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Sara Went Shopping

Sara Smith, a Pasadena resident, went shopping. She is 30, and has lived at 3037 N. Foothill Street since 1992. Sara has been married to ohn !or seven "ears. #he" have two children$ %ob is !ive "ears old and Nanc" is three. Sara owns a 199& !o'r(door bl'e #o"ola. )t 9 a.m., Sara got into her car and drove to %arget, a department store a mile awa". %arget was having a holida" sale. Sara bo'ght a !o'r(slice toaster !or *29.9& pl's ta+. #he reg'lar price was *39.9&. She paid b" chec,. -n her wa" home, Sara stopped at .il,Pl's to b'" a gallon o! non!at mil,. #he mil, was *3.&0. Sara got &0 cents bac, in change. Sara arrived home at 10 a.m. ohn and the ,ids were still sleeping. She wo,e them 'p and then made a hot and n'tritio's brea,!ast !or ever"one.

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