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7-5 Properties of Logarithms Notes

Product Property: logb(mn) = logb(m) + logb(n) Expand the logarithmic expressions Ex. 1: log3(57) = log35 + log37 Ex. 2: log6(4x) = log64 + log6x

Ex. 3: Use log43 .7925 to approximate the value of log4192 Replace 192 with 64 3 Since 64 = 43, rewrite log4192 = log4(43 3) Then, by the Product Property, we can expand log4(43 3) to log4 43 + log43 Using the Inverse Property of Exponents and Logarithms, log4 43 = 3 + .7925 3.7952

Quotient Property: logb(m/n) = logb(m) logb(n) Expand the logarithmic expression Ex. 4: log4( 16/x )= log4 (16) log4 (x) Condense the logarithmic expressions Ex. 5: log864 log816 = log8(64/16) = log84 Ex. 6: log10 (1.5) log10 (.5) = log103 Ex. 7: The pH of a substance is defined as the concentration of hydrogen ions [H+] in moles. It is given by the formula pH = log10 1 / H+. Find the amount of hydrogen in a liter of acid rain that has a pH of 4.2. pH = log10 1 / H+. Substitute 4.2 for pH, we get: 4.2 = log10 1 / H+. What property have we learned that could help us expand this expression? 4.2 = log10 1 - log10 H+. We can simplify the first term log10 1 = 0, so 4.2 = 0 - log10 H+ From here we use our algebra skills to solve for H+ . 4.2 = log10 H+ -4.2 = log10 H+ The definition of a logarithm that we learned in 7-3 gives us 10-4.2 = H+ . This means there are about .000063 mole of hydrogen in a liter of this rain. Power Property: logb(mn) = n logb(m) Ex. 8: Expand log2 65 = 5 log 2 6

Name: ___________________________ Ex. 9: Given log25 2.3219, approximate the value of log225. Replace 25 with 52 Using the Power Property log2 52 = 2 log25 2(2.3219) 4.6438 Ex. 10: Solve log6x + log6(x-9) = 2. Using the Product Property, log6 x (x 9) = 2. By the definition of a logarithm, x(x 9) = 62 Using algebra skills, x2-9x-36 = 0, factor (x-12)(x+3) = 0, x = 12, -3 Check log6 x + log6(x - 9) = 2 log6 12 + log6(12 - 9) = 2 log6(12x3) log632 = 2 (YES) log6 -3+ log6(-3 - 9) = 2 log6 -3 + log6(-12) = 2 Because log6(-3) and log6 (12) are undefined, -3 is an extraneous solution. Ex. 11: Simplify -log2 (x - 5) + 3 log2 (x2 + 1).
Condense the last term using the power property: -log2 (x - 5) + log2 ((x2 + 1)3). Rewrite to get

log2 ((x2 + 1)3) - log2 (x - 5) so that we can condense the expression using the quotient property. Answer: log (((x2 + 1)3)/(x-5))

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