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US History 2

Digital Storytelling Project

Working in small groups, we will be creating video projects on the United States in the 1920s

Instructor: S. DeCristofano E-Mail:

Utilize iMovie Textbook, outside research, visuals, photos, audio, and video research.

Create a 10-12 minute iMovie on one of the following topics Prohibition The Scopes Trial Change in the role of women (1920s) Radio & Entertainment Literature of the 1920s (Fitzgerald, Lewis, Joyce, dos Passos, Stein, Hemmingway) Harlem Renaissance (Langston Hughes) All Quiet on the Western Front

[30 September 2013]

Create groups and begin to research projects.

[7 October 2013]

First Journal write is due on Chalkup

[8 October 2013]

Script & Storyboard is DUE [11 October 2013] Rough Draft/Copy DUE [15 October 2013] Final Project Presented to Class

You must work in groups of 3 or 4. No groups larger than 4. iMovie project must be 10-12 minutes in duration. You must hand in: 1. 2. 3. Storyboard & Script Submit a Rough Draft Present Final Project to class

You must include detailed credits and works cited credits.

You will be graded on each segment of the project as well as journal entries that will be assigned throughout the project.

Digital Storytelling Project

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