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Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

Subject/Lesson: Math Grade: 1st Unit/Content: Telling Time Domain: measurement and data Cluster: Tell and write time Standard: 3. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital

NCTM Process Standards addressed: Problem solving-The students ill build ne !no ledge about time b" #roblem solving$ %easoning and Proo&- The 'hildren ill be able to ma!e sense o& h" the hands o& a 'lo'! move together$ Communi'ation-The students ill be 'ommuni'ation ith the tea'her and the other students on their dis'overies$ %e#resentations- ( lot o& hat the" ill be learning is &rom at'hing the demonstration 'lo'! and being able to mani#ulate their o n 'lo'!s$ Unit bjecti!es/ utcomes: The students "ill#learn ho to tell time to the hal& hour$ Sa$et% Precautions: ) ill ma!e sure the students understand that the 'lo'!s are not to"s and should be used 'are&ull" and not used to hurt an"one$

Materials Needed: *ne large 'lo'! to demonstrate ith 'lass +mall demonstration 'lo'!s &or ea'h 'hild Pen'il ,or!sheets Com#uter

&arl% Pre'arations: ) ill ma!e sure ) have all m" or!sheets 'o#ied and read"$ ) ill ma!e sure the 'om#uter is on the 'orre't ebsite to sho the video Ma!ing sure ) revie the da" be&ore ho to tell time to the nearest hour$ &ngagement (cti!it%: To get the 'hildren involved ) ould #la" a video &rom -outube htt#:// $"outube$'om/ at'h. v/biann2P,0)( ) ould #ut m" large demonstration 'lo'! on the hite board and as! students to 'ome u# and 'hange m" 'lo'! to 'ertain times that the song sa"s$ ) ill also having the students singing along$ This should also be revie but it ill get their minds thin!ing and e1'ited to start our lesson$ Procedures: 1$ The &irst thing ) ould do is revie the big hand is the hour hand and the small one is the minute hand$ ) ould set the 'lo'! on 1:22 and 'hange the one to a t o$ ) ould as! them no hat time it is$ Did the hour 'hange or the minutes. ) ould tell them to his#er their ans er to their neighbor$ Then ) ould as! someone to share ith the 'lass and let them e1#lain to me that i& the hour hand 'hanges the hour is 'hanging not the minutes$ 2$ Then ) ill dra a 'lo'! on the hiteboard and dra a line right do n the middle$ ) ill as! them i& the" !no hat ) 3ust did$ +ome ill sa" ) s#lit it in hal&$ ) ill sa" "es and an hour is 62 minutes so hal& is 42$ ) ill then tell them that it ill end u# on the 6 henever the minutes are hal& the hour or 42 minutes$ 4$ ) ill then e1#lain that henever the big hand ends u# on the 6 it is :42 and hatever number the little hand is on$ 5$ ) ill then e1#lain to them that hen a time starts o&& at 1:22 and it goes to 1:42 the 1 doesn6t sta" the same either$ ) ould e1#lain that as the minute hand is moving the hour hand is tr"ing to get to the ne1t hour$ +o hen the minutes

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

get to the 42 minutes the 1 ill be hal& a" to the 2$ ) ill ma!e sure the" understand that it didn6t ma!e it to the 2 "et so it still belongs to the one$ ) ill then have them #ra'ti'e on their o n 'lo'!s$ ) ill sa" a time and have them hold it u# &or me ma!ing sure the" move the hour hand also$ ) ill have them 'om#lete this or!sheet and turn it in &or assessment to see ho the" understand$ htt'://""")math"or*sheets+*ids)com/acti!ities/,nd-grade)html

7$ 6$

Closing: Then e ill #la" a game and ) ill ma!e 2 lines$ There ill be 2 #la"ers in &ront o& me$ ,hoever &i1es the 'lo'! the &astest gets to sta" u# and the other has to sit$ ) ill e1#lain that it6s the &irst time #la"ing so i& the" aren6t so 0ui'! its o! the" ill get better$ The last one standing ill get a s!ittle

.loom/s Ta0onom% 1'he'! those hi'h a##l"8: _1__9no ledge _1__ Com#rehension __1_(##li'ation ___(nal"sis ___+"nthesis ___:valuation Multi'le 2ntelligences ;'he'! those hi'h a##l"8: __1_<erbal/=inguisti' __1_Mathemati'al/=ogi'al __1_)nter#ersonal _1__)ntra#ersonal ___?odil"/9inestheti' Use o$ Technolog%: ) ill use the hiteboard and the #ro3e'tor Cross-Curricular 2ntegration: ) ill integrate musi' into m" math lesson$ ) thin! this is a great a" to get the 'hildren e1'ited about learning something ne $ _1__<isual/+#atial ___Naturalist _1__Musi'al/%h"thmi'al>

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

2nternet 3esources: htt'://""")math"or*sheets+*ids)com/acti!ities/,nd-grade)html htt#:// $"outube$'om/ at'h.v/biann2P,0)( 3e$lection: 4as this lesson success$ul5 4hat "or*ed5 4hat could 2 ha!e done di$$erentl%5 This lesson as ver" su''ess&ul> ) thin! the intera'tive #arts ere the most su''ess&ul$ ) ould also add some more modeling on ho to rite the time but overall it as good$

Di$$erentiating 2nstruction Plans: 1$ ) ill have the students in grou#s ith di&&erent levels$ 2$ ) ill also have a #ara at 'ertain tables ith the 'hildren that need e1tra hel#$ 4$ +tudents that are gi&ted ill be 'hallenged ith ord #roblems su'h as i& lun'h starts at 12:42 and it lasts one hour hat time ould it be hen lun'h is over$

(ssessments: ) ill be assessing the students as the" are sho ing me their 'lo'!s$ ) ill be at'hing &or 'hildren that are struggling ith 'hanging the time> i& the" are ) ill ta!e a min to e1#lain it again$ ) ill also have this or!sheet that ) ill grade and ma!e sure the" are understanding ho to rite time$ htt'://""")su'erteacher"or*sheets)com/time/time-,6T7TNT)'d$ (s the" are doing their or!sheets ) ill al! around and intervie ea'h 'hild to have them e1#lain to me their understanding o& a hal& hour and hat that re#resents to them$ Subject/Lesson: Math Grade: ,nd Unit/Content: Telling Time Domain: measurement and data Cluster: Work with time and money. Standard: 7. Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five
minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

NCTM Process Standards addressed: Problem solving-The students ill build ne !no ledge about time b" #roblem solving$ %easoning and Proo&- The 'hildren ill be able to ma!e sense o& h" the hands o& a 'lo'! move together and h" e 'ount b" &ives not b" the numbers the" #ass$ Communi'ation-The students ill be 'ommuni'ation ith the tea'her and the other students on their dis'overies$ %e#resentations- ( lot o& hat the" ill be learning is &rom at'hing the demonstration 'lo'! and being able to mani#ulate their o n 'lo'!s$

Unit bjecti!es/ utcomes: The students "ill# =earn ho to tell time to the 7 minute intervals$ The" ill also learn a$m and #$m$ (nd di&&erent a"s o& stating the time su'h as 7 #ast 1 or a 0uarter til 12$

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

Sa$et% Precautions: ) ill ma!e sure all students are in their grou#s and the" !no not to #la" ith the 'lo'!s that the" ill be or!ing ith$

Materials Needed: *ne large 'lo'! to demonstrate ith 'lass +mall demonstration 'lo'!s &or ea'h 'hild Pen'il ,or!sheets Com#uter Clo'!s and More Clo'!s b" Pat @ut'hins Aame ?oard &or Time Trail$

&arl% Pre'arations: ) ill ma!e sure ) have all m" or!sheets 'o#ied and read"$ ) ill ma!e sure the 'om#uter is on the 'orre't ebsite to sho the video Ma!ing sure ) revie the da" be&ore ho to tell time to the nearest hal& hour$

&ngagement (cti!it%: Bor this a'tivit" ) ill have the 'hildren 3oin me on the 'ar#et to read them a boo! 'alled Clo'!s and

More Clo'!s b" Pat @ut'hins

Procedures: 1$ ) ould begin b" 'ounting b" 76s ) ould have them #ra'ti'e &or a &e minutes$ 2$ ) ould then have them start their 'lo'! ith both hands on the 12 and ever" time e 'ount 7 e #ass the numbers until e get to 62$ +o the" understand the 'on'e#t o& being 62 minutes in an hour and ever"time e #ass the number e do not sa" the number e are 'ounting b" 7$ 4$ ,e ould dis'uss hat #$m means and hat a$m means$ ,e ould tal! about hat dail" a'tivities ha##en in the morning and hat ha##ens in the evening$ 5$ ) ould then #ra'ti'e ith m" big 'lo'! on the overhead$ ) ould as! the 'hildren &or volunteers to sho the 'lass ho to ma!e 'ertain times$ This ill hel# me see ho sh"6s a a" and ho is 'on&ident ith their s!ills$

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

7$Then ) ould have them begin #la"ing the game 'alled Time Trail$ The" ea'h roll a die and hatever the" land on the" need to be able to tell the time> i& the" get it 'orre't the" get to sta" on the s#a'e i& the" don6t the" go ba'! to #revious s#ot$

The &irst one to get to the &inish ins$

6$ ) ill then have a or!sheet &or them to 'om#lete and turn in$

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

Closing: ,hen the" are done ith their or!sheets ) ill allo them to get on the 'om#uter and #la" 'om#uter time games$ htt#:// $time-&or-time$'om/game1$htmC

.loom/s Ta0onom% 1'he'! those hi'h a##l"8: __1_9no ledge _1_ Com#rehension __1_(##li'ation _1__(nal"sis ___+"nthesis _1__:valuation Multi'le 2ntelligences ;'he'! those hi'h a##l"8: __1_<erbal/=inguisti' ___1Mathemati'al/=ogi'al ___)nter#ersonal __1_)ntra#ersonal Use o$ Technolog%: ) ill be using the overhead> the smart board and the 'om#uters Cross-Curricular 2ntegration: ) ill be integrating reading into this lesson b" using the read aloud in the beginning$ 2nternet 3esources: htt'://""")google)com/imgres5 imgurl8htt'://""")ma*e"or*sheets)com/acti!it%o$"ee*/html/cloc*/cloc*sthem)gi$9imgre$url8htt'://""")ma*e"or*s heets)com/acti!it%o$"ee*/html/cloc*s)html9h8:;<9"8:<<9s=8,;9tbnid8o!27L>02?i@stM:9tbnh8A<9tbn"8B+9=o om819usg866%CA*7,o&nBNC,6(en,j2!mM!CD(89docid8Ci2cte%&EFubuM9sa8C9ei8dT+gUM67GFFa,gC00E (+9!ed8<CDsDAD&".D9dur81G;+ htt'://""")%outube)com/"atch5!83DDG 71err< htt'://""")su'erteacher"or*sheets)com/time/time,-i-ha!e-"ho-has)'d$ _1__<isual/+#atial ___Naturalist ___Musi'al/%h"thmi'al> ___?odil"/9inestheti'

3e$lection: 4as this lesson success$ul5 4hat "or*ed5 4hat could 2 ha!e done di$$erentl%5 ) thin! this lesson as su''ess&ul be'ause ) used man" avenues to get to the same s!ill$ Children learn in di&&erent a"s and b" seeing it di&&erentl" ) ho#e ) 'aught all the 'hildren$ ) thin! b" at'hing ea'h other #la" the game and #airing them u# on ith 'hildren o& di&&erent levels the" learned &rom ea'h other$

Di$$erentiating 2nstruction Plans: Bor the 'hildren that are struggling ) ould have them #la" a game 'alled ) haveD$ ho hasD$$ htt#:// $su#ertea'her or!sheets$'om/time/time2-i-have- ho-has$#d& this ill hel# solidi&" their !no ledge$ Bor gi&ted learners ) ould have them be 'hallenged ith ord #roblems su'h as i& lun'h starts at 12:42 and it lasts 57 minutes hat time ould it be hen lun'h is over$

(ssessments: ) ill be able to see ho is inning the game i& the 'hild is not even moving along the" are de&initel" struggling$ ) ill allo them to #la" the game ) haveD ho hasD ) ill also be able to see ho gets the #roblems 'orre't on the or!sheet htt'://math)about)com/od/tellingtime"or*sheets/ss/Timeto;mins)htm) Third ) ill be al! around ith &lash 'ards and as! the students the ans er and !ee# a little 3ournal o& ho got them 'orre't and in'orre't$

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

Subject/Lesson: Math Grade: Hrd Unit/Content: Telling Time Standard: measurement and data .enchmar*: Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals
of time, li uid volumes, and masses of ob!ects.

2ndicator: ". Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals
in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram.

NCTM Process Standards addressed: Problem solving-The students ill build ne !no ledge about time b" #roblem solving ad a##l"ing them to ord #roblems$ %easoning and Proo&- The 'hildren ill be able to ma!e sense adding and subtra'ting time$ Communi'ation-The students ill be 'ommuni'ation ith the tea'her and the other students on their dis'overies$ %e#resentations- ( lot o& hat the" ill be learning is &rom at'hing the demonstration 'lo'! and being able to mani#ulate their o n 'lo'!s$ The" ill also use the 'lo'!s hen solving time #roblems$ Unit bjecti!es/ utcomes: The students "ill# tell time to the minute and solve ord #roblems involving subtra'tion and addition$

Sa$et% Precautions: ) ill ma!e sure all students are in their grou#s and the" !no not to #la" ith the 'lo'!s that the" ill be or!ing ith$

Materials Needed: *ne large 'lo'! to demonstrate ith 'lass +mall demonstration 'lo'!s &or ea'h 'hild Pen'il ,or!sheets Com#uter

&arl% Pre'arations: ) ill have 'om#uters set u# &or the 'hildren to #ra'ti'e telling time$ &ngagement (cti!it%:

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

) ill begin b" reading Aame Time b" +tuart E$ Mur#h" ) ill sho them this video and re&resh their memories o& telling time$ htt'://""")%outube)com/"atch5!8+TG=Nct;"NM

Procedures: 1$ The &irst thing ) ould do is revie telling time to the nearest 7 minutes and the e ould dis'uss hat ea'h interval on the 'lo'! means$ ) ould as! them h" e 'ount b" ones hen the big hand is on the little intervals and e ould dis'uss there are 62 little intervals and the numbers are #ut on ever" 7 intervals$ 2$ ) ould e1#lain to the 'hildren hat the ord ela#sed means and tell them it means #assed$ The se'ond thing that ) ould do is allo the 'hildren to ma!e u# their o n ord #roblems ith their grou#s and hel# ea'hother &igure out ho mu'h time has ela#sed$ 4$ The thirds is ) ould 'om#lete this or!sheet as grou#s$ ) ould have the grou#s ith di&&erent level o& learners and ) ould have them or!ing together$ ) ould allo them to use their 'lo'! mani#ulatives to have a start time and a &inish time$

3.I would then have them complete these two worksheets on their own.

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

Closing: ) ould allo the 'hildren to #la" this math time game htt'://""")ada'tedmind)com/')'h'5tag2d811<< (nd to master their s!ills$ .loom/s Ta0onom% 1'he'! those hi'h a##l"8: _1__9no ledge _1__ Com#rehension _1__(##li'ation __1_(nal"sis ___+"nthesis ___:valuation Multi'le 2ntelligences ;'he'! those hi'h a##l"8: _1__<erbal/=inguisti' _1__Mathemati'al/=ogi'al _1_)nter#ersonal __1_)ntra#ersonal Use o$ Technolog%: ) ill be using the 'om#uters &or this lesson$ Cross-Curricular 2ntegration: ) ill be integrating reading into this lesson b" using the read aloud in the beginning$ __1_<isual/+#atial ___Naturalist ___Musi'al/%h"thmi'al> ___?odil"/9inestheti'

2nternet 3esources: htt'://""")greatschools)org/"or*sheets-acti!ities/slidesho"s/GH:A-third-grade-math-"or*sheets-slidesho")gs5'age8; htt'://==b)io*ugs)does-it)net/b*c"l)'h'5?8@ree 'rintable $unction table "or*sheets htt'://"or*sheet'lace)com/inde0)'h'5 $unction8Dis'la%Categor%9sho"Categor%8E9lin*s8H9id811,9lin*18+<9lin*,81119lin*H811,

3e$lection: 4as this lesson success$ul5 4hat "or*ed5 4hat could 2 ha!e done di$$erentl%5 This lesson as su''ess&ul be'ause o& the intera'tion bet een the students$ The" en3o"ed ma!ing u# their o n #roblems and tr"ing to 0uiF their o n &riends$ ) thin! hat ) 'ould have done di&&erentl" is or! out some #roblems &or the 'hildren be&ore the" got started$

Name: _Christina Martin Date: 8/6/12

Di$$erentiating 2nstruction Plans: Bor Children that are having di&&i'ulties ) ould allo them to #ra'ti'e telling time to the 7 minute intervals be&ore moving on to a harder 'on'e#t$ Bor the advan'ed ) ould ma!e sure there is subtra'ting times involved hi'h is more di&&i'ult$

(ssessments: The last or!sheets ould or! &or a &ormative assessment$ ) ould also be listening to the 'hildren as the" 0uiF ea'hother to see ho is ans ering the 0uestions and ho is sitting 0uietl" aside$ ) ould also go &rom grou# to grou# and as! random time 0uestions noting ho is able to ans er and ho is not$

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