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0 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the findings The findings of this study have revealed the reasons students choose their mobile phone brand and the importance of mobile phones to them. The research shown that the students like Samsung brand the most. They are also willing to spend at the range of RM1201 to RM1 00 of money to buy phone. !esides" most of them choose the phones depending on functions of phones and they only spend one to four hours on phones daily. #lthough in overall there is a few of students who are cra$y about phone but most of them do not really care about the phone. %ence" it is said that mobile phones has not really affects the daily routine of &M' students( life.

5.2 Recommendations for further studies )ur research topic *&M' Students( +iew on Mobile ,hones- was successfully achieved. .t is recommended that future researchers do the same topic but in different place as the lifestyle of people in different places are differ from each other. .t might come out with a totally different result as nowadays technology are advanced. !esides" we should change another way to do the survey such as interviewing people and observation as people would lie and conse/uently make the survey untrue. # comparative between &M' students and non0&M' students should also be carried out to see the differences and similarities of the result due to their status and living environment.

5.3 Concluding remarks 1e hope that our research could served as a basis for future studies. 2rom this research" we hope that students will not too addicted on phones and become trend followers as there is no benefits at all. #s the saying goes *the knife cuts both ways-" mobile phone can bring us many benefits like keep in touch with each other and it can also harm us in other way.

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