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Christina Martin Educ 437 Dr.

Cady Elementary School Methods

Cant Read or Wont Read? Children are often misunderstood when it comes to reasons why they dont read.

It can be a power struggle or a true painful situation such as Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome where the contrast of the black ink on the white paper created a high contrast .

Flourescent light also increase discomfort because they flicker and do not have the natural spectrum of colors as does natural light.

According to Johnson(2011)"No wonder why remedial readers also have behavioral problems. They cant demand to be take seriously. But they can misbehave in schoolbecause standing in the corner or sitting in detention doesnt make their heads hurt or their eyes ache."

Must be aware of the symptoms such as red , bloodhsot eyes after reading,rubbing eyes, fidgeting,squirming, headaches, skipping words, repeating words that seem to be moving.

According to Johnson(2011)"The results, reported in 1992, showed that students in classrooms with full-spectrum light learned faster, tested higher, grew faster, and had one-third fewer absences due to illness.

According to Lemov(2010)"Its one of the responsibilities of the job to bring order and respect sufficient to protect all students' right to learn to your classroom."

-100 % compliance should be expected at all times. -There should be no question as to what you expect in your classroom If they need correction here are some suggestions

- Nonverbal gesture- (I LOVE THIS ONE) make eye contact while doing something else

-Positive group correctionreminder of waht they should be doing

Anonymous individual correction-more specific about who is off task Private individual correctionwalk over to desk and tell student what to do quickly and quietly without causing notice.

Lightning -quick public correctionfocus on telling student what to do rather then scolding. Consequence- If the situation can not be handled without a consequence , it needs to be given so that instruction is not interupted.

-Make sure the students know that you are looking, praise when they are on task -make sure to give directions in a manner that provides clear and useful guidance

According to Lemov(2010)"Telling students what to do rather than what not to do is not only far more efficient but it refocuses us, even in moments that are about behavior, on teaching."

-A teacher needs to make sure they are specific, concrete, sequential, and observable. -Strong voice doesnt mean loud voice. Strong voices are heard because they are the focus of the classroom, loud voices cause more noise.

-When students fail to do a task they should DO IT AGAIN

-teaches accountability, free standing that can be used in any classroom

Johnson,L. (2011). Teaching outside the box: How to grab your students by their brains (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Lemov, D. (2010). Teach like a champion: 49 techniques that put students on the path to college.

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