Technology Week 3

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Reflection Paper Concepts of Personal Significance Christina Martin EDUC 212 Educational Technology September 2, 2012 Mrs. Lyndsey Sander


Three of the key concepts that I came across that had personal significance to me where allowing technology into the classroom to benefit the learning needs of the individual students, utilizing software to the best of the teachers ability without letting the technology be the teacher but the helper, and acknowledging the positives and the negatives of allowing simulations and games into the classroom. Just like anything that most humans enjoy, unfortunately we have to do those activities in moderation. I think this also applies to the use of computer software in classrooms. Ms. Paige stated that she wanted the experiences to be interesting and challenging in ways that would change the students attitude about geometry (Robley &Doering, 2012). I think this should be true for all classes. The students should be challenged and not afraid to make mistakes and with computers the children are less afraid of failure as they are on written projects. The students can find things done on the computer more motivating because they are having a part in the process of trying over and over knowing they will eventually get it. Good software that is available to students can help them recognize processes by slowing them down, having direct involvement in their learning, it is safe, saves money on other resources and they can use it repetitively to master skills. I understand that technology does not replace the traditional classroom teacher and instruction is very important for learning new things but appropriate software such as LOGO engages students in problem solving and can be a tool for teachers because the programs can be created to do anything (Robley &Doering, 2012). Instructional software integrates drill and practice, games, and problem solving all together so the students do not even realize they are learning. Teachers need to make sure the software is tailored to the specific child because all


children do not learn the same way and may not need the repetition of what that software may be offering and other may need it. Software can be tailored from hardly any feedback which some children can use to extensive feedback where the computer goes into extensive explanations telling the students what they did wrong and why. I can understand why some view gaming and simulations in classrooms as a negative thing. I read that some students do not know how to transfer the knowledge that they are learning in games to real life, they may know how to play the game and follow the rules but when it comes to doing it for their teacher they cannot transfer the knowledge. I can see this happening especially when the children will be playing for extended periods of time according to the text drills should only be done for 10-15 minutes at a time (Robley &Doering, 2012) allowing the students enough time to practice and have retention but not long enough to waste time. I have seen throughout my time in a classroom where students play games for spelling or a card game for math. I am sure the teachers knew if these were beneficial in helping their students retention. I think this is the same as computer games and simulations. The teacher needs to teach the lesson and reinforce it with technology, I think people may be afraid to try new things and when they realize that it will benefit their children they will accept it as a way of schooling.

Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2012). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (6th ed). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, Pearson Education, Inc.

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