUE

.1. A (ey strategi! =R reason $or per$orming !ompeten!y modeling is to !reate awareness and %nderstanding o$ the need $or !hange in b%siness. TRUE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

.2. Competen!y modeling is %se$%l $or impro"ing wor($or!e s(ills, b%t is generally o$ little %se $or repla!ement or s%!!ession planning. FALSE

00. Altho%gh !ompeten!y modeling has its ad"antages relati"e to ob re&%irements ob analysis, it does re&%ire !onsiderable time and e$$ort to establish !ompeten!y models in an organization. TRUE

01. ,he /Freat Bight/ !ompeten!ies in!l%de leading, s%pporting, presenting, analyzing, !reating, organizing, adapting, and per$orming. TRUE

0#. ,he legal impli!ations o$ analyzing !ompeten!ies beyond ob spe!i$i! ones are well(nown. FALSE

Multiple Choice Questions

0'. ,he best approa!h to ob analysis $or $le+ible obs with !hanging re&%irements is 44444. A. ob re&%irements ob analysis ! !ompeten!y based ob analysis C. team-based ob analysis 6. $%n!tional ob analysis

04. A !ompeten!y is 44444. A. a type o$ beha"ior that is obser"ed on the ob ! an %nderlying !hara!teristi! o$ an indi"id%al that !ontrib%tes to ob or role per$orman!e C. a latent !omponent o$ the ob !hara!teristi!s matri+ 6. a !ompilation o$ the tas(s, d%ties, and responsibilities that ma(e %p a ob


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

0-. ?nli(e K)A*s, !ompeten!ies %s%ally des!ribe !hara!teristi!s 44444444. A. o$ indi"id%als that !ontrib%te to ob per$orman!e 9. that are %sed $or sele!ting indi"id%als C! that !ontrib%te to s%!!ess a!ross m%ltiple obs 6. o$ organizational reward systems

0.. Competen!y modeling is %se$%l $or whi!h o$ the $ollowing appli!ations8 A. Identi$ying needs $or repla!ement and s%!!ession planning 9. Internal promotion pro!esses C. Ga!ilitating the =R planning pro!ess "! All o$ the abo"e

00. Competen!y modeling is strategi!ally %sed to 444444444. A. Create awareness o$ the need $or stability in b%siness ! Bnhan!e the s(ill le"el o$ the wor($or!e C. Bn!o%rage employees to $o!%s on their own obs as m%!h as possible 6. Aone o$ the abo"e

01. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is not one o$ the /great eight/ !ompeten!ies8 A! 3e!hani!al (nowledge 9. Creating C. *rganizing 6. Der$orming

Job Re(ar's
True / False Questions

02. Day, bene$its, and promotions are typi!al intrinsi! ob rewards. FALSE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

10. Intrinsi! rewards are best !hara!terized as /inherent in the nat%re o$ the ob and e+perien!ed by the employee as an o%tgrowth o$ a!t%ally doing the ob./ TRUE

11. ,he employee "al%e proposition is the b%ndle or pa!(age o$ K)A*s that the employee pro"ides to the organization. FALSE

1#. )%r"eys and inter"iews with employees are a (ey way to gather in$ormation on ob rewards pre$eren!es. TRUE

1'. *ne ad"antage o$ intrinsi! rewards is that they are basi!ally !ostless. FALSE

14. Inter"iews and s%r"eys o$ !%rrent employees on ob rewards, no matter how !omprehensi"e, miss se"eral rele"ant gro%ps o$ indi"id%als. TRUE

1-. )%r"eys o$ employees !learly s%ggest that intrinsi! rewards are seen as more important $or ob satis$a!tion than e+trinsi! rewards. FALSE

1.. Inter"iews are more personal than s%r"eys, b%t the s%mmary and analysis o$ inter"iew data is more time !ons%ming and di$$i!%lt. TRUE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

10. *ne way to assess the importan!e o$ rewards to employees is to e+amine the rewards that other organizations pro"ide to their employees. TRUE

Multiple Choice Questions

11. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing is not an e+ample o$ an e+trinsi! reward8 A. Day 9. Dromotion C! A%tonomy 6. Gringe bene$its

12. It is !riti!al than when employees are inter"iewed abo%t their reward pre$eren!es, the !ontent o$ the inter"iews is 444444444444. A. made p%bli! so managers !an mat!h employee pre$eren!es immediately ! (ept !on$idential so employees !an report honestly C. de"eloped thro%gh an in$ormal pro!ess so employees $eel !om$ortable 6. generally less important than the pro!ess %sed in as(ing &%estions

20. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing =R o%t!omes arise $rom pro"iding and %sing rewards8 A. appli!ant attra!tion 9. employee per$orman!e C. employee retention "! all o$ the abo"e

21. 7hat is the /employee "al%e proposition8/ A. the total worth o$ an employee5s K)A*s ! the organization5s pa!(age o$ rewards pro"ided to employees C. the net worth o$ an organization5s employees 6. none o$ the abo"e


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

2#. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing best represents the order o$ aspe!ts important $or ob satis$a!tion identi$ied in s%r"eys, $rom most "al%ed to least "al%ed8 A. "ariety o$ wor(, relationship with s%per"isor, !ompensation, and networ(ing 9. relationship with s%per"isor, networ(ing, "ariety o$ wor(, and !ompensation C! ob se!%rity, bene$its, opport%nities to %se s(ills and abilities, and $inan!ial stability 6. networ(ing, "ariety o$ wor(, relationship with s%per"isor, and !ompensation

2'. 7hen assessing appropriate rewards, organizations !an %se in$ormation $rom 4444444444444. A. s%r"eys !ond%!ted by the 6epartment o$ >abor 9. s%r"eys !ond%!ted by the )o!iety $or =%man Reso%r!es 3anagement C. internal organizational so%r!es "! all o$ the abo"e

Job Anal%sis for Tea$s

True / False Questions

24. A wor( team is an interdependent !olle!tion o$ employees who share responsibility $or a!hie"ing a spe!i$i! goal. TRUE

2-. ,eams are seldom designed to absorb management $%n!tions that allow $or sel$management be!a%se they inherently prod%!e e+!ess gro%pthin(. FALSE

2.. ,he greater the tas( interdependen!e in a team, the greater the importan!e o$ K)A*s pertaining to interpersonal &%alities and team sel$-management &%alities. TRUE

20. Job spe!i$i! K)A*s be!ome largely irrele"ant in team-based wor(. FALSE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

Multiple Choice Questions

21. An interdependent !olle!tion o$ employees who share responsibility $or a!hie"ing a spe!i$i! goal is !alled a 44444. A. pro e!t %nit 9. department C! wor( team 6. goal !ir!le

22. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing are %ni&%e properties o$ teams, $rom a sta$$ing point o$ "iew8 A. Competen!ies are not generally %se$%l $or sele!tion in teams be!a%se o$ the di"ision o$ responsibility in teams ! K)A*s $or teams in"ol"e ob-spanning s(ills be!a%se members per$orm m%ltiple roles C. 3ost resear!h shows intelligen!e is %nrelated to team s%!!ess 6. 9oth A and C

Legal issues
True / False Questions

100. ,he sample size %sed in ob analysis is not rele"ant to legal de$ensibility. FALSE

101. 6etails regarding (nowledge, s(ills, and abilities in a ob des!ription are important !omponents o$ a legally de$ensible sele!tion system. TRUE

10#. I$ an employment dis!rimination !ase in"ol"es an organization5s de$ense o$ its sele!tion pro!ed%res, the ?FB)D re&%ire the !ond%!t o$ ob analysis. TRUE


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

10'. Altho%gh some ha"e ad"o!ated $or greater %se o$ ob analysis in legal !ases, the !o%rts !%rrently re!ognize ob titles as s%$$i!iently detailed indi!ators o$ re&%ired !hara!teristi!s o$ appli!ants. FALSE

104. Bmployment reg%lations gi"e se"eral spe!i$i! te!hni&%es $or %sing ob analysis to identi$y essential ob $%n!tions. FALSE

10-. ,he BB*C has pro"ided assistan!e to organizations $or dealing with the iss%e o$ identi$ying essential ob $%n!tions $or the p%rpose o$ A6A !omplian!e. TRUE

10.. ,he A6A re&%ires the per$orman!e o$ a ob analysis to identi$y the essential $%n!tions o$ a ob. FALSE

Multiple Choice Questions

100. 7hi!h o$ the $ollowing !o%ld harm an organization5s legal de$ense in an BB*CAA !ase8 A. 7ritten ob des!riptions 9. >arge sample sizes employed in ob analysis C. Bmphasis mostly on primary tas(s "! Bmphasis mostly on se!ondary tas(s


Chapter 04 - Job Analysis and Rewards

101. In de$ining essential ob $%n!tions $or the p%rposes o$ !omplying with A6A reg%lations, whi!h o$ the $ollowing does not !on"ey the meaning /essential8/ A! Compensation $or the $%n!tion is abo"e a"erage 9. Dosition e+ists to per$orm the $%n!tion C. In!%mbent e+pertise re&%ired to per$orm the $%n!tion 6. ,here are limited n%mbers o$ employees among whom per$orman!e o$ the $%n!tion !an be distrib%ted

102. 7hen %sing ob analysis to !omply with the A6A, whi!h o$ the $ollowing is !onsidered most help$%l by the BB*C8 A. Go!%sing on the way the wor( is %s%ally done ! Go!%sing on the res%lts o$ a $%n!tion C. Go!%sing on the a"erage &%ali$i!ations o$ ob holders 6. Go!%sing on managerial assessments o$ s(ill rele"an!e


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