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Literary Devices in West Indies,USA SIMILES

Line 2- The islands seem like dice tossed on a casino baize Puerto Rico is being compared to dice that is tossed on a casino's baize, it can either come up with winning numbers, or losing numbers. Puerto Rico comes up with winning numbers in the game of chance, as reflected in its wealthy exterior, which is supported by America. Lines 5-6: San Juan glitters like a mavericks gold ring San Juan's glitter is compared to a maverick's gold ring. The word maverick implies that it has received its wealth illegally and it looks appealing but when you get to know it truly you can recognize that it is no good. Lines 7- 8 airports are like calling cards, cultural fingerprints Airports are compared to calling cards. This means that since the airport is the place of entrance to any place that they are appealing and attention drawing which attracts visitors. The airport is also compared to a cultural fingerprint. A fingerprint is a small representation of how much of the Caribbean culture is present there. Line 32: The roads like twisted wires The road is compared to twisted wires. This means that the roads, from above, look both plentiful and curvy. This does not carry a positive connotation, but implies confusion.

Line 4- The Dallas of the West Indies,.. Dallas in America is well known for its gambling activities where it is very popular for gambling an in America. Therefore there is a lot of gambling in Puerto rico than any other West Indies.Bystating that San Juan is the Dallas of the West Indies, it implies that it is the place in the West Indies where one goes to gamble. Lines 4 silver linings on the clouds An allusion is being made to the well known cliche; 'every cloud has a silver lining'. This means that behind everything that is seemingly bad, there is good. In the context of this poem, it means that the good, the silver lining, has a mark, or stamp, that authenticates its good quality; it is hallmarked. This implies that it will always have its silver lining showing.

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