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T Analysis Google

Prepared by: Lesha Bowker Lee Allen Berry Beebe Crystal Meister Soo Jung Park Gabrielle Ramirez

November 17, 2013

From: Lesha Bowker, Lee Allen, Berry Beebe, Crystal Meister, Soo Jung Park, Gabrielle Ramirez Date: 10/15/2013 Subject: Google History and SWOT report The team has begun looking into the strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats and history of Google and has come upon some interesting findings. When digging deeper into the business we have found Google is a very strong company with a unique history and because of this, have few threats. We began our search by looking into Googles history. With this initial look at the company we found that the foundation of Google is truly unique which helps keep this company on top. They have developed a strong brand name and invested mostly in research and development, setting them apart. The company is not only a Fortune 500 Company but it was also named one of the Best Companies to Work For. With strength also comes weakness and we did find a few of those. Google tends to have a very high cost structure as they are constantly pushing the limits of technology. While pushing the technology limits they have found themselves adding products that add very little value to their business, decreasing profits. Google also relies very heavily on online advertising for their primary income, which may stunt their growth. Google also combats with many threats. Apple is its major competitor, keeping right up with the new technology. Bing, created by Microsoft, has become a major search engine and recently stepped up their advertising to compete. Along with social media, Facebook is an up and coming threat that is looking to expand and cut into Googles profits. Although even with their proven weaknesses and major threats, Google has blooming opportunities. Its new technologies like, Chromecast, Nexus 7 and Google Glass allow the company to stay ahead of the curve and maintain the status as a major competitor in this ever growing technology world. Looking into a company of such complexity is not an easy task but we thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of such an in-depth interesting report.

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Table of Contents
History .. 4

Strengths 4 Googles Growth Chart . Weaknesses Relies Mainly on One Source of Income.. Unprofitable Products Patent Litigations.. Search Results . 7 8 8 8 8 9

Opportunities... 10 Google Maps 10 Bar Graph 11 Smartphones 11 Launch Sales Comparison. 12

Threats. 12 Competition Apple. Google ChromeCast vs. Cable Industry. 12 13 13

Will Google Pull Ahead? How Do the Investors Feel?.............................. 14 Graph 2: Google and Apple Stock. 14

Google vs. Amazon/Facebook 15 Recommendation.. 15 References 17

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Larry Page and Sergey Brin met during a Stanford tour in 1995. Originally they did not like one another and spent their first meeting bickering during the initial tour of the school. They later found themselves working on a paper together, The Anatomy of a Large-Scale hyper textual Web Search Engine. This paper, not known at the time, would become the basis for Google. Page and Brin were not looking to start a company; they were looking to solve a problem. At the time web pages had links forward but did not have a reverse link to get back. They decided to start looking at reversing this engineering and focused on the basic links. With this idea, BackRub was born, the prototype to Google (Shontell, 2011). On September 15, 1997 Google became an officially registered domain. The name Google is a play on words, formed from the word googol, a mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. In February 1999, Google officially out grew their garage office and moved to their first official office with 8 employees (Google Company, 2013). The structure and main idea in which Google is built around is vastly different from any other company. Their main investments focused on research and development, along with engineering. With their focus being research and development, Google is able to reach into innovative ideas and new technologies (Shontell, 2011).Google embraces its failure along with its successes; its ok to fail as long as you learn from it. Knowing that failure is a possibility allows Google employees to open up to many possibilities and embrace ideas that they normally wouldnt attempt. With this ideal, Google has been extremely successful in ventures that include YouTube, AdSense, GoogleBooks and GoogleX. In 2013 Google was named number 1 for the Top 100 Best Companies to Work For. There are many variables that helped them achieve this honor for the fourth time (CNN Money, 2013).Google hires smart, determined people and values ability over experience. Google supports an open culture in which every employee has a voice and no idea is ever turned away, Googlers may also direct any of their questions directly to Sergey and Larry. They support the idea of working in small groups or cubes where interactions between team members are encouraged. Also Google allows for 20% of an employees day to be spent on new innovative ideas (Wojcicki, 2011).Google is known for a very different kind of culture, making their work environment meld into a playful / inspirational workplace. Some examples of this environment are slides in their offices, garden terraces, mothers rooms, a walk in the park area, roller hockey rink and horseshoe pits.

Due to Google Inc.s recent upsurge of popularity and its interminable technological advances to provide better user experiences, the company has developed a vital competitive advantage, the success of brand equity. Google has been able to distinguish its services from all others and has gained a high awareness, perceived quality, and brand loyalty through its branding, which continues to make it the most frequently used search engine. In July 2013, according to comScore, Googles search market share increased to 67 percent (Lella, 2013). ComScores monthly analysis also shows that Google is up 0.3 points from June and 0.2 percentage points
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from this time last year (Lella, 2013). Google was ranked number 2 in Millward Browns BrandZ Top 100 Brands Report (Miquet, 2013). Google has ranked number one from 2007 to 2010. Google brand is valued at $114 billion, rising5% in value over the past year from $107billion (Miquet, 2013). According to Jean McDougall, Millward Browns global CEO, companies that achieved such a prestige proved that a blend of good business leadership, responsible financial management and powerful marketing are an unbeatable combination that can be leveraged to create and grow corporate wealth(McDougall, 2007). With the implementation of strong marketing, effective business leadership, and efficient financial management, Google will be better able to maintain its brand equity and preserve consumer loyalty. Even in times of a distressing recession, Google Inc. remains profitable through its thriving advertising scheme. Advertisement is a critical competitive advantage for the company in that it creates a majority of the companys earnings. Last year Google finally crossed the $50 billion mark, growing 32 percent from 2011 to close 2012 with $50.2 billion in annual revenue (Peterson, 2013). Search and display advertising are likely the biggest drivers of the search giants revenue gains. According to research firm comScore Inc., Google continues to hold a commanding lead in the online search industry, with control of roughly 67percent of the market in July, a 0.3 percent increase from June and 0.2 percent points from July 2012 (Peterson, 2013). It is because of this commanding lead that businesses continue to aspire to market their products through Google. With You Tube single-handedly averaging one billion views per day, one can easily grasp as to why Google remains one of the most useful advertising tools on the World Wide Web. Google products are aimed at solving customer needs and problems by providing excellent customer experience. According to the result of a new survey by the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, Googles users are extremely happy with their search engine. Google scored 82 points out of a possible 100, followed by Bing with 81 points (Roush, 2013). Google is to search what iPad is to the tablet market. Its name is synonymous with the category, and it still dominates 65% of searches in the U.S., said Freed (Roush, 2013). Even though Google hangs on to a 1-point lead over Bing, Google users are generally satisfied and have little reason to go elsewhere. Nearly all Google products are integrated with each other forming an ecosystem that enriches customer experience and encourages using more of the companys products and services. Besides, Google products can be used on any OS or any device without any trouble or they can be integrated with other companies applications. There is no other major technology organization that offers the same level of integration. When it comes to their numerous and diversified products, it includes Google Earth; Google Chrome, Picasa, Visigami, SketchUp, Gmail, Google News, Google Mobilizer, iGoogle, Google Reader, Google Latitude, Google Maps, Google Talk, Google Sync, Ad Sense, Orkut, Knol, Google Mini, Google Trends, Google Health, Google Double click, Google FeedBurner, Google Gadgets, and Google Profiles. All the products of Google are very useful and have made a lot of impact in the way we communicate, access information, and locate things easily. Google Inc. was started with only 2 classmates who later formed one of the most powerful search engine companies in the world. At present, the company employs almost 20,000 people worldwide. The three key people in the company are the two founders Lawrence E. Page and
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Sergey M. Brin; the former also plays the role of Technology President; while the latter plays the role of Products President. The Chairman and CEO is Eric E. Schmidt. Google maintains an organizational culture that makes it very attractive, conducive, convenient, and a lovely place to work. It has a homely and serene atmosphere where all kinds of people from different ethnic backgrounds can work. There is a sense of we-togetherness amongst the staff. They are part of a team focusing on achieving the goals of Google. Google embraces multi-cultural employment opportunities and most of the people working in the firm come from diverse backgrounds. All the people who work at Google believe that all their efforts will add value to the company and as such they are dedicated to their work. They are very committed to the cause of Google and want the firm to be at the top of the competition at all times. The people working in Google are encouraged to be innovative and as a motivation for the staff at Google, the engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time on any interesting project they think will add value to the firm. This innovative and motivational policy has enabled the engineers to create interesting services like Ad Sense; Google News; and Google Mail. Googles office in California which they have labeled as Googolplex is very much designed to make the people who work in Google feel at home away from home. The atmosphere and environment is very much conducive and convenient for all the staff because all the facilities they need are available to them. Though Google has many strengths, as stated previously, the company also has several setbacks, or weaknesses, that have prevented it from standing faultless. Four primary weaknesses that have been recently exposed and have been after to weaken Google, are issues of one source of income, unprofitable products, patent litigations, and search results.

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(Wasserman, 2013)
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Relies mainly on one Source of Income Google generates revenue mainly through their online advertising. For the most part, they are doing very well. However, there are a few problems with this. Googles revenue used to consist mainly of desktop users. With the world becoming more mobile, this is a game changer for Google (Winkler, 2013). According to Richard Borge, a journalist for the Wall Street Journal, adds on mobile devices are cheaper because they generate less-valuable clicks. It is estimated that in the third quarter, Google mobile ads sold for 35% less on average than its desktop ads. Because of the cheaper price of mobile ads, the average price advertisers pay Google when people click on an ad has been falling (Winkler, 2013). Some of the reasons why mobile ads are cheaper have to do with inconvenience. It is hard to capitalize on mobile clicks due to advertisers not optimizing their websites for smaller screens promptly. Another reason has to do with the fact that users generally are not focusing on shopping while on their mobile devices. This is more apt to happen from a desktop (Winkler, 2013). Unprofitable Products In August of 2011, Google announced it would acquire Motorola Mobility Holdings since Motorola manufactures phones that run on Googles Android software. With global Smartphone adoption accelerating, the Android platform which was launched in 2007 was becoming ever more important to Google. The plan for the acquisition was to turn Google into a full-fledged cell phone manufacturer in direct competition with Apple (Rusli & Miller, 2011). Claire Cain Miller, a reporter for the New York Times, writes that by August of 2012, Motorola had fallen far behind Apple and Samsung, its biggest competitors. Motorola Mobility had lost $233 million in its first six weeks under Google. With this, Google decided to reinvent Motorola by laying off 20% of its workforce and closing a third of its offices worldwide (Miller, 2012). Motorola is still unprofitable today. Google reader, which was an RSS/Atom feed aggregator operated by Google was launched in 2005. It supported a number of apps which let people be updated on new web content such as top news, articles, comics, sports, and more. Since Google Readers followers were dwindling, Google decided to close yet another unprofitable product/service. Reader was shutdown on July 1, 2013. A number of replacements were available almost immediately (Johnson, 2013). Patent Litigations Google is known for its involvement in litigations due to accusations of breached patents and other intellectual property. There are numerous articles of companies trying to sue Google for
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claims of Google infringing on their intellectual property rights whether it is about movies, products, or books (Cleland, 2011b). An article in Forbes, written by Scott Cleland, makes Google out to be a pirate of the Internet. He states that Googles mission is to organize the worlds information and to make it universally accessible and useful. He then goes onto to mention that Googles business model presumes that until its found via search and then monetized via ad clicks, no online information has value (Cleland, 2011b). Cleland claims that Google looks at the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) as a get out of jail free card (Piracy Liability). In another article, he writes: Google has a disgraceful record of flouting authority and taking what does not belong to it. Just as pirates view the open seas as a place where they can do as they please, Google sees the Internet as an open sea where it can make the rules and decide the fate of others information without having to answer to landed authorities(Cleland, 2011a). Though Cleland may sound bitter towards Google, there are other articles to back his claims up. Sandra Aistars writes in the Huffington Post about copyright infringement and Googles name appears front and center. Apparently, creative work is being exploited without the creators permission. According to this article, Google announced that the worst infringement sites would be demoted to lower rankings. However, six months later, these same sites are still at the top of Googles rankings (Aistars, 2013). Google continues to be the center of allegations of infringement. In March, Portuguese media outlets made the news by demanding Google to pay for news. They want Google to share some of the wealth Google is receiving by using these Portuguese article links and snippets of lead paragraphs. Germany is in the process of considering a far-reaching copyright bill to let publishers charge for the online use of their articles. Belgian papers sued Google for more than $6.5 million in advertising inventorya case that was settled without Google admitting liability (Cooper, 2013). YouTube (acquired by Google) was recently sued for the second time in the past three years. The judge ruled that YouTube was protected by the DMCAs safe harbor provisions. Although YouTube won this copyright infringement case for illegally uploaded videos, these litigations are costly and time consuming and distract the company from innovating rather than litigating (Musil, 2013). Search Results Even though Google is considered by many to be the king of search engines, Google has a history of returning unfavorable results. To strip its functions to the most basic form, Google uses algorithms to return a list of results when users type in search phrases. This makes it difficult to distinguish between good attention and bad attention when it comes to these sought out results (Li, 2011).

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To make this case, Hao Li gives a few examples in the International Business Times. The first example is of DecorMyEyes. The owner of this website, Borker, was very rude and abusive to his customers. Because of this, many users would complain about him on various websites and mention the DecorMyEyes website. This in turn boosted Googles rankings of this website often causing people who searched for eyeglasses to come across Borkers website as the top results (Li, 2011). Googlewashing, or the manipulation of Google rankings, can also be shown in some other examples. If you type in miserable failure, one of the top results you will get is George W. Bush. Links to his biography and a link to him standing under a banner that reads miserable failure are some of these results (Li, 2011). Another weakness Google has when it comes to search results is the bombarding of commercial websites. When people are trying to research a topic or locate something in particular, instead their top results are sites trying to sell them something (Li, 2011). When you think you find a relevant link and click on it, many times it ends up being something you have to sign up for or buy in order to view it. This can be very frustrating if you are not an expert in how to advance your search in order to get better results (Li, 2011).

Google Maps Google has enormous opportunity as a current, and future, online giant. The history however, shows Google to be just like any other company it started from ground zero. In 2004 Google acquired mapping technology from two tech companies, Where 2 Technology and Keyhole, and together built the foundation that would later become Google Maps. This new sector for Google would prove to be a huge success after its launch in 2005. Since its inception, Google Maps has gone to be a huge player in the current GPS-style of navigating that many people utilize around the world, even becoming the second most popular mobile app as of 2012. Google didnt just stop there though, the company saw even more opportunity in the software and, a few years later, added another acclaimed branch to Maps Street View. This new division, launched in 2007, allowed users to visually see images on the map not from the normal top-down satellite view, but from a perspective as though they were right on the street. This initially was only available in major cities around the world but has quickly spread to most habited areas. There are many more areas Google Maps can and will explore. Already, there are plans for Google Moon and Google Mars; projects that will no doubt require vast resources, yet projects Google has the opportunity to pursue. As the company continues to grow and expand, new opportunities will also bloom before it.

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Smart Phones Google entered the Smartphone market in 2010 when it launched the Google Nexus - a collaboration between LG electronics and Samsung that utilized the Android operating system. The initial product, the Nexus One, was met with praise among critics and users and was intended to compete with the Apples iPhone, the most popular Smartphone at that time. Sales however, didnt share expected enthusiasm and the Nexus One barely caught attention in users compared to the Droid and the iPhone.

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Google quickly adapted to the changing demands and wishes of the customers and quickly released the Nexus S later that year. The new Smartphone, the Nexus S, received stronger reviews and fared better in market sales. From there Google would continue to release new models including the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, and Nexus 5. Key features of the Nexus brand included fast processing speeds, a screen that was larger than the competitions, and a higher resolution than competing phones. A main component to the success of the Nexus brand was the pre-existing power of the Google as a brand name. Google had a great opportunity to enter the Smartphone market due to its cemented popularity as a technology-based company.

Competition Competition is one of Googles biggest weaknesses, especially now that they are vastly expanding their market. Google has developed many new products that have put them on the same level as companies such as, Apple, Microsoft, and Spotify. An interesting article written for, related Google to a flock of birds stating, Guessing Google's future direction is a bit like trying to predict the path of a flock of birds: Tracing the trajectory of any one bird provides scant guidance, but there's little question the whole flock is headed north (Yegulalp, 2013). That statement really does describe how Google has expanded their market, but has their goals in mind of what they want to accomplish in the coming years.

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Apple One of Googles biggest competitors, Apple, has proved to be a front runner in mobile phone technology and innovation. By 2010, 60 million iPhones had been sold, and their vast app store made Apple the leader in mobile device sales (Vogelstein, 2013).Last year Google acquired Motorola, and recently released their new phone, Moto X. This new phone is customizable and allows consumers to pick the colors they want for their phone. The issue with Motorola is that it has shown to not be profitable, their phones are not selling as they would like. Motorola did make an announcement very recently on November 13, about their new affordable smartphone. The phone will be selling for $185, with no contract necessary. They are aiming to make a comeback and this phone shows high promise. Affordability is key and it is a third of the price of the iPhone. Motorola will release this phone in the US next quarter, but it will be starting sales in other countries as early as November 13th. Their main market is for individuals that are cost conscious, and individuals that do not have hundreds of dollars to spend on a smartphone. The issue that may arise with the Moto G is that it is not quite to the caliber of competing phones such as the iPhone 5s and Samsung phones. The one thing that this phone will bring to the table is affordability which is a big issue in our current economy, as well as in other countries (Oreskovic, 2013). In recent years Apple has not been able to produce many products that are truly innovative from their previous products. They have products that consumers enjoy, but are they really different? Google has diversified increasingly in the last few years alone, and has displayed to consumers that they can be innovative, and that their products are not the same year after year. This is an important tactic against competitors, because it shows that they have room for growth. Whereas other competitors, such as Apple, may have very little room to grow more than they already have. The biggest issue with the fight for the top spot in mobile devices is that Apple has a strong and loyal base of customers. Nearly everyone has at least one Apple product in their possession, whether it is an iPhone, iPod or Macbook. Apple products are shown to be reliable and the loyalty of their customers is what keeps their business strong. Apple has a positive reputation of having good products, and their logo is highly recognizable. People want to own Apple products. One day will people want to own Google products? Will the Moto X and the Moto G become the new normal? Time will tell. Google is however putting up a great fight against Apple and the new Google products are proving that they can compete against the top contenders of the industry. Google ChromeCast vs. Cable Industry Google is now entering yet another industry with their product, Google ChromeCast. This will put them in the same market as industries such as Dish Network, Comcast, and Microsoft. Google ChromeCast is a small device that is hooked up to your television and it can stream video from Google, YouTube, Netflix, and also music from Pandora. This device is comparable to a device by Microsoft called the Roku, and also similar to Apple TV. ChromeCast shows promise in the industry because of its low price of thirty five dollars, this is something that consumers can afford and will purchase (Graser, 2013). Consumers want affordable entertainment and videos that they can get fast. This device seems to do just that. The issue with the device is that it is very limited to what you can watch, and the cable industry is expensive and very competitive to enter
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into. Streaming live television is something that this product simply cannot do, and customers love live TV. Cable and Dish will always hold firm in this market because of the desire of consumers to want to watch live TV. Will Google Pull Ahead? How do Investors Feel? Business week posted an article at the beginning of this year stating that, When it comes to tech companies, investors are showing a clear preference for Google over Apple (Womack, 2013). Having investors on Googles side is very important and it shows their growth. They have shown significant growth in the mobile industry as well as in other industries and this has put them on the same level, if not surpass the level, that Apple is on with their mobile devices. Although competition is their biggest weakness it has proved that Google can still perform in the mobile device industry. Google is diversifying their products to other forms of technology with their laptops, streaming music, and streaming video devices that connect to the internet. They have shown investors and consumers what they are capable of, and many of their competitors are being surpassed by their new innovations.

(Yarow, 2013)

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Google vs. Amazon/Facebook The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been doing a lot of investigation on Google. Google has been under fire trying to flight allegations of being a monopoly. In an ill-defined market Google competitors have made these allegations trivial as grounds shift. At the on site, Googles main competition was Bing and Yahoo. Things are much more complicated in todays world. As previously stated, it was Apple and now Amazon, and tomorrow it could be in social media sites like Twitter or Facebook that could give Google a run for its money. Antitrust agencies around the globe have fixated on helping middlemen comparison-shopping sites, most of whom charge retailers for listings. Google has been under the gun; comparison sites are doing the same thing because Google is perceived to be the most important source for online shoppers. That regulators are willing to breathe life into these intermediaries implies they do not recognize the platformbased competition between Google and Amazon for product searches (Doe, 2013). Of people who started their online search for a certain item, 13 percent started with Amazon. Amazon product search has risen to 73 percent compared to recent years and Google has stayed pretty flat. Google is lacking market power when it comes to product searches and this is a critical segment of their business (Doe, 2013). Theres been write-ups and talk that Facebook is getting into search. The creator, Mark Zuckerberg explained that search engines are evolving and they have a great position to compete in the market. Searchers are jumping on the computer searching for answers and their site can cater to that need. And when you think about it from that perspective, Facebook is pretty uniquely positioned to answer a lot of the questions that people have. So what sushi restaurants have my friends gone to in New York in the past six months and liked? . . . . These are queries that you could potentially do at Facebook if we build out this system that you just couldnt do anywhere else (Forbes 2012). People might not relate Amazon as an online store, Apple as a device maker or Facebook the social media king with search but their breaking into the market. As technology advances, threats can come from any market or organization. Google being deemed as a monopoly might just be an idea of the past. As the market continues to diversify itself the term monopoly slowly fades.

Google needs to continue diversifying, but they also need to be wary of diversifying too much. Googles acquisitions so far have been able to help them move forward, but if they decide to do too much at once their brand will lose value. Google has become synonymous with the word, search engine. Google will always be the place that people go to on the internet, so keeping that as their main market is something that they need to consider. The mobile industry is also a place that they have shown growth and I think they should continue to innovate via mobile devices. That market could be very beneficial for their future, and Google should continue working on their phones making them innovative as possible.

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Google needs to concentrate on their profitable products. They really need to look into the losses and either turn them into profitable endeavors or get rid of them. If they focus their research, time, and marketing in the areas that are pulling their customers in, they should continue to grow their customer base, increase their revenues, and strengthen their brand name. Another area that would help Google is to strengthen their areas in which weaknesses exist. If they can focus in on the problem at hand and improve or fix it, they will not lose customers to other competitors. Also, by taking advantage of their best opportunities, they can continue to strive in a competitive market. Keeping up with the competition will increase their chances of gaining market share and acquiring a competitive advantage over their competitors. Google being such a powerful company and very innovative as well, focusing on company principle could be a good idea as well. Google has the tendency to disregard customer ethical concerns. With applications such as Gmail and Google search, there is an increased risk in invasion of privacy. This is due to Google retaining search records and deleted inbox items. Google should implement some type of human right clause that can address these issues properly. With some type of human rights clause Google could appeal more to customers moral entitlements, therefore, rising customer retention and also gaining new customers.

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