David Lafond Guided Discovery Model

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David LaFond
Is about



Guided Discovery
Main idea Main idea

Guided discovery is an approach to instruction in which the teacher presents students with examples of a specific topic and guides students to an understanding of that topic.
Main idea Main idea





While planning for guided discovery model lessons, there are 3 steps you must perform.
1. Identify topics: Specify the topic that you will be covering. 2. Specify Learning Objectives: Clarify what your students should know, understand, or be able to do with respect to the topic.
3. Prepare examples and nonexamples: Make sure you make high-quality examples that pertain to your topic, and make nonexamples if there is a similar concept that students may get confused over.

There are 4 phases of implementation:

1. Introduction: Grab the students attention with the topic you have prepared for them. 2. The Open-Ended Phase: Show your students examples, and nonexamplees if necessary, and have your students make observations. 3. The Convergent Phase: Ask your students specific questions to have them understand your topic more in-depth. 4. Closure and Application: Guide your students to a definition of the topic and have them apply their new knowledge in a new context.

There are a few ways to assess your students while using this model. You can first assess them while teaching the lesson and see how well they grasp the concept. After you teach them the concept, you can quiz them and see how well they actually understood the lesson. Finally, if the concept is something English related, such as a Shakespearian sonnet, you can have your write one each and see if they all know the key requirements.

If the topic you picked is something math related, such as multiplication, you could use play-dough in your example and have your students use it to learn. Another motivation is that students will like the change of learning format, and may be more open since they will be asking more questions hopefully due to their increased interest.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Guided Discovery is an approach where a topic is introduced to students and then taught to them through attentioncatching examples and deep-thought questioning.

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