Inquiry Model by David Lafond

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David LaFond
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October 29, 2013

Inquiry Model
Main idea Main idea

The Inquiry Model is a teaching model designed to give students experience with the scientific method.
Main idea Main idea





There are five parts to planning an Inquiry Model:

1. Design the lesson so that your students have some guidance, but make sure that it isnt too guiding and doesnt impede on their learning experience 2. This lesson tends to take a while, so make sure you have enough time set aside for the lesson. 3. Include the objectives of learning to your students to systematically apply the scientific method and learn to be selfdirected. 4. Identify Inquiry Question and Learning Objectives: Develop a question for students that includes a variable that can be changed and an effect that can be measured. 5. Planning for Data Gathering: Make sure you have all the materials needed for the lesson.

There are four phases to implementing an Inquiry Model: Phase 1: Identify Question: Present a clear question or have your students provide one to be answered by the students. Phase 2: Generate Hypotheses: Students generate hypotheses that attempt to answer the question. Phase 3: Gather and Display Data: Have your students start to data related to the hypothesis and organize and display the results to be analyzed. Phase 4: Assess Hypotheses and Generalize: Review the results to the class and the extent to which they support the hypotheses.

One way to assess this model is to monitor your students and see how well they formulate hypotheses, measure data, and relate data to explanations. Another way to assess is to see how well they followed the scientific method. As in, did they go in order and take all the proper steps?

Students of all ages love experiments. They get to use tools and they feel smart and sometimes evil geniuses depending on the experiment. Sometimes they get to wear lab coats and goggles, and some students go crazy for that! Students also have the chance to socialize during experiments and apparently they love to socialize.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The Inquiry Model helps students learn about the scientific method, how to hypothesize, how to think critically, and allows them to have fun while learning.

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