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Christina Martin Assessment Assignment July 11, 2012 My ideal grade level would be 3rd grade Assessment Name

#1: Effective Questioning Definition of Assessment: Having a one on one conversation with the student Assessments Purpose or Rationale: To understand what reasoning skills the students have and what is being their answer. An Example of When to Use Assessment: I would use this assessment to see what they may know about a subject to see what I should cover or what they have learned after the lesson to see what may need to be revisited. A Positive Characteristic of the Assessment: Get to know the students and how they learn individually. A Negative Characteristic of the Assessment: Some students may try to tell you what they think you might want to hear. Used as Summative/Formative (Explain): I would use it as a formative to see what I need to review. And I can use this as a summative also; some students do better explaining their answers then writing them down. Assessment Name #2: Portfolio Assessment Definition of Assessment: When students keep collections of their work Assessments Purpose or Rationale: Having access to their work and adding their new ideas and thoughts through words, writing, and drawing An Example of When to Use Assessment: I think this assessment can be used during a thematic unit. A Positive Characteristic of the Assessment: A teacher can look through and see if the student is grasping concepts or keeping up with the others. A Negative Characteristic of the Assessment: It may take some students extra time to write information down. Used as Summative/Formative (Explain): I could use this as a formative and take a grade according to what they have written down. Assessment Name #3: Self assessment Definition of Assessment: Students have the ability to judge their own accomplishments Assessments Purpose or Rationale: Students will be able to take ownership of their learning An Example of When to Use Assessment: To allow the students to be aware of the weaknesses and strengths and let them know what they need to work on to improve A Positive Characteristic of the Assessment: The teacher can use the results to understand the students perception of what they need help with.

A Negative Characteristic of the Assessment: Some kids may say they understand something when they truly dont. Used as Summative/Formative (Explain): I would use this as a formative as part of my instructional process to allow me to see where the students feel they are in the process or where they need to be. Assessment Name #4: Multiple choice/short answer tests Definition of Assessment: Written test Assessments Purpose or Rationale: To see what information the students are retaining and are able to answer the questions An Example of When to Use Assessment: At the end of a unit. A Positive Characteristic of the Assessment: Gives the teacher a grade and an accountability measure. A Negative Characteristic of the Assessment: Some children may not be able to understand how some questions are worded and may not do well. Used as Summative/Formative (Explain): I would use this as a formative so that I would have some grades to put on the report card. Assessment Name #5: Performance Tasks Definition of Assessment: To allow the student to respond to other interpretations of the information given. Assessments Purpose or Rationale: They should be able to apply their knowledge along with observational evidence. An Example of When to Use Assessment: When a child cannot use words to express their ideas they may be able to draw pictures. A Positive Characteristic of the Assessment: It is an alternative way for students to express what they know. A Negative Characteristic of the Assessment: It may not allow the students to strengthen their reading and writing skills. Used as Summative/Formative (Explain): Formative- this would show me how they view the material being taught

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