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Title: Good Food with a Good Drink!

(Weight Management) Client/Sponsor: Websters Prime Length: 60 Seconds Air Dates: October 28th- November 8th MUSIC: Sara Bereilles Brave playing, (fading in between the announcements)

ANNOUNCER: Do you want to manage your weight and still eat out?? I got your answer! (.15 seconds)

You finally have made it to your ideal weight. What do you do next?? You celebrate!

Music: Sara Bereilles- Brave Celebrate in moderation, not immoderation! ANNOUNCER: Want a good drink with your healthy food? Websters Prime got that for you! Drink responsibly and eat responsibly! Your body will thank you!

SFX: Glasses clinking on plates and drinks being poured (.10 seconds) MUSIC: Sara Bereilles- Brave (.20 seconds) ANNOUNCER: Visit Websters Prime to celebrate your weight management and enjoy yummy healthy steak entrees and chicken!

For more information, call Websters Prime for the ultimate dining experience and to manage your weight while enjoying a nice glass of wine! Eating good food with a good drink! (5 seconds)

ANNOUNCER (after short pause) Call Websters Prime at (269) 343-4444! (.10 seconds) (Fade out)

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