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Angela Vallecorsa


Date _____________________________________

PART I: Directions: Read each question carefully and circle the correct answer.
1. What makes a metamorphic rock? a. heat and pressure b. air 2. What is one example of a metamorphic rock? a. marble b. none of the above 3. What is one example of igneous rock? a. marble b. basalt 4. What is one example of sedimentary rock? a. limestone b. marble 5. What landform helps create igneous rock? a. islands b. volcanos 6. In our classroom, what is a sedimentary rock? a. markers b. chalk

Angela Vallecorsa

7. What rocks do you find come in layers? a. sedimentary b. igneous 8. What makes counter tops? a. marble b. basalt 9. Which rock is the hardest? a. basalt b. diamonds 10. In class, we learned about the Hope Diamond. Where is the Hope Diamond located? a. Smithsonian b. Erie, PA 11. While learning about the Hope Diamond, we learned that one of the owners was: a. Harry Winston b. President Obama 12. What is dark green gemstone called? a. diamond b. emerald 13. Where are minerals found? a. in the earth b. in Miss Vallecorsa's coffee

Angela Vallecorsa

14. What are rare and expensive minerals called? a. Sandstone b. gems 15. How are sediments formed? a. From eroded igneous rocks b. From heat and pressure 16. Which type of rock usually contains fossils? a. igneous rocks b. sedimentary rocks 17. What is the most complex group of rocks? a. igneous rocks b. sedimentary rocks 18. If a rock is magnetic, what does it usually contain? a. magnetite b. slate 19. What is mineral hardness measured on? a. Richter scale b. Mohs scale 20. What is the softest mineral on the hardness scale? a. diamond b. talc

Angela Vallecorsa

PART II: DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions or statements in complete sentences. 1. Out of eight different ways to identify rocks, name 2 ways and describe how you can identify a rock using each particular way.

2. Take a magnifying glass and pick a rock out of the rock science kit. Describe the rock using 1-2 different ways.

3. Write the three types rocks of in the rock cycle.

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