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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Elizabeth Snider Subject/Grade: 6th Grade Learning Objective:

Lesson # __3__ Date and Time of Lesson: 10/14/2013 12:05

Students will be able to use pre-reading strategies to prepare to gain a better understanding of the text, and be able to locate specific information when necessary.

Alignment with Standards:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 68 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: Students will work participate in classroom discussion and then will work independently. Students should know how to contribute positive ideas to develop the ideas presented. Students do not need to know specific content to be successful, but will use reading and writing skills. This is developmentally appropriate for 6 th graders because they are struggling with answering questions on open book test and this will be the beginning of lesson to prepare them to be able to use their text efficiently. Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each objective should be aligned with an assessment. Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Pre-assessment: The teacher will informally assess the students during social studies and science class where students are asked to use their text to locate information. Post-assessment- Students will independently complete the pre-reading graphic organizer using another article. Use of Formative Assessment The formal assessment will be used to make sure students have an understanding of how to use the information and apply it to other subject areas. Once students grasp the material we will begin applying it during science, social studies, and literature.

After participating in class discussion and PowerPoint students will be able to complete the proper steps before reading to prepare to understand the material and locate answers in the text.

Students who are slower paced learners will be given directions and guiding questions before the lesson is taught to allow them time to think about the subject, and answers to questions that may be asked. Students who finish early will be allowed to start their independent reading time. Directions will be verbally explained and posted on the board. Students will engage in classroom discussion, writing, and visual observations to accommodate all types of learners. Students who struggle with writing will either be given a shorter assignment or an extended period of time, depending on each students specific situation.

Materials: Power Point, Otton Jan article by The Washington Post, Mission: Space Jump article by Kelli Plasket, graphic
organizer, pencils,


Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

1. Students will be given a graphic organizer. They will also be given the article Otto Jan by The Washington Post. The graphic organizer will have bubbles for the students to fill in each step they should complete before reading. They will use the front to complete as a class and the back to complete independently. 2. Teacher will go over power point and address each area and its importance with examples for students to see. a. You complete this process to help you understand what you are reading and keep you from getting lost as you read. These features that the authors put in the text will help you locate answers to specific questions may have on a worksheet, open book test, or study guide. b. Preview text and look at TITLE- It is normally at the top of the page, is normally in bold print, and stands out from the rest of the txt. This is because you should stop and think what could this passage be about, and what we already know about the topic. i. We will look at the class example Otto Jan 1. Do we know anything about Otto Jan? 2. Can we assume this passage is going to be about Otto Jan? 3. What is it called if Otto Jan wrote it him self? 4. What is it called if it is written about Otto Jan? 5. So from the title we can come to the conclusion the passage will be about Otto Jan and it may either be a biography or an autobiography. Students will put this answer in their graphic organizer. c. Then we will look at the IMAGES- Ask you self what do we already know about the image? i. Look at flag from class example 1. Do you know what country this flag is from? If not we do know that is it not a United States flag right? 2. What can you infer about Otto Jan if they have this placed this flag here? ii. Then read the text below the image to gain more information. 1. We now know this flag is from the Netherlands. 2. Since a flag is a symbol and therefore we can assume that Otto Jan is from the Netherlands. 3. This information will be placed in the graphic organizer under image d. When reading you should go through all the images and CAPTIONS. Captions are the brief explanations below or around the images. i. You should preview these before reading the text. e. Overall prediction of the text will be placed in the graphic organizer to get readers prepared to read the text. i. Text is going to be about a boy who lives in the Netherlands. f. Although we may not be correct about all of our predictions we are still entering the text with a similar ideas in our mind. 3. As a class we will read then article and look back at our predictions and see if they were correct or incorrect. 4. Students will then independently complete the same graphic organizer with another article Mission: Space Jump by Kelli Plasket. 5. Then students will read the text and write three to five sentence summary of the article. 6. Then to wrap up the lesson we will have a slide on the Power Point to discuss how we can uses this strategy in other subject areas specifically in social studies and science.

Activity Analysis:
1. I am planning on using a Power Point that will guide the lesson as the student work through the work sheet and pre-reading graphic organizer. I chose to use a Power Point because the students will be able to look at the board if they miss a step or information and will be able to refer to it when needed. The Smart Board will be used to post the information and will be used to insert class answers in to the graphic organizer for student to put into their notes. This is necessary for students in this class because they struggle with note taking and giving them

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

the graphic organize and putting the necessary information for it on the board will help them filter the important information. 2. Students will complete a pre-reading graphic organizer independently. This will make sure that the students are able to do it on their own since they will be using the strategy when reading independently. This is necessary for the student before moving on to other text structures and strategy to use when reading or answer questions while using a text.

(2005). My name is Otto Jan. Kids Post, Retrieved from Plasket, K. (2012). Mission: Space jump. Time For Kids, Retrieved from Prereading organizer. (n.d.). Retrieved from Used Text Features To Identify What You Already Know Before Reading. (2012 Oct 23). Retrieved from:

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