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How to create a bootable USB key for installing Windows Server 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. Mount your ISO file using Slysofts VirtualCloneDrive OR- just use an actual physical disk Insert the USB key Fire up Diskpart DISKPART>list disk Get the number of the actual USB key DISKPART>Select disk # (where # is the number of your disk) DISKPART>detail disk ******* Triple check that you have selected the right disk otherwise you may wipe out valuable data!!! ******** DISKPART>clean DISKPART>create partition primary DISKPART>active DISKPART>format fs=ntfs quick DISKPART>assign DISKPART>detail disk Exit diskpart ROBOCOPY source: destination: * /s (where source and destination are your locations of the Windows 2012 install files. You can also cut and paste if you prefer)

You now have a bootable USB drive to install Windows from PS. This will work on Windows 8 just fine too.

If this helped you, tweet at Craig Purnell @CraigPurnell and say thanks

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