David Lafond Jigsaw 2 Matrix

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%


David LaFond
Is about



Jigsaw II
Main idea Main idea

The Jigsaw strategy is a strategy in which individual students learn a specific subsection of a topic, and then teach it to the rest of the students.
Main idea Main idea





1. Specify Learning Objectives: What exactly do you want your students to learn? 2. Prepare Study Guides: Make a study guide to aid your students as they search for information. 3. Form Student Teams: Make the teams well-rounded and have great diversity. 4. Supplement Expert Presentations: Even if your students give a great presentation, you may have to reiterate some of their main points so everyone will understand the subsection;

5 Phases: 1. Assign Experts: Either assign a subsection to each student that they will study, or allow them to decide themselves. 2. Information Gathering: Students begin to research the subsection they were given. The internet and their textbooks are great sources. 3. Expert Meetings: The experts meet and compare their information to better prepare for their presentation. 4. Peer Instruction: Each expert teaches their group about their particular topic. 5. Review and Closure: Fill in the gaps that your students missed and review the main ideas.

While assessing your students, you can monitor the groups to see if everyone participates equally, if they are respecting each other, and if they are gathering research effectively. While assessing your students with tests, you can use multiple choice, to see if they learned the key details, and you can use short essays to see if they learned the big picture ideas.

Motivation that can be used for the Jigsaw II model can include: group work, which gives the students a break from the teacher, selfresearch, which will give the students a good sense of achievement, and the students will be more involved with it, especially if they are given a topic that they are passionate about.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

The Jigsaw II model is a great way for students to learn individual subsections of a topic, and teach it to peers in their group. It makes the students more involved and gives them a deeper understanding on the topic.

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