Repro 5-6 F Common Classroom Stimuli Assessment

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Common Classroom Stimuli Assessment

Date: For student: General Class Information School: Grade: Class Size: Form completed by:

The Tough Kid

Teacher: General Ed

or Special Ed Males:


Are languages besides English used in the classroom? If so, what? Who is in the room (e.g., aides, student teachers, volunteers, peer tutors, etc.)? Physical Arrangement How are the desks arranged? Where is the teachers desk? Are there study carrels? List any special activity centers: What is on the classroom bulletin boards? Is a computer available for students to use? If so, what are the expectations and rules for computer use? List any special storage areas for students items (e.g. inside of desk, cubby holes, lockers): Daily Routine What are acceptable items a student can have in the classroom? What materials will a student need in the classroom (e.g., notebook, paper, pencil, pens)?
2010 Rhode, Jenson & Reavis

The Tough Kid Book R E P R O D U C I B L E 5 - 6 ( 1 o f 4 )

Common Classroom Stimuli Assessment

What is the usual daily schedule? When does lunch generally occur? What is expected of students? When do recesses occur? What is expected of students? How does a student ask to use the restroom or water fountain? List any special requirements, rules, and expectations for: Restrooms: Halls: Before class: After class:

The Tough Kid

If possible, use a digital camera to take a picture of the classroom. Paste the photo to the back of this form. What Are the Classroom Rules? List classroom consequences for breaking or following the rules:

Does the teacher use any other consequences and privileges for behavior?

How does the teacher manage severe or disruptive behaviors?

2010 Rhode, Jenson & Reavis

The Tough Kid Book R E P R O D U C I B L E 5 - 6 ( 2 o f 4 )

Common Classroom Stimuli Assessment

Academics What are the academic periods of the classroom? List curricula (series and publisher) used for: Reading: Arithmetic: Writing skills: Spelling: Social studies: Science: What other content or curricula are used?

The Tough Kid

If possible, obtain textbooks, worksheets, and homework for the major academic areas, especially reading and arithmetic. What type of academic assignments are generally given for in-seat and group work in the classroom? Try to get examples. Does the teacher use or favor one type of worksheet in the classroom? Try to get examples. How does the teacher assign homework? When is it generally due? What type of homework assignments does the teacher give (content areas, frequency, type)? Is extra-credit work available to students?
2010 Rhode, Jenson & Reavis

The Tough Kid Book R E P R O D U C I B L E 5 - 6 ( 3 o f 4 )

Common Classroom Stimuli Assessment

How does the teacher manage lost or late assignments? List types of tests and when they are given for: Spelling: Arithmetic: Other: How does the teacher grade and return papers and tests to student?

The Tough Kid

Are curriculum-based measurements used with students? If so, how often and what type (e.g., DIBELS)? Does the teacher use a monitoring system for evaluating academic progress? Is this teacher open to any academic accommodations for the student? If so, what types? Comments:

2010 Rhode, Jenson & Reavis

The Tough Kid Book R E P R O D U C I B L E 5 - 6 ( 4 o f 4 )

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