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As Nick Clegg and David Blunkett attack Roma people . . .

Deputy PM Nick Clegg and Labour MP David Blunkett have both attacked Roma people. Describing them as sometimes intimidating and offensive and warning of explosions on a part with the northern riots a decade ago these politicians are stoking up racist scapegoating Roma people have long been persecuted: persecuted: they were gassed by the Nazis, forcibly sterilized by the Swedes, recently expelled by the French. Two Roma families in Ireland recently had their children forcibly removed because they had blonde hair and did not look like them. Immigrants are not to blame Unemployment, public service cuts and lack of housing are a result of the financial crisis and the attempt to make ordinary people pay whilst the rich get richer. We need to unite together to fight the Tories whatever our race, religion or nationality.

Stand against racist scapegoating: Support the European day of action 22 March 2014
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This petition has been initiated by Socialist Worker

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