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First of all, praised to God with His will, we managed to complete our assignment on the topic ofJohor Matriculation College Students View on the Usage of Mo ile !hone"# $he assignment was e%clusi&el' research ' our group to in&estigate the perspecti&e on mo ile phone among Johor Matriculation Colleges students from different module# (e would li)e to than) for our elo&ed *nglish lecturer, Madam +ilawati inti Sarih ecause of her encouragement, guidance and support that led to complete the assignment perfectl'# (e understood that comments and ad&ices from her will e useful to our group to get etter result for the assignment# ,esides, we would li)e to than) our parents for their moral and financial support and also not forgetting to e%tend our heartfelt gratitude to the respondents who gi&en their full cooperation to answer the -uestions# .ast ut not least, than)s to all mem ers of this group for gi&ing their commitment and cooperation when carr'ing out this responsi ilit'# (e would li)e to apologi/e for an' wea)nesses in this pro0ect# $his assignment had helped us a lot and ena les us to ac-uire more ideas#

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