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Human Service Agencies Dr.

Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless Shamara Thomas Ten Keys to Successful Strategic Planning for Nonprofit and Foundation Leaders This article is about using strategic lanning as a tool for transforming and revitali!ing non rofit organi!ations and government agencies. Summary A strategic lan rovides guidance in fulfilling a mission "ith ma#imum efficiency and im act. There are $ com onents to an effective strategic lan% A &ission Statement' A (ision Statement' A (alues Statement' )oals and Ob*ectives' Strategies and Tactics' and An +m lementation ,lan. A successful lan "ill e#amine and rocess environmental realities to hel an organi!ation re are' res ond' and change its missions and goals. Having a usable lan is the only "ay a lan can be successful. Staff and board members' clients' community leaders'

funders' and artner organi!ations' must gather information from a variety of resources. To roceed "ith lanning' the rocess of incor orating the vie"s of all these eo le must be considered before im lementing the lan. -unds and resources must be available to ut lanning into action .&ittenthal' /00/1. Meagan West Involving Young People in ealth Service !elivery

+n this article they discuss various as ects of lanning for a better "ay to get teens to become more concerned about their health care and "hat o tions are available to them. Summary The rogram they set out to develo for the younger generation "as called 2ou3re 4elcome. To im lement the 2ou3re 4elcome rogram it too5 artici ation from many eo le' li5e the ones "ho "ould closely deal "ith these young atients and even the young atients themselves. +t3s im ortant to 5no" the thoughts of the ones you "ill serve "hen creating a rogram' es ecially

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless "ith one li5e homelessness' "hich our grou "ill be focused on in our ro*ect. 4e "ill be sitting do"n one on one "ith our clients to 5no" "hat e# ectations or concerns they have and "hat they are ersonally loo5ing to fulfill so that "e can do our best to hel them achieve these goals for a better future. As stated in the article' it3s im ortant to 6remember that the health service does not need to do everything young eo le as5' but needs to *ustify "hy something is not achievable.7 .Cheetham' /0891 +n other "ords' you should im lement "hat is most im ortant and "hat you see "ill benefit the ma*ority instead of ta5ing every suggestion because some can be conflicting "ith the means of others and the "ay the rogram is built to run. Overall' a lot of thought and "or5 go into lanning and it is a very crucial art of designing a rogram. Kacey Popham Succession Planning in Nonprofit "rgani#ations This article .-roelich' et. al' /0881 deals "ith succession lanning in the non rofit "orld.

According to the article' "e can soon e# ect to see an increase in leadershi transitions due to baby boomers leaving the "or5force. Summary Nearly three million eo le reached retirement age in /088. Having a succession lan is an im ortant art of running a non rofit organi!ation smoothly. :esearch has sho"n that this ty e of lanning has been lac5ing in many organi!ations over the years. The article mentions

challenges that are faced "ith hiring ne" candidates' such small salary attraction. 2ounger "or5ers may ta5e issue "ith the *ob sim ly for reasons such a large "or5loads' lo" salaries' and not enough technology. The res onsibility of lanning' recruiting' and develo ing future

leadershi falls to the board and the e#ecutive director. T"o additional areas of concern are the lac5 of differences bet"een a charitable non rofit organi!ation and a coo erative organi!ation'

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless and the issue "ith hiring outside hel . +n conclusion' there is a lot more research that must be done in the area of management succession to fully understand the issue. Trisa $hancey Planning and Program !esign Our te#tboo5% &anaging the Challenges in Human Service Organi!ations' A Caseboo5' by Austin' et. al.' /00;1 devotes an entire cha ter to lanning and rogram design. Summary The te#tboo5 lends credibility to each of the above articles. Case <.8' 6&allard County ,rivate +ndustry Council'7 covers the need =acey>s article mentioned about having a lan in lace for succession. Case <./' 6Be Careful 4hat 2ou 4ish -or'7 relates to the issues Shamara>s article ointed out about the need for understanding and consensus among the leaders as to the mission and vision of the organi!ation. Case <.9' 6Decision on :esource Allocation'7 relates again to Shamara>s article' and for the same reasons. Case <.?' 6:ational (ersus ,olitical Decision &a5ing'7 also relates to having a unified understanding of "hat the mission and vision of the organi!ation actually are. Case <.<' 6The Achievement Crisis at )irls 4or5s'7 ties in to &egan>s article regarding getting teens actively involved in and caring about their o"n health care. This case rovides a detailed list of challenges that also serves as a catalogue of organi!ational layers needed for a large organi!ation. These are listed on ages 8/8@8/9' and include%

Human :esources Budgetary +ssues Aeadershi B -und Develo ment +ssues Board of Directors C#ecutive Director Succession ,lanning

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless Synthesis A strategic lan cannot succeed unless it is derived from a clear vision of "hat the organi!ation "ill loo5 li5e at a s ecific oint in the future. No organi!ation can stic5 to its original mission' year after year. As the needs of clients change and funding criteria change' strategies need to be revisited regularly. An effective organi!ation must be re are to change "hen conditions reDuire the organi!ation to change. +n order for our homeless shelter' 6Oasis'7 to be effective' "e "ill need to establish goals' have our action lan .5ee ing the e#ternal

environment in mind1' have hold to adeDuate resources' and revisit our mission statement regularly. 4e "ill need to establish our organi!ational style. 4e also need to establish rotocols for 5no"ing ho" much res onsibility each individual em loyee' volunteer' and client "ill have. 4hat "ill be our leadershi style at the OasisE These items are yet to be discussed. Also' figuring out ho" to hel our younger clients o"n their health in such a "ay that they understand ho" best to hel themselves be healthy "ill go a long "ay to im roving their lives overall. ,rimarily this assignment has sho"n us that "e still have a lot of "or5 to doF

Human Service Agencies Dr. Carla Bluhm The Oasis ~ Caring for the Homeless and the Nearly Homeless :eferences Austin' &.' Brody' :.' G ,ac5ard' T. ./00;1. Managing the challenges in human service organizations, a casebook. Thousand Oa5s' CA% SA)C ,ublications Atd. Cheetham' &. ./0891. +nvolving young eo le in health service delivery. Nursing Standard' /H.901' 9<@?0. -roelich' =.' &c=ee' ).' G :athge' :. ./0881. Succession lanning in non rofit organi!ations. Nonprofit Management & Leadership' 22.81' 9@/0. doi%80.800/Inml./009H &ittenthal' :. ./00/1. Ten 5eys to successful strategic lanning for non rofit and foundation leaders. +n :. &ittenthal .Cd.1' tcc group: strategies to achieve social impact. TCC )rou . :etrieved from htt %II""".tccgr .comI dfsI erJbriefJten5eys. df.

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