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Facebook and other public postings

Subject: Facebook and other public postings From: "Lynn Gattis" <
Dale:112912012 11:30 AM To: "Ryan Gattis"


"Robin Gattis" <>

I aEt.empt.ed to connect. with yu guys on thanksgiving thru today. I wanted t.o explain some goings on. I donrt get much in t.he way of response. NoE sure what the deal j-s. Either way I,m givi-ng you both head6 up. The house race I am running for iB get.Eing heaeed and there are operatives looking for dirt. I have just been alerEed Ehat folks on yur fb pages have passed or made info avail. I did not include either of you in campain materj-al as I couldn't seem t.o connect with you. I'm assuming yu don,t wanE to be mentioned. I respecE EhaE privacy. Gatti8 is not a common name and Ehere are folks going to try to get ).u to say stuff etc. .Iust giving heads up. Please keep yur fb pages scrubbed and don't say Ehings via email or text or what mighE be recorded. FoLks want to get at me thru !'u boEh. They know young males Eend Eo not. be tha! sarrrry to media. pls feel free to commenE or ask for furt.her

Sent vj.a BlackBerry by


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Case 3:12-cr-00074-RRB Document 281-23 Filed 11/26/13 Page 1 of 1

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