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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


David LaFond
Is about


October 10, 2013

Integrative Model
Main idea Main idea

The integrative model is an instructional model designed to help students develop a deep understanding of organized bodies of knowledge while simultaneously practicing their critical-thinking skills.
Main idea Main idea





There are 4 main parts to planning this model:

1. Identify Topics: Specify the topic that
you will be covering. 2. Specify Learning Goals: Clarify what your students should know, understand, or be able to do with respect to the topic. 3. Prepare Data: prepare the actual material that is to be analyzed to meet the content goal, which is one of your learning goals that you previously stated.

There are 4 phases used to implement this model:

1. The open-ended phase: Students describe, compare, and search for patterns in the data that you give them. 2. The casual phase: Students offer explanations for similarities and differences in the earlier data and look at cause-and-effect relationships if they exist. 3. The hypothetical phase: Students are asked to think hypothetically about the data with questions worded in specific ways. 4. Closure and application: Students generalize information to form broad relationships, and then they apply their newly learned information in new contexts.

One way you can assess your students is to see how well they think critically, especially in the hypothetical phase. Another way you can assess is through a quiz or essay. You can give them questions that make them think about the data in new ways after they have generalized it, or you can see how well they formed broad relationships with an essay question.

One possible motivation is that some students will enjoy the challenge of the lesson and will be super proud of themselves after they have figured the information out. They will also be satisfied when they put their new information to work and solve new problems with it.

4. Specify Questions: Decide ahead of time what questions you plan to ask your students to guide your lesson.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The integrative model is a great way to help students have a higher understanding of information and better critical thinking skills, which allows them to use their new knowledge in new situations.

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