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1) Name of the policy holder -----------------------------------------------2) Age a) 1 -25 [ ] b) 25-30 [ ] c) 30-40 [ ] d) 40-60 [ ] 3) Gender a) Male [ ]

b) Female [ ]

4) Education qualifications a) Schooling [ ] b) Graduate [ ] c) Post- graduate [ ] d) Professional [ ]

5) Occupational status a) Government employee [ ] b) P.v.t employee [ ] c) Business man [ ] d) Student [ ] e) Other [ ] 6) Monthly income a) 8,000-10,000 [ ] b) 10,000-15,000 [ ] c)15,000-25,000 [ ] d) 25,000-35,000 [ ] e) Above [ ] 7) Which policy do you prefer a) Monthly income plan b) Met health care plan c) Met pension plus plan d) Unit link whole life insurance plan 8) How much for the policy a) 600 -1,000 b) 2,000 -3,500 c) 4,000 -7,000 d) 7,000-15,000

9) How many year you pay policy amount a) 1-5 year b) 5-8 year c) 8-10 d) 10-15

10) What reason you pay policy amount a) Education benefit b) Health benefit c) Future benefit d) Profit benefit

11) What are the factor influence preference of the policy a) Advertisement b) Friends c) Near d) Agent

12) Do you feel of company hour a) Satisfaction b) Highly satisfaction c) Average d) Des satisfaction 13) Do you stiffed the return in insurance policy of met life a) Satisfaction b) Highly satisfaction c) Average d) Des satisfaction

14) Met life insurance understand your specific need a) Yes b) No 15) Employees in the met life insurance have the knowledge a) Satisfaction b) Highly satisfaction c) Average d) Des satisfaction

16) How satisfied met life insurance a) Satisfaction b) Highly satisfaction c) Average d) Des satisfaction

17) Your complaint is consider a) Yes b) No 18) Met life insurance company is unique a) Good b) Very good c) Average d) Power

19) Privacy of customer information is maintained a) Satisfaction b) Highly satisfaction c) Average d) Des satisfactions

20) How feel Re- solving your compliant a) Satisfaction b) Highly satisfaction c) Average d) Des satisfaction 21) Pleas give any suggestion


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