Exceptionalities Go Mtss

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RTI- Response to Intervention MTSS- Multi-Tier System of Supports Working to create an environment where educators work together with

the primary focus to improve instructional quality as a top priority.(Schmoker,2006)

Core-Tier I 80 % of a learners schooling will be aquired through standard instruction. Instruction will be systematic and scaffolded to meet the diverse needs of the students while offering differentiatied instruction . Purpose is to provide intervention as early as possible. To increase evidence based practices, differentiated instruction and better classroom management. Tier II Building Based Intervention requires an additional amount of explicit, intense support for learners who are not grasping concepts. Can be done through team teaching , centers, and stations so that the teacher can work with small groups thought scaffloding, guidance and breaking activities into smaller tasks. They will also reveiw previous concepts with activities and technology. This is usually done in rthe classroom a few times a week for short periods of time.

Tier III

This is where the most intense instructional support is given to the students with the most need. They get one on one attention usually outside of the classroom and they receive frequent monitoring. This is usually done on a daily basis.

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