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Word Order of Adjectives View Professor Grammars OPSHACOM video cW!"#re$%& &. ). +. ..

Article Article The This Th(t Add si' words in e(ch co$umn (ccordin" to the co$umn he(din". *ecombine your words to form (s m(ny new sentences (s possib$e. ,ecide which sentences you $i-e best (nd consider why. Try writin" new sentences b(sed on the words "iven on p("e ). Opinion Sh(pe A"e Co$or Ori"in Ori"in ndi(n Sp(nish 1rench M(teri($ M(teri($ met($ p$(stic $e(ther Noun Noun house b(" bott$e

Opinion Sh(pe A"e $ousy round o$d "re(t s/u(re youn" wonderfu$ bi" (ncient tiny f$(t $on"

2is ridicu$ous Our hi$(rious 3very fi$thy

Co$or ye$$ow b$(csun0 t(nned )0yr0o$d mott$ed teen("ed p$(id youthfu$ striped

"overnment p(per p(c-("e institution($ stone person univers($ synthetic room

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