Inquiry Model

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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YeVonne Patterson
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Inquiry Model
Main idea Main idea

This model begins with a question about a causal relationship. Tentative solutions or answers to the questions are offered, and data are then gathered, which allows an assessment of these solutions and answers. Then the hypotheses are assessed based on available data, and generalizations are made about the conclusions. Finally, students are asked to reflect about their cognitive processes during inquiry.

Main idea

Main idea





Identifying Inquiry Topics and Learning Objectives- solving the problem and learning criticalthinking skills; can also help students find cause-and effectrelationships-generalizations Identifying Inquiry Questionscan grow spontaneously out of class discussions or teacher can preplan Planning for Data Gatheringsuggestions for data-gathering procedures should ideally come for students, but teacher can help guide; primary and secondary sources. Allocating Time-usually take more than one class period; consider how lesson will be integrated with other activities; ex; discussion

Identify a question -needs to attract attention and provide a challenge; write on board and make sure students understand concepts in it; ask students to explain the question in their own words. Generate Hypotheses-students attempt to answer the question; activates background knowledge and begins schema production Gather Data-related to hypotheses; develops metacognition and promotes involvement Assess Hypotheses-students assess validity of hypotheses based on the data gathered; promotes perceptions of competence and achieves equilibrium Generalize-students generalize based on their assessment of the hypotheses; facilitates transfer and advances schema production Capitalize on spontaneous inquiry

Alternate Assessmentsdirectly measure students performance through real life tasks ex: interview Performance assessment -assess students work while engaging in realistic problem solving situations; based on present criteria Systematic Observationspecify criteria for the processes they are assessing and take notes based on criteria; rubrics, checklists, rating scales; provide informative feedback Group vs. Individual Case Studies

Increases students intrinsic motivated by effecting their curiosity, challenge, authentic tasks, involvement, and autonomy. Also teaches students selfregulation.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The Inquiry Model involves students in inquiry in an effective way to help them learn to think critically, develop as selfdirected learners, and acquire a deep understanding of specific topics.

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