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RACHNA C/o Kumar Ashish, #40,7th main , Lakshmi narayan temple road, Near monekolala bus stop, arathalli

,!an"alore#$%00&7 obile' (7&(%)*%$7 +mail ' anura,hna*7-"mail.,om

Career /b0e,ti1e
2 aspire 3or a ,hallen"in" position in a pro3essional or"ani4ation 5here 2 ,an enhan,e my skills and stren"then them in ,on0un,tion 5ith /r"ani4ation6s "oals. A sel3 moti1ated a,hie1er 5ith an ability to plan and e7e,ute.

A,ademi, 8uali3i,ation
9e"ree/ Course 2nstitution / :la,e Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Chennai St. Colu$%a&' College,Ha(ari%agh Sri Ra$*ri'hna Sara+a M & Mi''ion,Ha(ari%agh ;ni1ersity / !oard MAHER, Chennai <ear o3 :assin" 2 !2 = o3 arks "2.2#

B.E (CSE) HSC (!2th )

)har*han+ Aca+e$ic Council,Ranchi CBSE,.e/ 0elhi





>o3t5are :ro3i,ien,y and Area o3 interest

3rogra$$ing language' Bac*en+ 89erating Sy'te$ 8ther' 4C,C55,)A6A 4MS7Acce'' 4:in+o/' ;3,:in+o/' , 40ata Structure

?itle4 Re'ult Manage$ent Sy'te$(Mini 9ro<ect) Role4 0e'igne+ a 9ro<ect %a'e+ on <a=a language an+ M'7acce'' a' %ac*en+. The 9ro<ect i' u'er frien+ly %oth for 'tu+ent an+ $anage$ent. :ith the hel9 of thi' 9ro<ect it i' ea'y for the $anage$ent to *ee9 trac* of 'tu+ent&' re'ult an+ it al'o allo/ 'tu+ent' to =ie/ re'ult for the 9articular e>a$ination ?itle 4 Ano$aly +etection in net/or* traffic %a'e+ on ?ra9hical inference. Role '0e'igne+ a 9ro<ect %a'e+ on <a=a language.Thi' 9ro<ect 9ro9o'e' a no=el $etho+ to +etect ano$alie' in net/or* traffic, %a'e+ on 'er=ice length gi=ing 'tati'tical e=i+ence.@t

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*ee9' trac* of ano$aly %eha=ior an+ cla''ify the 9attern %y $ean' of Hi++en Mar*o= Mo+el(HMM).

2ndustrial ?rainin"
An+er/ent training in AniB technologie', T7.agar, Chennai +uring Fe% 2 !! .

Co#Curri,ular A,ti1ities
3artici9ate+ in the :or*'ho9 con+ucte+ %y CSA.SB8A.0D Coor+inator in .ational -e=el Technical Sy$9o'iu$ in Er+ year at MAHER.

+7tra Curri,ular A,ti1ities

!'t 3o'ition in @ntra7Collegiate Cultural E''ay :riting Co$9etition'.

?ol+ Me+al :inner. 8=erall college to99er.

Confi+ence E>cellent Co$$unication S*ill Har+ :or*ing & 3er'e=ering 0eter$ination to/ar+' /or* 3o'iti=e thin*ing

. Rea+ing Boo*' -i'tening Mu'ic :atching Tele=i'ion

:ersonal :ro3ile
.a$e Father&' na$e 0ate of Birth Age -anguage' Fno/n ?en+er Marital Statu' .ationality 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rachna )iten+ra Mohan Sinha !,th )anuary !"" 2E year' Hin+i an+ Engli'h Fe$ale Single @.0@A.

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@ here%y +eclare that the infor$ation furni'he+ a%o=e i' true to the %e't of $y *no/le+ge. 3lace4 Bangalore 0ate 4 (RACH.A)

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