SPiRiTEN 1100

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Richrd, Rcz

Richrd, Rcz



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vigyl ki innen mindig hittem mindig hittem szakts ki tants kk haj !"rgass a testem k#r$l egy llek gy #r$l, ennek #r$l ez %% "lyan ms mint a val&sg ms az szlels szenveds lehet nem mehet !eld mint mik"r hangzik szj'k(&l az #rvnyr)l*(eszd

get me "'t "! here i al+ays (elieved al+ays (elieved,,, tear me "'tta here teach me (l'e*haired rev"lve me ar"'nd my ("dy thats a j"y !"r a s"'l this !"r it-s j'st a di!!erent than reality "ther %erce%ti"n s'!!ering and %ain may(e again d" n"t g" y"'r +ay can (e heard !r"m m"'th "! the herd allar"'nded*s+ay

de rm$letre eszml menetszl srga tj kerts al %engvel kaszlj szilnk"k a szemem(en egy #rvnyl) hz a(lak(&l k('l minden innen els"d"r e h)m"t"r r"t"r kavarta !el lelkem ny'galmt m'tatja hatalmt sz&r szlkt, szalmt karc"lja arc"m mly$l (arzda karc"m el kell takarn"m a !"rr& szl el)l egy hz (ed)l t& vize %ra "mlik a ($szkesg vra a tiszta t'dhatja h"gy er)s senki ms az #rvny !"dr"zza arc"m nem vits mm*entits s"dra %'sztits a lg siks ,,,

+ake at the scare yell"+ sca%e "! the land driving gale 'nder the !ence scythe +ith a (lade s%linters in my eyes !r"m the +ind"+ "! the v"rtic"se*h"'se !aint severally (r'shing .t/hence the engine "! heat a r"t"r stirred my retired s"'l t" sh"+ it-s h"ld stre+ arista*stra+ etch my !ace !etch, de%%er scratch have t" detach !r"m ca'stic +ind a h"'se !all !"r steam is the lake r'in is the castle "! the %ride 'nhide the strength "! +arm*hearted my !ace r'!!led (y the +hirl n" d"'(t meme*entity it-s dri!tness is hav"c the air is sc'(ish ,,,

a krds (ennem engedem, menjen az #rvny milyen!le mert ha (elle* gzem mr nem t'd"m magam ('j"m h"gy rtalljak az #rvny jra elka% arc"m(an !agak s egyre nem t'd"m h"gy az #rvny j&, g"n"sz vagy mindenekt)l !$ggetlen t#rvny ktked) lettem de ha jra j#n t#rvn h"riz"nt"t meggy#t#rvn a vlaszra rj#v#k

the 0'esti"n in me let it g" +hat is the +hirl ca'se +hen i in* s%ire i d"n-t kn"+ n"+ i cree% in my* sel! t" !ind +hirl %ins me d"+n ("'ghs int" my !ace and i d"n-t kn"+ ever the v"rte1 is +arm "r (lack*hearted "r 'nattached "! all la+ i (ec"me ske%tical 'n(eliever i! it c"mes (reak int" h"ri* z"n t"rmented i +ill !ind the ans+er "'t

z g megint z g !$lem szerint elmm szerint megint z g csisz"l* va ga("na szemeket sz&rva arasz"lva egyre s$vt)(( s t'd"m nagy"n ha magam a z gs(an hagy"m lassan szt"m ki(r"m agy"n ny"m"tt agyamat csisz"l&%a%r"n szrt"m

+hir ane+ ('zz a la ear a la n"'s a!resh (l'st ski* ve stre+*drain "! grain t" s%an zi% ever i kn"+ that +hen i leave mysel! in the s"'gh i incite sl"+ly i +ill s'stain +hen i %arch my "verlie (rain "n a(rasive terrain

!in"m telt %ercek(e telt mg sistergett a vilg is a %"k"l sz"katlan katlan sz'(*in!ernlis m"zd'latlan el!"g'latlan el!"gadtam h"gy megs$ket$lni re%$lni transz(a a !ranc(a nagy"n !j a zaj az a (aj de t"m%'l csit'l s $res !estk marad

it takes a !e+ (it "! re!ined min'te as l"ng as the +"rld !izzles the hell is 'n's'al ca'ldr"n s'(*in!ernal m"ti"nless 'ns+ayed i acce%ted that t" (ec"me dea! t" !ly int" ecsta* shit (ad that the n"ise h'rts me it (l'nts h'shs and remains em%ty %aint

k"ngs 'tni zaj semmit sem hallani dallam itt s"ha sem v"lt kihaltak (el)lem a krdsek is k"ng (el)lem semmire sem j't"ttam ezen a %r&(a*g"n vr"m (elez'hanva magny"m nincs hang"sa(( mint vrz) szvvel sr& elmvel !ek$dni jszakai gy"n lgyan t'dni vgy"m keser2 #r#m ezt a %r&(t killtam gve,

din a!ter d"ng there-s n" s"'nd t'ne never +as here they died "'t !r"m me, t"" and the 0'esti"ns, t"" and rings "'t "! mysel! 3 d" n"t see anything "nt" this trial*(ranch i a+ait !allen int" my s"lit'de the l"'dest is t" lie +ith (leeding heart +ith crying mind "n a night*c"'ch s"!tly i +ant t" kn"+ (itter %leas're i st""d tall this trial endth,

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