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Voca !

la"y# to d"a$# % desenha" leading# ad& p"incipal

What do you draw when piece of paper to hand? you've got a pen and a According to leading graphologists, there are hidden meanings behind our doodles.

hidden# ad& and a escondido 'eaning# n. signi(icado doodle# n. !' "a isco t"apped# ad&. ap"isionado an)iety# n. ansiedade

* Flowers

are an indication of a friendly, family person

* *

Arrows and Stars

are a sign of a determined , ambitious person

ots indicate an e!treme state of anxiety

* Spider's web

symboli"e a feeling of been trapped

#lanes or boats

indicate a desire to escape




%ats have meanings too.

&e!t time you doodle , thin' before you draw ( someone could be analysing you)))

Fonte: Hot English n 8. Doodle Analysis. p.14

*+ According to leading graphologists what we can find in doodles? ,+ What do you prefer doodling? -ry it)) a+ Arrows b+ Flowers c+ Stars d+ ots

e+ Spider's web f+ #lanes g+ .oats h+ $earts g+ $ouses i+ Faces /+ %ats 0+ o you agree with the graphologists' analysis? What it says about you?

1+ -he verbs2 are, indicate, symbolize and have appear in the Simple present tense in the affirmative form. -ransform these sentences into negative. a+ Flowers are an indication of friendly person. b+ ots indicate an e!treme state of an!iety

c+ Spider's web symboli"e a feeling of been trapped. d+ %ats have meanings too.

Fonte: Hot English n 8. Doodle Analysis. p.14

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