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Da,dada,da,da,dadadada,da,dadada,dadadada,dadada Hi welcome to Mr. Show. I'm David Cross. And I'm Bob Oden ir . !

oni"ht we've "ot a "reat line#$% &or 'o$ we "ot some &$nn' s its, some other shit, some# He' Bob wh' don't 'o$ ($st )*C+ O)),, -starts cr'in". He', what's the matter b$dd'/ I'm tired o& 'o$ alwa's ho""in" the show. David...I was ($st tellin" them abo$t the show. 0ell how bo$t &or 'o$ once 'o$ let me tell em abo$t the "oddamn show/, David, I# 1o, sh$t the &$c $%, In &act &$c 'o$. )$c Mr. Show. )$c the a$dience. )))))***CCCC++,,, -transition to historical theme with %erson tellin" a stor'. And he went down in histor' as that "$' who had an ama2in" abilit' to 'ell the word &$c reall' lo$d. Here at the 3)alse Histor'3 Channel, we can ass$re 'o$ that whatever 'o$ are hearin" ri"ht now is total b$llshit. 4i e &or real. 0e ($st sit o$r ho$ses and ma e this shit $%. Hal& the time were hi"h tho$"h so thats when it reall' "ets cra2'. -transition to man sittin" on co$ch watchin" tv. !here's nothin" "ood on tv, 5si"h6 &$c . -"oes o$tside. )l'in" sa$cer comes o$t o& nowhere. 78S*S !I!!9 )*C+I1: CH;IS!,,,,, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH,,,,,,

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